The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 604 Restoration

Chapter 604 Restoration
If she hadn't dealt with so many hidden poison weapons at once, perhaps her sister Feng Li would not have died.

Chu Qingmei really hated Zhao Hu at this moment.

Lin Changge also walked up to Zhao Hu with a murderous look on his face. "Lin Changge, take care of yourself. If you kill me, you will never return to the Black Wolf Guard." Zhao Hu said sternly, feeling the threat to his life.

"Changge, you can't kill Zhao Hu. You also said that he might belong to the royal family. If you kill him, you will have a death feud with the royal family." Qiao Zhengwu also said in shock.

"Do you know? I've been suspicious of you since the day my adoptive father died. Who leaked the time when my adoptive father came back and deliberately didn't tell me. Is it you?" Lin Changge asked softly while looking at the greeting road.

"What...what are you talking about? What is me?" Zhao Hu was stubborn, but the horror on his face had already given away his actions.

"If you hadn't leaked my adoptive father's whereabouts, those people wouldn't have chased and blocked the gate of the Black Wolf Guards, forcing my adoptive father to commit suicide. By the way, there is also a military adviser. If he hadn't stopped me and prevented me from seeing my adoptive father Well, the adoptive father would not kill him immediately.

You know how I wanted to kill you right then? "

Lin Changge looked at Zhao Hu and said.

"I am the royal family, I am the royal family!" Zhao Hu said in horror as he watched Lin Changge approaching and directly put the long knife on his neck.

"I know, I also know who your real father is." Lin Changge said.

"What did you say?" Both Zhao Hu, Qiao Zhengwu and the sergeants he brought looked at Lin Changge in horror.Since when did Lin Changge become so good at investigating cases?

"What are you talking about, do you know who my father is? Then who is my father?" Zhao Hu asked excitedly.

"Don't you really feel it? He framed his best friend and sworn brother for you. He would rather send his good brother to die for you and expel me from the Dark Guard. You didn't even see that he was Who?"

"Military division?!" Zhao Hu said in shock.

With a flash of silver frost, Zhao Hu's head fell to the ground with a bang. "Yes, it is him. You are like him, with a small blue mole the size of a grain of rice behind your left ear. If you lose weight, you will look like him. He deliberately made you fat from childhood , so that no one can see you father and son."

Qiao Zhengwu and the others were completely speechless for a moment.

Military advisor, Zhao Hu, old leader, Lin Changge...

What a long grievance and hatred! !
The most powerful thing was that Lin Changge had endured for so long before making a move, and the move was when the military division and Zhao Hu were not prepared at all.If Zhao Hu hadn't touched Chu Qingmei, maybe Lin Changge could continue to bear it.

It's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have shot at my wife. Since you are tearing your face, I will charge some interest first." In fact, where the original body found out, these are the current Lin Changge and the original one. Zhu Chen, the leader of the horse thief and the leader of the hidden guards, discovered it.

The original Lin Changge's talent seemed to be deliberately biased towards skill points, and all his talents were focused on military talents, which is why the military adviser never forgot about him.If he is given time, he is likely to surpass his adoptive father in an extreme time and become the most powerful general in Song Dynasty.

But who is Zhu Chen? He is a guy who has speculated about various types of personnel and plots for many years.

Although the military division and Zhao Hu are thin and strong, one white and one black, they don't look very similar, but who is Zhu Chen? In his eyes, these are shining evidences.

This is a father and son.

Then just by being trained by Chu Xi to speculate, he has already analyzed and restored the cause and effect of the year.

The military master wanted his son to take over the Black Wolf Guard. Perhaps this was what the royal family wanted, so he personally set up a scheme to kill his sworn brother.

Maybe the prince was also a black hand in it, or maybe the prince is the real behind-the-scenes person.Of course, it could also be the emperor.

In short, it was the work of the Zhao family.

Later, they quickly expelled Lin Changge, just to let him die outside, or submit to them again, and continue to be the knife of the Zhao family.

Who would have thought that Zhu Chen accidentally merged Lin Changge's original body and skills.And inherited the other party's military talent and experience.

So Zhu Chen resolutely gave up his post as Captain Daliguan who was framed and had no future, and ran away.

As a result, the military division's overall plan was completely empty in the final stage.

Now the Black Wolf Guard needs a leader with outstanding military talent who can grow.So the military division thought of Lin Changge again.But he really shouldn't have sent the cheating Zhao Hu over.

Zhao Hu couldn't bear Lin Changge's going back, so he stepped on a dead end.

"Send him back and tell the military adviser that my adoptive father is waiting for his father and son below." Lin Changge said in a cold tone.

Qiao Zhengwu still didn't understand why, in Lin Changge's view, they were also accomplices who planned to kill his adoptive father.he even...

"Changge, do you think us old men of the Black Wolf Guard are the accomplices who killed the chief?" Qiao Zhengwu asked bitterly and depressedly.

"What do you think?"

Qiao Zhengwu really wanted to say that he and others were deceived by the military adviser.But at the beginning, the big leader protected everyone at the price of his own death, and didn't let the whole Black Wolf Guard be implicated and punished by the emperor. At that time, none of us were lucky enough to feel saved?
Everyone has a family and a business. Who wants to be dismissed or killed because the chief offended the prince?
Everyone is grateful and deeply saddened that the big boss is gone, but no one thought about avenging the big boss. In the end, there is only one Lin Changge who really has a deep relationship with the big boss.At that time, everyone said that they wanted to protect Lin Changge together.But then Lin Changge disappeared, and even though everyone knew where he went, he never contacted anyone from the Black Wolf Guard.

He has never received a penny from any contact point of the Black Wolf Guard.

No matter how hard he lived, he almost lost his life, but he only got in touch with some close friends in the army of the chiefs outside the Black Wolf Guard.

"So you have been resenting us from the very beginning, you are so smart and have discovered the matter of the military division and Zhao Hu, so you also think that we are the accomplices to let the military division succeed in killing the big leader?"

Qiao Zhengwu felt more and more powerless in his heart.

Enyi, faith, and loyalty are slowly collapsing in his heart.

He himself was not the upright and straightforward man he once thought he was, and he played a disgraceful role in the death of his former boss.

(End of this chapter)

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