The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 711 The prototype of the 3 Yuanling Mountain

Chapter 711
He couldn't figure it out, his Chen family had been in power for thousands of years, he was a duke, and he retired with the country.Generations of outstanding people! !
Why did he become a slave in the eyes of some people?
Still secretly a slave! ! !
After all, he is no longer as unknown as in his previous life. Could it be that those people in the upper world are blind and can't see his talent at all?Why is there no one who came directly to recruit him?

Does he look so worthless?
If Taohua found out about his mentality, he would definitely have to laugh.

Early in the recovery of spiritual energy, the monks in the upper realm directly used the natives in the lower realm as slaves for backup, and there were also mobs to fight.The first few batches that came down were all the disciples who came to experience or the personnel who assisted the experienced disciples to fight for the top.

There is no force that treats the natives of the lower realm as their opponents.


Zhang Yu Mansion, Yang Yuan.

This is the garden that Yang Xianzhi bought and renovated after he came down, it looks like it can barely live in.This is Yang Xianzhi's bottom line.

Speaking of which, many popular styles of architecture and decoration in the upper world were taught to Taohua in his previous life.

Xianyang's cultivation is far higher than Zhang Yu's, and it has a lot to do with Taohua's integration of the architectural style and decoration style of the upper realm.

At this time, Fu Luyi was eating wine with her uncle Meng Zan, Yang Xianzhi and others.

Eating, eating, Yang Xianzhi put the wine glass on the table, and said melancholy, "I don't know why, but recently I always feel that something is going to happen."

"Oh?" Meng Zan looked at him seriously in astonishment and said, "Are you sure?"

Yang Xianzhi nodded.

"I felt like something was going to happen, and it affected me a lot."

Meng Zan knew that the more talented a person is, the easier it is for him to be born with a spiritual warning after his cultivation level is advanced. "Then what can be done? Is it about the companion treasure?"

Yang Xianzhi frowned, "I don't know, I just feel that something is wrong."

"Speaking of which, the Northwest is really strange. Until now, only two treasures have appeared in the world. Seven or eight treasures have appeared in each of the quilts." Fu Luyi also said very curiously. "Especially about An Xia, I heard that she already knows a dozen of them." She said here, and she looked at Yang Xianzhi with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Although Yang Xianzhi is much younger than her, he can be her son.But the age difference between monks and husbands by a few hundred years is not too much.Maybe she and Yang Xianzhi are a match made in heaven.

Besides, Yang Xianzhi's status is also worthy of her.

"The companions of heavy treasures in the entire territory of the Great Song Dynasty, only Tianming is particularly mysterious and difficult to find." Yang Xianzhi sighed.He has used almost all methods. "Nowadays, those treasures we find now are usually caught by those people in the previous life who made noises and contacted the organizations that once sheltered them. But because they were caught, now everyone knows that those organizations are The way we fish, there are fewer and fewer guys who are hooked now.

On the northwest side, we haven't penetrated into the Shentian Pavilion back then.As a result, we have repeatedly suffered setbacks in our pursuit of the companions of Chongbao. "

"This fate is too calm, he has never restored the towering pavilion." Fu Luyi said in surprise.

Yang Xianzhi was also slightly melancholy, thinking that this destiny is really patient.

"Even if Destiny doesn't restore the Tower of Heaven, she still has the contact information of many treasured half-length people in the northwest." Meng Zan said while stroking his short beard. "She specified that she knew everyone's contact information, so she was able to hide them so tightly that we didn't find any of them for so long.

Except for the one accidentally discovered by Yang Langjun, we can hardly find any other companions of Chongbao. "

"Then Master Meng, why don't we just put this place down first and look for it elsewhere? Let's speed up and find all the treasures in other places, and then come back and search here, won't it be enough?" Fu Luyi road.

"Master and niece, your thinking is too simple. We are able to harvest so many treasures now, in fact, most of them are because our main force is located in the northwest. That's why other places will relax their vigilance and reveal flaws, allowing us to find the treasures .

Another one, we are here three times a day, so the talents in the northwest are hiding tightly, so they can't reach out to the northwest to help the companions of Chongbao in other regions.If we backed out of the Northwest, believe it or not, they'd have their hand out right away. "

"Then let's wait for them to stretch out their hands and follow the clues to find them, can't we?"

"It's not that easy. They can rely on too many people and forces. As long as we relax a little bit, they can use other people's hands to intervene in our affairs." Meng Zan said with a wry smile.

"Then this won't work, and that won't work either. So what should we do? It's troublesome if there is no progress." Fu Luyi looked at Yang Xianzhi distressedly. She knew the pressure on Yang Xianzhi, and there was almost three times a day.

"Why don't we lure the snake out of the hole once, no matter what the result is, we must try." Yang Xianzhi said calmly.

"Alright." Meng Zan thought for a while and replied.

The anger in Fu Luyi's heart, Yang Xianzhi said, "Meng Zan, Uncle Meng, you agreed, and I said you just have to fight non-stop."

Don't look at you as my uncle and follower of my master, but you are nothing in the eyes of my master.

"By the way, news came from my master recently that the prototype of the new Lingshan that the royal family tried to build has been successfully completed this time. However, the prototype of the Lingshan built this time is much smaller than the last one. The spirit vein has just taken shape and is only at the first level."

"What kind of prototype of Lingshan is it?" Yang Xianzhi asked curiously.

Meng Zan frowned instinctively, thinking how could such a thing be said in front of Yang Xianzhi.As a result, before he had time to stop it, Fu Luyi said, "I heard it is the Sanyuan Lingshan. They are Muyuan, Tuyuan and Shuiyuan respectively."

"It's a good idea." Yang Xianzhi said, "Many of the spiritual mountains in our upper realm have this prototype."

"The prototype of the Sanyuan Lingshan is easy to grow, but the Lingshan born in the world must be unique. If many people choose the same prototype of the Sanyuan Lingshan as us, we might have to fight a few times in the end." Either it will be swallowed, or it will grow up by swallowing Bieshan.Anyway, the world finally only recognizes one.

"It really doesn't work. In the end, it will be changed to Liangyi Sanyuan, or Sanyuan Wucai. Or Sanyuan Qixing or something."

After Yang Xianzhi's suggestion was heard by Fu Luyi, she sighed again, "It's too difficult. If you want to change the attributes of Lingshan, you must have a suitable town. It's too rare to find something that can be used as a town of Lingshan."

(End of this chapter)

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