The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 620 Dafang City, Yanbo Island

Chapter 620 Dafang City, Yanbo Island
"I can't find anything else to say. It's not difficult to find a few spiritual veins and attribute spiritual veins?" The middle-aged handsome man asked with a puzzled frown.

"We have already found several attribute spirit veins. But it is difficult for us to transform them into special and important resource lands only with attribute spirit veins. Not to mention anything else, our family has hired many famous land masters. But our It has been several years since I started with a small wooden spirit vein.

Up to now, at most, some spiritual food and some low-level elixir can be planted.Oh, by the way, the yield of the low-level elixirs we planted is not very good.

Compared with others, our output of low-level elixirs is not bad, but compared with the Chu family, there is a real gap between heaven and earth.Chu's planting elixir is the same as planting weeds.There are thousands of roots per mu, even if there is some loss, the harvest is very impressive.If we dare to plant so densely, either this disease or that disease, a large area of ​​spiritual grass will die. "

Ah poof.

Uncle Guan looked at his eldest nephew in astonishment and speechless.

"Then how many roots do we plant per acre?"

"About two or three hundred."

"That's not bad." Uncle Guan said, "On the Yunzhou mainland, there are only about a hundred roots per acre."

"The problem is that our planting method is completely uncompetitive compared with Chu's. Their annual production of spiritual food and spiritual medicine is several times, ten times that of ours. Our planting costs are high, and the output cannot increase. .

In terms of quality, it is even worse than others, and it is a disadvantage everywhere. "

"Then how did the Chu family grow so well?" Uncle Guan asked puzzled.

"Their family is naturally suitable for planting spiritual plants, and their family has a husband of spiritual plants." A certain elder nephew said gloomily.

Uncle Guan looked at his eldest nephew in shock.

"Their family is also very good at raising ducks, chickens, geese, wild geese, and rabbits. The livestock of cattle, horses and sheep is also quite good. The monster horse carriage launched by their family is made because of their own breeding of monster horses. This advantageous industry."

"Didn't our family raise it?" Uncle Guan asked in astonishment.

"We have also raised them, but the monster horses we raised have some flaws. They are too wild and difficult to tame. There are still some problems with pulling carts. We have to continue to breed for several generations." In short, we are a step behind in breeding monster horses.

"Is it because you can't keep up with your investment?" Uncle Guan asked thoughtfully.

"No, we have invested a lot. It's just a little bit lacking in the right time, place and people. I have heard people say that this Chu family has great luck, so it rises rapidly after the recovery of spiritual energy.

The most obvious thing is that everyone is working together to study the breeding of monster horses, but we have been unable to screen suitable fine breeds for a long time, but they found them casually.We have been doing it for several years and still have some breeding problems that we can't solve, but they have overcome the many difficulties in the breeding of demon horses in just one or two years.

Third Uncle, you said that this matter is not evil. "

In fact, young people also believe that the Chu family is really a family with great luck, otherwise it can't explain why they rose so quickly and so smoothly.

"The Chu family doesn't really have great luck. They rely on their generations of sacrifices and fulfillment to get this opportunity for their rise." Guan San suddenly remembered his friend who died young, and the other party was only older than himself. Only five years old.

Guan San looks only in his thirties, that's because he has practiced the exercises and looks young.In fact, he is in his forties.

His friend was five years older than him, and would have been in his early fifties if he were alive.

But he was unlucky and died at the age of 30.

"Third Uncle, why do you say that?" the young man asked.

Guan San told him what his friend told him in person.

"In order to unite the family fortune of the millennium, the more outstanding the Chu family's sons, the earlier they died. They all died before the age of 35. The earlier they died, the greater their future potential. This sacrifice continued until the spiritual energy recovered. Before.

Such condensed blood luck, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse. "

The young man clicked his tongue immediately after hearing this, "This is too scary. Who would gather luck like this for the rise of the family?"

"If our Guan family had such an opportunity thousands of years ago, how do you think our ancestors would choose?" Guan San asked.

The young man fell silent for a moment.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, and now that Longshanfang City is officially open to mortals, we can also squeeze more family power into Longshan. When Longshanfang City sold shops in the early days, the people who sold them They are all monks and monk forces. We didn’t have any monks at home, so we were really at a disadvantage. The first wave of shops didn’t buy any of them.

Up to now, we can only rent shops in Longshangfang City at a high price, which is really inconvenient. "Guan San said.

"With the shops in Longshanfang City in hand now, there is no one that sells them. At most, they are short of money and rent them out." The young man said speechlessly. "Longshanfang City is only so small, and the shops that can accommodate it are limited, and the shops will only become more and more expensive in the future, so no one will sell them.

Instead of waiting for the Bala shops over there, it is better to pick a few good shops in Dafang City on Yanbo Island and buy them for use. "

"Dafang City on Yanbo Island? A square city on the sea?" Guan San hesitated, "The Haifang City on the mainland of Yunzhou is often attacked by sea beast tides and completely destroyed."

"It's okay here. Everyone is fighting to death on White Crab Island." The young man said with a smile.

"What's the situation on this White Crab Island?" Guan San asked with some puzzlement.

White Crab Island is like a raging fire.

Although there are frequent relics in various places, the sea beasts on both sides of the battle on White Crab Island have never been absent, and there are more and more of them, and so are the human monks.The Chu family recruited a large number of casual cultivators and mortals to join their legion and fight desperately on the island and in the ocean of White Crab Island.

The frequent life-and-death battles every day, it is said that the Chu family has cultivated a large number of powerful monks who are above the seventh level of meridians.

The Chu Clan's monk army can be regarded as a model of getting stronger through the Vietnam War.

When Guan San heard his nephew talk about the White Crab Island, he also wanted to laugh when he heard it at first, and joked that the Chu family had fallen into a huge pit.But after laughing, I was deeply jealous.What kind of strength is it to fight on White Crab Island with the strength of a family and not lose the wind in the battle with monsters?

"In the final analysis, the Chu family's power in the sea is too strong." Guan San said.

The young man also nodded.

"Eldest nephew, how about we cooperate with the Chu family to bring business to White Crab Island?" Guan San asked.

"That depends on grandpa. It's not that I don't support you, third uncle. In fact, if the business enters White Crab Island, let's not talk about whether it will make money or not. I guess the pension will have to be paid first. The fighting over there is too fierce, basically Everyone has to fight on the front line. It’s hard to do business safely.”

When Guan San heard this, his thoughts suddenly stopped. If so, even if he strongly insisted, his father would not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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