Chapter 688
"Uncle Jin Hong." Chu Shiyuan immediately followed his sister to say hello.Chu Shinian also called out, "Uncle Jin Hong."

Emma, ​​you are so kind.hehe.

Chu Jinhong deeply felt that Chu Shinian was too polite, ahem, of course, the main reason is that his niece Taohua has a lot of face. "You guys also come to Bajinlou to have a five-color fish feast together."

"What five-color fish feast?" Tao Hua hurriedly asked.

"It is a five-color fish feast consisting of 48 fish dishes composed of five colors of deep-sea spirit fish and various eating methods. It is said that all the dishes we have eaten are good. So we also came here and booked a private room to taste it." Chu Jinhong Immediately said.

"Uncle Jin Hong, you guys, the private room is not big, can you take us to the five-color fish feast? Don't worry, let my husband pay for it." Tao Hua hurried up and asked enthusiastically.

"Oh, how could Uncle Jin Hong treat you juniors. I'm the one who treats guests. We're only here for four people this time. With the four of you, we can appoint one person to eat five colorful fish feasts."

Tao Hua looked at two of the three military brothers beside Chu Jinhong with a bit of embarrassment on their faces, and immediately smiled and said, "Then we will take advantage of Uncle Jin Hong."

"Come on, come on. I booked the second floor." After speaking, he called his brothers to go upstairs together.

Four more people were added, almost all of whom were juniors.Those few didn't take it seriously anymore.The expression is much more natural.

The main reason is that these juniors of Chu Jinhong are really tall and good-looking.Wherever they stood, they all attracted the attention of everyone around them.If they were allowed to treat guests, they would be embarrassed to go up and eat.

So Jiang Yi was a little speechless about this twists and turns of the fish feast.

But even more speechless is yet to come.

Just after going up to the second floor, Chu Jinhong met an acquaintance again.

"Master Chu Wei, I actually met you here, do you want to join us for a fish feast?"

"There's a dinner, there's a dinner. We won't be together this time, next time, next time." Almost all the guests on the second floor who were waiting for someone in the corridor or wandering around digesting food recognized him.Chu Jinhong almost walked all the way to say hello.I didn't take a few steps, but I said hello several times.

"Master Wei? Is that Captain Wei of the Xianyang Guard Army?" Jiang Yi asked Chu junior beside him in a low voice in surprise.

"That's right, Uncle Jin Hong is from our Xianyang. He was promoted and transferred back when Xianyang was built this time."

It is a compliment to say that it is the captain of Weizhu, but in fact the official name is Xianyangwei Xiaowei.There are two other reinstatements, Zuo Xiaowei and Right Xiaowei.The other miscellaneous captains are all under their ranks.Almost all of the 4 Xianyang Guards were decided by Chu Jinhong.

This is a really powerful position.

"I didn't expect you to have such a relative in your family?" Jiang Yi Wenyan said in surprise.

"Let me tell you, those surnamed Chu are all relatives. We don't know each other very well, but it's definitely okay to have a meal with him." Chu Shiyuan said secretly.

Jiang Yi almost laughed.

Fortunately, he thought the two families were close relatives just now.

He doesn't know what to say if he doesn't have a close relationship and just rubs against others for a meal.

After entering the private room, everyone can sit casually.

Tao Hua neatly took the host and guest seats, and Chu Shinian was beside her.Chu Jinhong joyfully took the lead, and even called his brothers to be on his side.On the other side of him sits Peach Blossom.

Chu Shiyuan pulled Jiang Yi to sit next to Chu Shinian.

"Serve the food." Just as everyone was seated, Chu Jinhong had already called the boy to serve the food.

While waiting for the waiter to serve the food, Chu Jinhong introduced his brothers to Taohua and her man.

"This is the most daring old king in our battalion, Wang Dachui. He is the most capable of charging into the battle. He was seriously injured several times in the battle of the lake of fire. He almost died the last time. He is very brave."

Wang Dachui glanced at his boss Chu Jinhong in confusion, what did he mean, why did he introduce him like this?

But Pharaoh just smiled confidently.He sees peach blossoms are very friendly.Maybe because of his older age, this guy also took the initiative to give Tao Hua, Xiao Wu, and Chu Shinian a jade plaque as a meeting gift.

This jade brand gift is very popular nowadays for juniors.But Chu Jinhong still twitched his mouth.Fuck this...

Then Chu Jinhong introduced Xu Hong and Wang Ben.These two young men are both young generals in the army.But they are all quite brave. Although they come from poor families, they are all promoted by virtue of meritorious service.

Chu Jinhong didn't introduce too much about the latter two.

When the fish dishes came, so did the wine.

Everyone was not familiar with each other at first, and their speech was a bit reserved, but after a few rounds of drinking, they became familiar with each other, and gradually began to speak.

Especially that guy Xu Hong, drinking one cup after another, in a hurry.

"I want to say that our commander-in-chief should take care of it. The price on the military uniform order is so expensive, but the quality of the military uniforms in our hands is so poor. And it's not made by the Chu family itself. It's actually from the outside world. .If there is no trick in it, who would believe it?

It was specified that someone was greedy for money and changed our normal military uniforms.Replaced with foreign defective products. "

Xu Hong didn't know what Wang Ben said when he lowered his head, but suddenly raised his voice, and everyone at the table could hear what he was saying.It turned out to be talking about military uniforms.

After he yelled with this voice, Wang Ben beside him immediately pulled him out to sober up.How could such a thing be said in front of a group of juniors, and in such a place.It was specified that Xu Hong was drunk.

Moreover, the air in the room he shouted was suffocating.Following Chu Shinian, he continued to use the chopsticks to remove fishbone from Tao Hua, and then put the fish five times into her plate. "What about the military uniform?"

Chu Jinhong's throat was a little dry.He grabbed Wang Dahammer who was about to explain and interjected. "It's just that I heard that the military uniforms in the army seem to be made by the Chu family themselves, but ours seem to be imported."

"Understood." Chu Shinian nodded.

"There is also our military rations, which seem to be wrong. There is so much sand in the coarse grains, it is eye-catching. One catty of grains can actually sieve out two taels of sand."

"Why didn't you report it?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I reported three times in a row, but nothing came of it." Chu Jinhong said with difficulty.

Chu Shinian paused with his chopsticks, and then continued.

"It's really Chu Shinian's responsibility to take care of this matter, it's just that he doesn't supervise well." Tao Hua said generously.

Chu Shinian looked helpless.

"It may be that the matter is too small, and the commander is busy." Chu Jinhong took the initiative to explain for Chu Shinian.

"Uncle Jin Hong, you don't have to excuse Chu Shinian, it's his business. When something like this happens, it means that his supervision is not strong enough, and his actions are not strict enough. Otherwise, how could such a situation happen?" Taohua Road.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"Of course, let him adjust this matter, let's eat fish." Taohua said again.

This kind of thing, you dare to say it.

Chu Jinhong thought silently.

(End of this chapter)

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