Chapter 651

"No, no, 100 people in half a month. 500 people in half a year. Not one of them is too early." Chu Zifei gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.

Chu Shinian "...couldn't it be earlier?"

"Who wants to have a time to resign and say goodbye to relatives and friends." Chu Zifei said speechlessly. "Although the family is important, we can't take relatives and friends too seriously. Who has no old friends?
Besides, I might not be able to use it in the future.How can we not take good care of it? "

Chu Shinian's teeth were sour.

"You scholars really have a lot to do."

"360 lines, every line will be the champion. They all contribute to the family, there is no distinction between high and low." Chu Zifei warned Chu Shinian seriously. "Your attitude is wrong, there can be no discrimination."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily.

"Okay, I'll make a bowl of water level."

"I'm relieved. The family has cultivated many outstanding juniors. I also know that many scholars are affected by the world and look down on other brothers of the same clan. So before, they caused misunderstandings by many brothers of the same clan.

But the aura has recovered, and now everyone is a monk.I will warn them not to always think too highly of themselves and have any sentiment of being superior to others.But adults, you should also treat them correctly, and don't underestimate the whole flock of birds in the forest just because of a few bad birds in the forest. "

"That's natural. Whether it's an array mage, a craftsman, a land master, a doctor, or a craftsman, there's no such thing as a bad thing in that business? If I'm as knowledgeable as them, I won't die of anger?" Chu Shinian said immediately .

Chu Zifei: "..."

"Speaking of which, among the monks of the family, only the martial monks are well managed, and the hidden guards have always been strict in and out. The quality is not bad. I don't think much about the others. In recent years, the family The expansion is so fast, I haven't had time to fix them. It's time, the White Crab Island thing is over. I just have time to clean them up.

I didn't plan to let the family have a second problem with the problem that happened to the equipment refiner in Tishan Town. "

"Actually, the good or bad of any system depends on the people who implement it." Chu Zifei agreed and wanted to warn.

"That's natural. The family's hidden guards are not vegetarians. They just have too few people. I'll think of a way later." Chu Shinian had a lot of opinions on the fact that the family's hidden guards could only be selected by the Chu family.In the secret guard organization, how many talented and suitable guards can there be in a family?

He had long wanted to take the poor people around him into his hands.

I have to discuss this matter with Taohua when I go back.

"Has the family's recent development entered a bottleneck period?" Chu Zifei asked after thinking and thinking.

"It's a quiet period." Chu Shinian said.

"I didn't expect the family to enter the bottleneck period so soon, but it's no wonder that our family's foundation is too bad. The suitable and good places on the mainland are all occupied by people. It's hard to let them give us a good place. impossible.

But we can't do nothing. Do I need to go out and find some suitable places for the family to continue to develop?In fact, the best place to start is Zhang Yu's city.But Zhang Yu's surname Fan is not incompetent.

What happened in Jiangyang City can only be regarded as his bad luck.I really didn't expect that that person would dare to betray him and Da Song. "

When Chu Shinian heard Chu Zifei's words, he immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood.

"I'm talking about a calm period of steady and quiet accumulation, not a bottleneck period of stagnant development."

Chu Zifei was taken aback.

"The family has no shortage of room for development." Chu Chu Shinian looked at him and said. "The head of the family has slowed down the recent development of the family. In fact, he just thinks that the family needs to be rectified. The rapid development of the previous period has caused many contradictions and omissions within the family. At this time, they will not be repaired. When the family develops faster in the future It's even worse.

From the Patriarch's point of view, minor ailments should be cured before they become serious illnesses, just like in Tishan Town, many people in the clan knew about it, but none of them reported it to her.This made her very dissatisfied. "

Chu Zifei was stunned.

"If everyone is unwilling to do it because of the relationship between the same clan, then she is the only one who will be a villain. The Patriarch actually doesn't care whether her reputation is good or bad. Before she chooses to develop the family, she will do it. It's ready." Chu Shinian said very calmly.

In fact, Chu Shinian and Tao Hua are the same kind of people in essence, they don't care about their reputation when they choose to do things.If you want fame, what else do you do? How nice it is to be a famous person for the rest of your life?

When it was his words, Chu Zifei was still quite touched.

The kingly way he learned from the ruler.He followed the path of a counselor and civil servant.

In fact, there are many sects of scribes, the most famous being strategists.For example, Zhuang Zihan's way of learning.Of course, Zhuang Zihan's path as a strategist is actually very ancient in root.But the talent requirements are very high.Back then, Chu Zifei was not as talented as Zhuang Zihan, and was recognized as his apprentice.

Chu Zi is not a master of the kingly way, and the kingly man is easy to learn but difficult to master.But many scribes took this path.

Moreover, Chu Zi is not good at financial management, so a scribe like him is easy to show his talents among the many kings and rulers in the court.

Fan Zeng is also a kingly strategist and one of the best, but Fan Zeng is better at maneuvering, so Chu Zifei said that others are difficult to deal with.

"I will cooperate with you in all tasks." Chu Zifei said immediately.

"Okay, you can just get me the man." Chu Shinian said.He is the most human right now.

Chu Zifei was speechless, talents are rare everywhere, and you are not the only one who wants them.


In a certain mountain academy, a group of students were reviewing their homework.

A young school boy approached the yard with a box of food eagerly.The box is very large.As soon as he came in, several other book boys came over, and then called the students who were studying to come out for dinner.

The stone table is covered with various dishes, and there are chopsticks for rice.

"Today's soup is not bad, and the dishes taste great. What's the matter? Your family started to give you money that had been out for a while?" A [-] or [-]-year-old student with a round face asked his companion.Today's lunch is arranged by him.

They have always taken turns preparing lunch.Just eat something casual for dinner.But there are classes in the afternoon, so I must have a better lunch.

The young student who was asked by him lamented, "Don't mention it, our family has been in turmoil for several years. It has only calmed down in the past one or two years. After all, the branch that supported the Patriarch won, and our direct line is a bit miserable.

Several grandparents in my family, as well as several uncles and elders whom I was familiar with in other houses, have all left. "

(End of this chapter)

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