Chapter 613
"If I don't let you steal it, then this spare genealogy will fall into Chu Da's hands. According to Guo Peng, Chu Da was probably chosen." Tao Hua said.

"Chosen? You mean, you were chosen as a sacrifice?" Chu Shinian frowned, and his face began to turn gloomy.

"According to the secret ancestral teachings I got from the first great elder, being the head of the family must be a sacrifice in the end. Then after Chu Da conspired to kill me, the successor must be Chu Da. Chu Da should be the next sacrifice. "Peach Blossom said.

Chu Shinian didn't know what method Taohua used to reincarnate from Chu Xi to Chu Taohua's body, but he must have paid a price.

It's not returning the soul from the corpse, or taking the body and rebirth.There is a high probability that it is the first type. It is impossible for a person like Chu Xi to take over and rebirth, and he can't hold back that face.

But as long as she survived, Chu Shinian actually didn't care what kind of body she changed into.

"The question is, what is there about Chu Da that is worthy of the other party's choice?" Chu Shinian asked in confusion. In his opinion, Chu Da is just that crooked melon, and it is really hard to compare with Chu Xi.

"Firstly, it may be because I thought I had no choice. Who made Chu Da attack me? Second, it may be because she is stupid enough. A patriarch is just a medium for luck gathering. If you are stupid, you can use it better." Peach Blossom thought.

In the previous life, Chu Xi resolved so many small actions of the other party in the open and in the dark, and forced the Chu family to survive in the northwest land, and did not condense the luck of the whole family. I guess that person is also angry from embarrassment?
Peach Blossom thought secretly with a chuckle.

"Is the family fortune of our Chu family really that important?" This was what Chu Shinian cared about.

"Speaking of the key point, to be honest, I don't know how strong the luck of our Chu family is, and it has attracted the covetousness of that person so long ago. It stands to reason that those mortal royals , the hidden world sect, the hidden world family and the like should have better luck than us, and have more foundation?"

This is also very puzzled by Taohua.

Why did he have to design that weird formation, which has continued for thousands of years in the Chu family.It has caused the premature death of generations of outstanding figures from the Chu family. What do they want to do in the end?

"The rise of the family? But the rise of the family requires such falsehoods? Even if there is no gathering of fortunes under Xifeng Mountain, our family can rise." Taohua thought about it and raised doubts. "As far as our family's arrangements are concerned, there is basically no problem in rising. As long as the head of the family does not lose his mind and follows the steps, he can finally lead the family to a smooth foothold."

"There must be some secrets that we don't know about." Chu Shinian said after thinking for a while.

"Yeah." Tao Hua thought the same way, but it doesn't matter if she doesn't know now, one day things will come to light.

"By the way, why does our family have a backup genealogy? Did someone in the family see something?" Chu Shinian asked.

"There should be someone in our family who is very smart and saw something early. So I thought of such an alternative method.

Hehe, it's also interesting to say.

Making this alternate family tree is three generations of ancestors.After he became the head of the family, he probably had doubts about Xifeng Mountain.But I don't know why he didn't destroy the formation over there.It is estimated that the ancestors left them some legacy or something.

However, there is an Ancestral Spirit Hall in Xifeng Mountain, and the ancestors of the three generations also built a small Ancestral Spirit Hall behind the direct line compound.There is a family tree enshrined there, and he has a spare set here.

And the incense offerings are no worse than those on Xifeng Mountain.

The genealogy over there is a book, but the genealogy here is indeed a thick scroll.

There is another major difference between the two genealogies.The ancestors of that genealogy did not have their original wives, but there was one in the backup genealogy that was copied.

The one who left behind the old ancestor most likely wanted to use the karma of husband and wife to absorb and pass on luck.

If I make a family, this genealogy will be the main one.That person is probably going to be disappointed.

But I won't move it for now.Anyway, it's not too late for me to make a move with that person. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

The most important thing is that her blood is no longer the eldest daughter of the direct line, and the blood of the side branch is separated from the direct line by several layers.The one who wants to absorb his own luck, with so many layers of blood, how much she can pull away is unknown.

"To put it bluntly, this layout has lasted for too long, and everyone is not an idiot, so how could they not see something?" Chu Shinian complained.Besides, among the past dynasties of the Patriarchs of the Chu Clan, there are many smart and astute people.

Even if the big pie drawn by the other party is big enough, it is also a spiritual vein, and it is also a family luck or something.But our family keeps dying outstanding children, no matter how we look at it, we are the only ones who are sacrificing.Where can the Patriarch and Elders of the Chu Clan be suspicious?
"How could such a loophole full of flaws persist for so long?" Chu Shinian said.

"It should be that someone once thought of destroying the Xifengshan Ancestral Temple. At least in my memory, the Xifengshan Ancestral Temple was destroyed by wildfires several times and had to be overhauled. But in the end it still stayed there. I guess that It must have been arranged with some means that mortals cannot destroy.

In addition, more than a dozen generations of secret guard leaders died inexplicably, and the last clues are all related to the Xifengshan Ancestral Hall. "

When Tao Hua heard it, Chu Shinian immediately recalled, "That's true. Several of them were in their prime, and they all died in their 30s and [-]s."

Having said this, the two of them were able to look at each other.It seems that it is difficult to destroy it.

"Xifeng Mountain has a strong earth vein atmosphere, and it might be difficult to get rid of it." When Chu Shinian said this, Tao Hua's eyes immediately widened.This guy actually wants to blow up Xifeng Mountain? ! ! !
Bigger than her! !
However, if Xifeng Mountain is blown down, it will be difficult for the things under the ancestral hall to get enough support from the earth and spirit veins, and it will gradually weaken in the future, and the impact on them will become smaller and smaller.What a great idea.

This is called drawing salary from the bottom! !
"The Xifeng Mountain vein cannot be cut off, but it can be diverted and diverted." Taohua said.

"It's hard to distinguish, the Xifeng Mountain Range is too big." Chu Shinian recalled, and said with a frown on the map of the entire Xifeng Mountain Range.

"If you use the mountain division formation, maybe you can try to remove the main mountain range where the ancestral temple is located from Xifeng Mountain." Taohua thought for a while.

Chu Shinian: I just wanted to blow up a certain main line of Xifeng Mountain. What about you, you actually wanted to dismember Xifeng Mountain.


Patriarch, you really deserve to be the Patriarch! !
(End of this chapter)

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