The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 653 Chu Xinjia Arrives at the Academy

Chapter 653 Chu Xinjia Arrives at the Academy
Many students were all in a daze at first, and then they all became angry together.

You grab a head, I grab a foot, and whoever grabs another arm...

Everyone firmly suppressed Chu Wenfeng on the bamboo mat.

"It's too much. I regard you as a brother, a classmate and a friend. You are not even higher than me in your origin. I always thought you were a child from a poor family."

"I've always thought that your family is also a small family."

"It turns out that you are a child of the Chu family! How come you haven't revealed any news to us for so many years?"

Brat, don't you think they can't deal with him with so many people.

What robes are torn, what tiaras, ripped off...

The hair is also made into a bird's nest...

"Hehe, what is this for?" A thirty-year-old scholar in white came in.

Standing at the door jokingly watching them.


Many students quickly stopped fighting, and then each restored their appearance.From a group of unlucky wretches, he turned into a handsome young man in the blink of an eye.

A group of beautiful teenagers with red lips, white teeth and elegant demeanor gathered together, sitting side by side was really eye-catching.

At least in the eyes of a certain gentleman, it is good.

All of his disciples are extraordinary in appearance.

Even the worst Wang Jinguo is a sunny boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, handsome facial features.Although this boy is a little rounder.

Mr. Bai Yi directly found a soft cushion and sat down.

"Wenfeng is leaving tomorrow, and I don't know if there will be a day to see you again." He said in a sad tone.

Chu Wenfeng looked at him speechlessly, wanting to just roll his eyes.

"Sir, after we talked for three years, I will bring you back with a present."

"Who knows if what you said is accurate. If you don't come back, how can I go to the Chu family to arrest you?" Mr. Baiyi said with a smile.

"If you don't mind that, Mr. Chu, you might as well join our Chu family. My Chu family is waiting for a vacant position, but there is a shortage of people, especially talents like you, sir. If you join my family, sir, you will definitely be reused." Chu Wen Feng poached the corner and directly poached his husband.

"You kid is really good at poaching corners." Mr. Baiyi complained angrily, "It's a pity that you are treacherous, and I am not stupid. I live a relaxed and interesting life here in the academy, and I don't have to be in the current cunning and ups and downs. struggle.

What am I going to do when I run to your house?I'm not missing the one or two challenging errands. "

"Sir, you are too straightforward. You really have nothing to say. You have spoken out your apprentice's thoughts." Chu Wenfeng complained speechlessly.

"You are my disciple. I need to cover up something in front of you. Naturally, I have nothing to say. However, all of your classmates do have real talents. If you can, can you give it to me?" Give them a chance, let them the Chu family."

Chu Wenfeng naturally knew the difficulties of the students who graduated in recent years.

"I can ask everyone. But I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, and the follow-up matters can only be discussed in detail by other members of our family with the husband."

Mr. Baiyi nodded. "Can."

"However, sir, I can become the owner of the island as soon as I graduate. It is more because of my surname. Other students joining my family may not have the starting point like me." Chu Wenfeng said realistically.

"Our academy understands this truth, but it can't be too bad." Mr. Bai Yi said.

"I'll explain it upwards."

He, Chu Wenfeng, has not yet qualified to take his classmate away, mainly because his current energy is limited.

Chu Wenfeng left for more than a day.A man in black walked into the academy.

He directly proposed his representative of the Chu family, and wanted to meet a certain gentleman.

Mr. Baiyi appeared again and received the man in an exquisite courtyard lobby room in the academy.

"My name is Chu Xinjia, the elder of the main branch of the Chu family. I heard that there are many students in your academy who are willing to come to my Chu family after graduation?"

Mr. Baiyi glanced at Chu Xinjia three times in succession.

"You have a disguise mask on your face."

"I'm sorry, sir. I also serve as the deputy commander of the Chu family's secret guards, so I can't show my true colors." Chu Xinjia said frankly even if she was exposed.

The other party was genuinely taken aback when he heard this. "Mr. Chu, are you still the deputy commander of the Chu family's secret guard?"


"I've never seen a person like you before. In my impression, people who were born in the dark guard, or who have been in the dark guard system for a long time, will have a gloomy temperament condensed on them. But in you, I can see I didn’t feel it at all.”

Chu Xinjia smiled and said, "It's just that I have been a secret guard for a long time and learned to restrain myself. Besides, this is an academy, not a place for me to show off."

Otherwise, it would appear that the Chu family is too unruly.

Mr. Baiyi looked at him in astonishment and curiosity.

"Does your Chu family really need a lot of people? Because according to my understanding these days, your Chu family has at least 10 people. Isn't it enough?"

"Our Chu family's disciples are very thin. We only started to rise after the recovery of spiritual energy. In less than ten years, we have been short of people since the beginning of the family's development, and we have been short of people until now. So we are really thirsty for talents. Besides, you should have heard of the reputation of our Patriarch. He really likes to make troubles. He makes big things every time.

Because of the sea route, we have been fighting sea beasts and sea monsters.

If the battle gets a little more intense, we will experience a shortage of people.

Only by slowing down the war can the shortage of people be gradually alleviated.

Talent has already severely restricted the development of the family today.Of course, the talents we are talking about are not blown out, but really have the ability to do things. "

Mr. Bai Yi was a little moved when he heard this.

"Then what standard does your Chu family have for you?"

Chu Xinjia handed him a piece of paper.

"What about the treatment?"

Chu Xinjia handed him another piece of paper.

"I think there are many students in our academy who can meet your requirements."

"Our Chu family has a lot of enemies, so if we are sent out to have contacts with my enemies, we will not use them." Chu Xinjia vaccinated the other party in advance.

"Of course." Everyone knows the unspoken rules, who would recruit someone who is not innocent to join his family?Isn't that the scourge?
"Then, that's the only condition of our Chu family. If you are interested, please find a place for us in the academy and have an interview. Then we will check the other party's real background and whether it belongs to our enemy's power. If there is , Those people will be excluded by us. We will take away the rest who have no potential safety hazards.”

(End of this chapter)

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