Chapter 646

Ah puff!

Not only Bai Xingxiu but also Bai Xingdou and She Shiqing looked at the young man in astonishment.

"Is this true? But the Thousand-Eyed Purple Star Sea Anemone has never heard of any supernatural powers?" Bai Xingxiu asked suspiciously.

"This kind of purple star anemone doesn't even know that the sea monster orcs have supernatural powers. Maybe they don't know the use of their thousand eyes. But our human monks are so talented.

While they were fighting with various clans of monsters, they were researching the recipes for using materials from monsters as medicine and forging weapons.

A variety of elixirs and medicinal diets have been released successively that can allow monks of the race to obtain supernatural powers.Like the crispy silver-bone shark bone that has become popular recently, if you eat it, you will have the opportunity to awaken the small magic power of the golden inscription and silver bone.That is the favorite of body cultivators and martial monks.

The bones are hard, and it has nothing to do with colliding with sea monsters. "The little guy talked about it endlessly.

Hearing that, Bai Xingxiu's expressions were extremely ugly.

When they came to the cave in Longshanfang City arranged by their own clansmen.All kinds of elixir diets and supernatural power pills have been delivered to them by some human spies as if offering offerings.

"I really can't believe that the human race is now so powerful that they have become stronger by supporting wars. I said why it is getting more and more difficult for us to fight against them.

It turned out that they were all assisted by these elixir and elixir diet. "

Angrily, Bai Xingdou emptied several bottles of pills.

The key is that these supernatural elixirs are really not too expensive, and almost every elixir shop here can provide them.It can be seen that these elixirs can be mass-produced.

"I heard that they are selling these pills like crazy on White Crab Island. Countless human monks rushed to buy them. There are also many alchemists who took their own research and development of new prescriptions and went to seek refuge with the Chu family." Bai Xing While Xiu rubbed her forehead, her eyes darkened and her face was extremely tired.

Let alone her, even She Shiqing was a little sluggish.

"It's just unbelievable. How could it develop so fast?"

"This is not a problem of the Chu family, but the development of the entire human race is too fast." Bai Xingxiu said.

"I'm mad, I'm mad..." Bai Xingdou roared angrily.

Yelling is useless.She Shiqing thought with a sigh.

"She Shiqing, you Biyou Valley is an alchemist who is good at collecting human races. Look at these pills, can you imitate them?" Bai Xingxiu asked, pointing to the various pills on the table.

In fact, She Shiqing had already checked all the pills. "If you want to imitate it, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to conduct research. And it is impossible to prevent all the elixirs, and you can only concentrate on one or two elixirs. We have too few human alchemists.

Any new prescription must go through thousands of trials and trials of thousands of different proportions and combinations.

The Chu family has at least thousands of alchemists, or physicians, who are able to continuously develop so many new prescriptions for elixirs.

Our collection of alchemists is only a few dozen, what is the use? "She Shiqing said helplessly. "The other thing is that the potion prescriptions we imitated may be much worse than others in efficacy.In addition, in terms of cost, it is not as good as the other party's control, and may exceed others by a lot. "

"No way, you're boosting their ambition and destroying your prestige." Bai Xingdou shouted.

"It's actually like this. During the previous fusion, we also imitated various alchemy recipes from the great powers in the upper world, and the result was as I said. At that time, we had trained thousands of alchemists." She Shiqing said.

"Even you can't do it, alas, this hateful Chu family, this hateful Longshanfang City. If it weren't for it, human monks would not be so good in terms of resources, materials, and various pills. It went well." Bai Xingxiu also sighed.

"Why don't we bring Longshan down for her." Bai Xingdou said bitterly.

"That's impossible. There are countless altar-level cultivators sitting here. Do you think we two demons can bring down Longshan? If you destroy a shop, a large group of altar-level cultivators will come.

It is not so easy to destroy Longshan.We must find the human race to join forces, and then start from the inside of Longshanfang City, it is best to destroy the spiritual veins below Longshanfang City, do you understand? "

Bai Xingxiu said.

Of course, this is not easy to start with, because there is only one Chu family in Longshanfang City as the owner, and he is not a joint stockholder.It is not so easy to sell the clansmen and dependents within the Chu family.Because the Chu family has its own secret guard system, which is responsible for internal security.

Once someone found out that someone had betrayed the family, he would definitely be greeted with a blow that he couldn't bear.

Therefore, the members of the Chu family may choose to die when they are caught by others, and they will not choose to be bribed.

Because the price of betrayal is too great.


Early the next morning, Taohua had just had breakfast.The secret guard came to report that the White Crab Demon Clan had come to demonize, and wanted to discuss with her about the peace talks between the two parties.

After Tao Hua finished listening, she still drank a cup of tea leisurely before saying, "Take them to the Chrysanthemum Garden. I'll go there later."

The dark guard nodded and left.

When Taohua reached the gate of the chrysanthemum courtyard, she found that Chu Shinian had also come.

Peach Blossom smiled and put on her Peach Blossom Mask.Then, surrounded by Chu Shinian, they walked into the Chrysanthemum Courtyard.

The mistress of the Chu family is so petite.

This is Bai Xingxiu's first impression of the other party.

"Patriarch Chu, I am Bai Xingxiu who is here on behalf of the White Crab Monster Clan. This is my younger brother Bai Xingdou. This is my younger brother's friend She Shiqing."

When Taohua heard it, well, she is familiar with these names.It's just that most of them have only heard of the name, but have never actually seen the real monster.She had the impression that She Shiqing was probably the only one she had seen before.

The Green Snake of Biyou Valley, they have dealt with each other before.

"What's the matter with visiting?" Taohua asked.

Taohua never let people know his age when the other party is an outsider.It's just a friendly female voice.

"The Chu family has been fighting with our White Crab Monster Clan for many years, and both sides have paid a lot. Our family intends to cease fighting and negotiate peace. I don't know what the Chu family thinks?" Bai Xingxiu said.

"What's the truce? What's the peace talks?" Taohua asked.

"Our two clans have a truce. Separately withdraw and merge. Empty the White Crab Island. The spirit veins of the White Crab Island will soon be unsealed. At that time, our White Crab Monster Clan will take away the treasures we have saved, and then the White Crab Island will be left to you."

"No." The head of the Chu family said. "It sounds like your White Crab Monster Clan has gained great benefits. In addition to the truce, what's the use of picking up a White Crab Island whose spiritual veins have been polluted by you? It's better to continue fighting. Although the battle lasted for a long time, the legion of our clan used battles to support battles, and the more they fought, the stronger they became, and they could also reap a lot of spoils, which is really profitable."

(End of this chapter)

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