The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 624 The Wedding Ceremony of Peach Blossoms

Chapter 624 The Wedding Ceremony of Peach Blossoms
From the next day, many fleets from the Tianshui River also came, and they brought a large number of items, and then sent the caravan by land to Xiantao Village.

"I heard that these are gifts for the youngest daughter-in-law of Chu Dashan, the patriarch of the Chu family in Xiantaozhuang, and Ji Li. The other branches of the Chu family sent all kinds of precious gifts one by one.

In addition, other local forces and families that were not branches of the Chu family also sent gifts. "

"How can there be such a gift?"

"Don't you know yet? The youngest daughter of Chu Dashan's family will marry Chu Shinian, the main line of the Chu family, in a month or so after Ji Jili."

"No way? Chu Shinian actually married a wife?"


"I didn't mean that, I wanted to say, how could Chu Shinian marry the daughter of a branch patriarch's first daughter?"

"do not know."

"Aren't they of the same race?"

"But they divided the main lines and branches of the Chu family, and separated many years ago. Isn't this the only case of getting married in a similar situation?"

"I always feel that this is not the most important thing for Chu Shinian."

"Haha, you old boy, it seems that you understand Chu Shinian."

"Hahaha, no, no. I just listen to pay attention to this person, Chu Shinian, he is too famous in our Myitzhi Prefecture. I believe there must be many people who have been following him."

"No one can say for sure about this kind of marriage and childbirth. My Dalang used to be such a proud person. I thought he might be able to marry me a lady from a rich family in the future. In the end, he didn't marry She grew up with her own little maid.

We beat him and scolded him, but he still didn't change his mind. Alas, now that his grandson is five or six years old, and seeing that they are doing well, we compromised.Otherwise, what else can I do? A middle-aged man said with a sigh.

When it comes to saying that their children's thinking is inconsistent with their own, many people sympathize with each other, and as a result, they talk crookedly.

Convoy after convoy of things were continuously delivered to the Chu family.

Chu Dashan also sent them all to a large courtyard under the name of Zhuanjin Taohua.Just near my own compound.

Tomorrow is the birthday ceremony for peach blossoms.

When the whole family came out, Chu Qingmei and those two little bastards were all there.

"Your sister said that she won't be coming back for the time being." Chu Dashan said unhappily to the little girl.None of these two girls gave him peace of mind.

Taohua smiled sullenly while trying on the dress.

"What are you laughing at? She hasn't come back for such a big event as you and Ji." Chu Dashan said depressingly.

"My sister and brother-in-law brought me presents early." Tao Hua smiled brightly.

Chu Qi also laughed.

Since Taohua didn't care about it, she completely relaxed.

Chu Shiluo rubbed his sister's little head with nothing to do, feeling very emotional, "You said that your sister has stayed at home for many years anyway, and you, why did you marry yourself out so early?"

"Anyway, it's not far away, and there's a teleportation array, so I can go home every day?" Tao Hua said speechlessly.

This is so close, what is the difference from being at home every day?
Chu Shiluo: "..."

"Xiaoyao, you are already married, how can you still go home every day. I heard that the in-law's family is not happy for their daughter-in-law to go to her mother's house every day." Xiao Wu said carelessly.

"The problem is that there is only one person in my husband's family. If he is also busy, how can he control where I go?" Tao Hua said very realistically.

Xiao Wu blinked and gestured to the little sister, "You're awesome."

Chu Qi patted his daughter on the back angrily. "There are so many narrow-mindedness. If you don't take a good lead, maybe your nieces will look up to you two in the future."

When Xiao Wu heard this, he suddenly realized, "Yeah, the second sister and the younger sister don't have a lot of men from her husband's family. They only jump one. If you want to go back to your mother's house, you can go back to your mother's house, and you can go wherever you want." .

It's so easy.If I have a daughter in the future, I will find a man for her in the same way.Ouch, dad, why did you beat me up? "

"What's the matter, do you have a problem with your father?"

"No, no, how could I have a problem with you, Dad?"

"Then why do you insist on looking for those lonely men to be your sons-in-law?"

"Dad, didn't you find such a son-in-law, and you also found two, oh...don't hit, don't hit..."

"Did I find that? My sister and sister found it themselves."

"What? Peach Blossom, Chu Shinian really found it by himself?" Xiao Wu turned her head in astonishment and asked.

"That's not true. Chu Shinian came here by himself. I just think he's more suitable. I'm going to marry anyway." Tao Hua was confident.

Chu Qi patted his daughter on the back angrily again.

Xiao Wu tilted his head and looked at Tao Hua vigorously for a while before asking even more puzzled, "Sister, what do you think Chu Shinian likes you?"

When Taohua heard this, she sighed, "Oh, I don't know, I want to tell him, what do you like about me, can I change it?"

Ahhh, hahaha.

Xiao Wu was completely amused by Xiao Yao.

The whole family was also amused by Tao Hua.

This little guy probably still can't understand what kind of man Chu Shinian is!
The expressions in Chu Dashan and Chu Qi's eyes were particularly complicated.

In fact, no matter whether it is Qingmei or Taohua, their partners are a bit too old.Perhaps in the future they may live well and make many women envious, and of course they may soon fall into the pit and never get out.

The peach blossom ceremony was held as scheduled.

She and Jili's female relatives are all lucky women from the Chu family or foreign surnames.

Chu Shinian watched the whole ceremony from a distant tall building alone.

Speaking of which, Chu Xi and Tao Hua look only three points similar.

The charm of the coming person is almost completely different.

Even he himself had to admire Taohua's positioning and changes for him.She is just like Chu Taohua, a young lady who grew up in the countryside, independent and lively, and very down-to-earth.She wiped away the traces of the prostitute of the family that originally belonged to Chu Xi.

At the age of 15, there is still a trace of childishness on her face, but she is wearing an exquisite dress and her hair is already tied into a girlish bun. At this time, she reveals a pure and natural charm in her innocence.

With a sweet smile, it was deeply imprinted in his heart.

"Are you sure you don't want to marry her because she is the head of the family?" Chu Moyan quietly stood beside Chu Shinian.

He was deeply afraid of this person.

"I like the old Chu Xi and the current Chu Taohua. If she wasn't the head of the Chu family, neither of us would stay here." Chu Shinian frowned slightly, worried about being disturbed.

There is also a dislike for Chu Moyan, a man who is very close to Taohua.

Although he was sure that Taohua didn't have any feelings for him, this guy seemed to know a lot of secrets about Taohua that he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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