Chapter 699
Chu Dachuan immediately showed embarrassment.

"What's the matter?" Taohua was puzzled, what could happen in the reconstruction of a town?
"The reconstruction of Xintang Town has actually started a long time ago. Unfortunately, every time the construction starts, there will be troubles. It has been delayed three times in a row. Zhuangzi has demolished a part, and there are still many places that have not been followed. The planned demolition plan." Chu Dachuan said honestly after thinking about it.

Cough cough cough.Tao Hua looked up at her uncle in disbelief.

"Really, from the very beginning, Dashan has found someone to rebuild it. But as soon as the construction started, it was stopped due to land disputes. Reconstruction of the town required the demolition of some houses and workshops, and the acquisition of some land. But the original promise was good. The clansmen suddenly disagreed one after another.

The same was true for the two constructions later on. In fact, both I and Dashan raised the money for buying back the land, houses and workshops for them respectively.But they just want to make trouble. "

"How many times have you been making trouble?" Taohua asked suspiciously.

Chu Dachuan nodded quickly.He also told the specific circumstances of almost all of them taking the lead in making troubles.

"Why are you making trouble? In order to get more compensation money?" Taohua asked puzzled.

Chu Dachuan smiled wryly, "Isn't it just for the money."

"Then show me the town planning map of Xintangzhuang." Taohua said immediately.

Chu Dachuan hurriedly handed over the current map of Xintangzhuang and the planned map of Xintang Town to Taohua.

"Here, here, here... It's not that these people don't want to move. Every time they start work, they will move towards whether to move, which eventually leads to a stoppage of work."

"Is there any construction team over there now?" Taohua asked while drawing the courtyards and land of those houses and workshops.

"Yes. How dare we send the team away? How can we rebuild our town after sending them away? When they leave, who knows when we will remember to come back and help us repair the town?"

Taohua took a closer look, and there were about forty or fifty places that she had circled in red.

No wonder the work is shut down every time, there are too many places that can't be done.

Moreover, Xianyang City has been repaired, and Xintang Town has not yet started construction, she hehehe.

The people of their own family will really hide it.

But these are small things, and she actually knows why they do it.

Taohua took a closer look at the terrain of Xintang Town.

He directly selected a place seven or eight miles away from Xintang Town, and re-drawn a town planning map.A small river, a small lake, and several waste ponds nearby were also planned.

The hand-drawn drawings of the new town are more beautiful and atmospheric, and can accommodate more people.This is actually a town designed according to the scale of a small town.

It looks a bit like Ziyang's predecessor.

The point is that Taohua has built a lot of water conservancy facilities and equipment here, and designed a lot of water power workshop areas.In particular, the position of the small lake is directly raised, and then the water power in the small lake is diverted by the small river and several barren ponds.The use of magic tools drives many equipment and facilities in the new workshop to run.

Special novelty neat and beautiful.Taohua directly reserves the best part of the workshops for its own use and the main line.Only the corners are reserved for the clan.Chu Dachuan was not angry, on the contrary, he was quite happy, because there are many corners.

If the current workshops of Xintangzhuang move into this huge workshop area, it will be able to change the current situation of Xintang workshops being built privately and randomly.

There are many workshops in Xintang now, but the mess is too obvious.It's almost like a garbage dump.

"The new design of this town is good." Chu Dachuan said happily.

"Some use water power, and some don't use water power. How to use this workshop area is up to you, uncle." Tao Hua said.

In fact, Changyang is also a workshop area, which has been rebuilt many times.The current workshop area has expanded several times compared to the original one.It seems to have become the largest workshop area with the main line in its hands.Xintang was built according to Changyang's workshop area.

"After the completion, those who can be relocated, let them move away, and those who are not willing to move, let them stay in the old village. However, the old village does not allow construction in the new workshop. Abandoned houses, All the deserted houses were demolished.

All the roads leading to Zhuangzi were diverted and directly inserted into the road leading to Xinzhenzi. "

Chu Dachuan's face froze immediately after hearing this.

That is to say, Lao Zhuangzi would give up directly.The road will be ignored in the future. Without the family repairing it every year, the new road will be damaged and turned into a dirt road with potholes within a few years.Even the workshop squatting in the old village will become difficult to deliver its own products.

Once the dilapidated houses were removed, there were only thirty or fifty households left, all alone in the desolate village. Foxes and wolves might often haunt the desolate village, and they couldn't scare them to death.

"Will this make them worse?"

"Didn't we all follow their wishes? Besides, they practiced their hands to stop the construction of the town and let our family maintain such a long-term construction team for nothing. Are we losing in vain?" Taohua asked him back.

Chu Dachuan had a headache.

"That's it." Taohua took back the underground formation map under the town.Then find someone to take the map and hand it over to the array mages and geographers for re-survey and revision.

Seeing that there was no way to stop this matter, Chu Dachuan had no choice but to take the other people out of the mansion.

"Uncle Da Chuan, what should we do?" A young man asked anxiously as soon as he came out.

"What can I do? The peach blossoms are all decided." Chu Dachuan said with a headache.

"But...but didn't they just give more money before." The young man said.

"The problem is that the money has not been completely resolved. When the work starts, they have to toss around again. Unless Taohua doesn't know about this matter, since she already knows it now, there will definitely be a result. It is impossible to let those tribesmen continue to make noise." Chu Dachuan said.

And according to his little niece's coolness, he was not surprised at all to be able to get along with her wicked ideas.But who made those clansmen too greedy!Over and over again.He pissed off his little niece, and that was it.

"But... there are dozens of households." The young man's family has relatives among the troublemakers, so he is particularly anxious.Xin said: Chu Taohua looks soft and weak, but he is too ruthless in his work.

"Let's not talk about dozens of households, hundreds of households, do you think Taohua will pay more attention to their ideas? People can't be too greedy, that's the end of being too greedy." Chu Dachuan said.

"Then tell them not to make trouble now, is there still time?" Someone asked again.

"Of course there is time. Before the start of construction, I will make a final count of everyone's opinions. If there is still trouble this time, then don't talk about it. You have all seen Taohua's planning and attitude." Chu Dachuan said directly. Said coolly.

(End of this chapter)

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