The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 673 The Old Song Emperor Collapses

Chapter 673 The Old Song Emperor Collapses
The day after Chen He was beaten, the entire Baicao Pavilion in the northwest was swept away.The goods in the shop were removed directly, and the personnel were injured.The shop was simply burned down, and the fire burned down one by one.

Even if the other party is wearing a black mask, everyone knows who did it.

Who else could there be, Mrs. Chu.

But his fire can be regarded as completely igniting the entire Northwest, or the entire Song Kingdom.

In Yun'an Continent, this is the first family that dares to openly confront the forces from the upper realm.The problem is that it is just an indigenous family, where does it get the courage to fight against the forces of the upper realm?

It's simply disgusting to live too comfortably.

For a moment, Fu Zhong Yuqi, the big cabinet in Baicao Pavilion, was furious.Directly armed Emperor Song with three brand new legions.They must be asked to set off immediately to slaughter the tribe in the northwest.In his words, the Chu family must be slaughtered! !
That shrill voice shook the entire sky of Ansha.

The poor Emperor Song just woke up for a few days, and then he was injured by the shock and fell into a coma.

The prince continued to oversee the country.

It's not the first time to supervise the country.Manchao Wenwu silently agreed.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the emperor died of illness in his bedroom before the royal family's direct legion had time to move out.

How did you die?

No one knew, anyway, someone found that the emperor's body was cold in the middle of the night.Emperor Wanduzi died.

For a while, everyone bet on the crown prince again. Did he poison his father to death?After all, no matter how weak the emperor is, he is also a stumbling block for the prince.If he doesn't die for a day, the crown prince will not be able to rule Anxia in a legitimate way.

There are rumors that the prince poisoned the emperor to death everywhere in Anxia, ​​and Anxia's people are in panic. During the emperor's funeral, the prince will succeed to the throne.But his brothers opposed one after another, and some even raised troops overnight to kill him.Even if he didn't kill him, he ran out of Anxia smoothly with a group of family members and other brothers.

Then Da Song didn't need anyone else, let alone the rebel army, the princes themselves led the rebellion.

What the prince didn't expect was that his brothers who rebelled against Ansha had a population of spiritual land and a soldier in their hands, and they each held up the banner of the prince killing his father and re-establishing the banner of orthodoxy.

Someone who had just become the new emperor was so angry that he couldn't sleep for several nights.

He was only in his early thirties, and due to internal and external troubles, half of his hair turned gray.

However, the prince still straightened his waist, his eyes were sharp as if half of an eagle's eyes were fixed on his country.In fact, according to his father's arrangement, he didn't need to register now, and his family secretly managed a piece of land directly under his jurisdiction, laying the foundation for retaking the country in the future and clearing away obstacles.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one.

His father died a few years earlier, so he had no choice but to become emperor.As the emperor, he couldn't just watch the Great Song Dynasty collapse.His last emperor could only be buried with this country in the end.His brothers are still fighting for this hot throne.I really don't know what to say.

Fu Zhongyu see you again.

The new emperor received him calmly.

"Why didn't you send troops?" Fu Zhongyu asked angrily. "I helped you equip three legions of direct descendants."

"The original Fu Zhongyu is not what he is now. Your hysterical appearance reminds people of those cornered waste. You can't really fall into that situation, right?" the new emperor said coldly.

"You..." Fu Zhongyu pointed at him angrily.

Xindi looked back silently.

"I know you are blaming me for indirectly killing your father." Fu Zhongyu said with a sigh.At that time, he was so angry that he lost his sense of propriety and killed the first emperor.But who knew that the first emperor had become so weak?

"My father is not your hand. I know this very well." The new emperor said.

Fu Zhongyu finally relaxed.Immediately said again, "Then why don't you send troops? Didn't we all agree before?"

"If I send troops now, you will have to hold my funeral in a few days." The new emperor said bluntly.

Fu Zhongyu's face immediately changed. "No. Impossible."

"How is it impossible? Then how did my father die?" The new emperor said angrily.

"But the Chu family, isn't the Chu family's power in the northwest?" Fu Zhongyu said.

"But they have money. As long as they choose to support those rats in Anxia, ​​it's still a matter of poisoning my weak father."

"But, but..."

"It's a pity that I haven't grasped anything. Now even if I declare to the world that it was the Chu family who killed my father, it is useless. Instead, the world will laugh at me. The Great Song Dynasty has fallen to the point where even the emperor can't keep it."

After hearing this, Fu Zhongyu looked at him in horror.

The new emperor said, "Now do you understand? Don't think that you are the big cabinet of the Baicao Pavilion in the upper realm. You have a high level of cultivation and you are amazing, so you can sign up. My father is gone, so it is the Chu family who is warning me to wait. Come again, I will send you to the ground first. Do you understand?"

"How is it possible?" Fu Zhongyu muttered to himself.You must know that he has experienced two world fusions, and has never seen such an arrogant indigenous force.

"How is it impossible? They dare to fight against the other families on the Beiming Continent, so why can't they take action against you? They don't like your people, they are not afraid of you. They are confusing you, but if you dare to continue to send troops to deal with them Well, they appointed to uproot your Baicao Pavilion's influence in the Song Dynasty, as well as people.

Fu Zhongyu, your Baicao Pavilion is in the Song Dynasty, not as good as the Chu family.You better live in peace. "

Fu Zhongyu's face suddenly turned pale, and his expression was a little ferocious.

"It doesn't matter if you are convinced or not. If you want to deal with them, you can't make use of my power. If you are smart, you can contact a few more countries, and then secretly transfer troops directly to Chu The city near the Chu family, and then attack the Chu family with lightning speed. Maybe some results can be achieved. Of course, if you need me to join forces at that time, I will definitely send troops.

Send troops now, take the way of death. "

After hearing this, Fu Zhongyu struggled many times in his eyes.He is not reconciled, he is too unwilling.He was actually threatened by a small indigenous family.I still went to many shops and businesses of Baicao Pavilion in the northwest.

It's just abominable!

The new emperor looked at Fu Zhongyu with cold eyes and flung his sleeves away.A man in black dressed as a middle-aged scholar leisurely walked out of the side hall and walked into the whole hall.

"Mister thinks that I rejected Fu Zhongyu, did I do the right thing?"

The scribe in black walked leisurely to the side of the new emperor. "That's right, it's the only way to do it now. When we face the Chu family at this time, we must be the ones who suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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