The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 696 The one-armed old man and the little hunter

Chapter 696 The one-armed old man and the little hunter
"Back?" A one-armed old man looked at his adopted son dressed as a hunter who walked into his small fenced yard.

"I'm back." The little Orion handed a thick stack of lists to the one-armed old man.The old man poured a bowl of sour plum soup for the little Orion.Then he carefully opened a stack of word lists. "Why so many?"

"That girl of the Chu family has great powers. Every time we go there, we can find some resources that are in short supply. This time, grandpa, look, the bodiless pill is a thousand pieces. It is easy to trade it to us. Fortunately, we have brought enough resources. Otherwise, she will be underestimated."

"The son of luck is the son of luck. God's own daughter can have no good things. I heard that they have a clear water unicorn. Oh oh, the big herring meat given this time is the blood of the clear water unicorn." ?” The old man laughed.

"That's it."

"This kind of good stuff is basically easy to sell, and this time we are going to make a lot of money in the black market." The old man laughed.

"This time I'm finally optimistic about those special crystals. Unfortunately, we don't have much left to go to the Chu family. Alas, the capital is still too little." Little Orion said with a regretful face.

"It's nothing, take your time. We are not Chuxi's daughter of heaven, and it is normal to accumulate slowly."

The old man's words did not comfort the little Orion.

He looked at his grandfather with piercing eyes, "Why don't you agree to unite with them, Grandpa. Anyway, now we accept their large orders and buy various resources for them."

"What are you talking about? Those guys are all deceitful. The alliance has no sincerity. They just want to take advantage of themselves. It doesn't matter if the alliance doesn't work. Besides, if we don't have an alliance, our family can still maintain its mystery. If we have an alliance, what are you doing?" I'm ashamed to hide myself tightly. But do you know that among those allies, that family has a prodigal thing and betrayed you?
People use their mouths to say sorry and it's over, but you may lose your life.

Just ask, who is a fool, what alliance? "

After hearing these words, Little Orion felt speechless, "Grandpa, do you just want to say that I am a fool? It's okay, you can just say it."

"Although you are a little stupid, you are doing things rigorously and obediently. Grandpa doesn't despise you."

Little Orion said in his heart that if you can put away the disgusted expression on your face, I will believe your words.

"Hey, your last item is a thousand jars of Ganoderma lucidum wine?"

"It's bloody ganoderma wine." The little Orion looked at the last item on the list and said, "This is the spirit wine specially brought out when they entertained me. After drinking it, the taste is really good. This spirit wine can Quickly replenish physical strength and blood, as well as aura.

And the wine is mellow and delicious. "

After speaking, the little Orion also put a small sub-packed jar into the hands of the old man.He also opened the lid for the old man.The strong smell of alcohol hooked up the old man's wine bug in an instant. "Good wine."

It is not only fragrant, but also delicious, and even has a slight easing effect on the perennial injuries in your heart.

"This spirit wine is not bad. Why didn't you buy more?"

"This kind of spiritual wine is made to order. If there is no order, we don't make so many. We have to wait half a year before we can pick up the wine. I have already placed an order, [-] jars." Little Orion road.

"Don't, it's too little, go and add another [-] altars."

Little Orion shook his head quickly. "No, 380 eight spirit stones per altar. Ten thousand altars is the limit. Besides, we don't have so many spirit stones."

"Ah?" The old man immediately widened his eyes, "Profit merchant, why is it so expensive?"

"Chuxi's things, where are the cheap ones?" Little Orion looked at his grandfather with a speechless expression. "That girl Chu Xi has done this kind of thing before."

"It's too ruthless, a profiteer, a big profiteer. Hey, wait, isn't this kind of wine not even available in Longshanfang?" The old man suddenly asked.

"That's right, it's only circulated within the Chu family. None of the Chu's takeaway wine is as good as this strong blood ganoderma wine. Now they mainly sell that cold soul spirit wine and another kind of green wood ganoderma wine. Spirit fruit wine and so on." Little Orion said.

"Sure enough, this kind of good wine can't be sold at a high price in Longshanfang City. We can only make money in our black market. All right, they make money, and we make money too. Come here, and I will tell you how to sell it to make money. The price of the wine is higher. After the batch of [-] jars is disposed of, you can go to the next order of [-] jars.

Maybe, with this wine alone, we can sell it like crazy. "

"Okay, grandpa. By the way, when will we notify those people to come pick up the goods?"

"Notify them as soon as possible, so that they can take it away. It is said that they have confronted those upper realm forces several times recently, and the loss is a bit big. Giving these resources to them just allows them to regain their strength. If nothing else, just count on Just don't let them loose their minds."

"Grandpa, why do you always support those sects to keep up with the forces in the upper world? It's obviously not good, and you often can't beat them."

"That has to be strong, if it's really not troublesome just now. Which of those sects occupy the secret realm that even the forces of the upper world are jealous of, spiritual veins? There are also various inheritance and resource holy places. Don't be afraid, just get back together and continue. Anyway, we don't have anyone in the lower realm, it's just that there are too many people.

But if Nuyan bowed his knees and gave all the treasures and resources in his hand to others in the upper realm for nothing, then it would really be the end of the calf.

If the monks from the upper realm found out that they were so good, they might have slaughtered their sect right away. "The one-armed old man sighed before continuing, "At this moment, if you have no power, you don't even have the right to live.You said how could those sects not work hard.The harder they struggled and the stronger their combat power, the more powerless those upper realm forces could do against them. "

"Grandpa, are you saying that they can only survive if they are tough?" Little Orion asked thoughtfully.

"Of course, now is the era of revival of spiritual energy. The longer their sect struggles, the stronger their own combat power will be. After all, they occupy the spiritual veins, and the Holy Land of Resources has various powerful inheritances. Even if Duan Time is not an opponent, so they are not afraid, as long as they encourage and train their disciples and recruit outstanding monks from all walks of life, they will quickly grow themselves, so that those upper realm forces have no hope of exterminating them.

Don't talk about others, let's talk about a few super-large earth master sects in the hinterland of the mainland. Originally, the upper realm forces didn't take them seriously at all. As a result, whoever provoked them didn't suffer a big loss?If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that each of the Earth Master sects had so many masters inside, or recruited so many masters to help them participate in the battle? "

(End of this chapter)

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