The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 714 Talent

Chapter 714 Talent
Probably because the killing was too brutal, or maybe there were too many altar-level cultivators in the Chu family.As for just over half a month of killing, the teams that originally planned to enter the Chu family's territory almost disappeared in piles and piles.

Those who did not leave also quietly formed an alliance.Especially this alliance mixed with the monks from the upper realm.

Chu Shinian fought against them a few times, and suffered moderate losses.The opponent has too many good things in his hands.

But the blood of the Chu family is also queen.

Anyway, even if we killed tens of thousands of monks, my Chu family still has millions of reserves.

Especially with the tension of the war, the Chu family took out more and more bodiless pills, Xuezhi pills, Xuelinglu, and special Yaoxue pills refined by Yaoxue as rewards.The Chu family's monk team almost became more and more courageous as they fought.More and more monks at the peak of Tongmai and the perfect state of Tongmai have broken through because of taking the bodiless pill.

The enemies on the opposite side are simply terrified.

So much so that they all got together and cursed angrily, "It's too wicked, my son told me that the Chu family monk team he was facing was fifteen in total, and there were only three altars at the beginning. People killed two of them. As a result, they came back a few days later, and the altars became five. After a few days, the altars became eight. After half a month, the altars became eleven. My son They all said that the next time I see you, it will be a godsend for everyone."

What the fuck, don't talk about Wude.

"Why does the Chu family have so many bodiless pills?" Someone asked.

Even those people in the upper realm don't quite understand it.As soon as the movement started, the upper realm began to buy the main materials of the Bodiless Pill from the natives of the lower realm.

"Probably in the sea. Whether it's the Sea Clan or the secret place on the sea, the main and auxiliary materials of the Embodied Pill may appear." Meng Zan thought for a while and said proactively.

In addition, the person from the Pill Grass House also said, "Never underestimate those forces with alchemy inheritance, their level of alchemy is not low. Especially the Chu family, I heard that they have a branch of doctors and alchemists themselves. "

"Rejuvenation Hall. Everyone knows that it belongs to the Chu family." Someone said again.

"Are there many families like the Chu family that have their own doctors and alchemists?" A beautiful woman interjected and asked.

"It depends on how many doctors and alchemists you mean. Many families have their own doctors and alchemists. The number varies from a few, dozens, to hundreds. But like the Chu family, they raise their own doctors and alchemists. There are not many of the whole branch."

"There is probably another Ma family in the northwest. The whole family is very low-key."

"I heard that the Ye family did the same. Their family used to be in the medicinal materials business. Although they were squeezed out by the Chu family recently. But their family is very smart, and quickly adjusted their strategy. From the beginning of the confrontation, it became a cooperative relationship. up.

This time, no one from their family came over. "

"There should be another Wei family."

Yang Xianzhi, Fu Luyi and the others were shocked.

"So there are so many powerful families in the northwest? I've never heard of them." Fu Luyi asked first.Although Fu Luyi is a monk from the upper realm, she is a great beauty, so she is very easy to eat among a certain kind of male monks.As soon as she heard her question, a male monk replied, "All of these big families are very low-key and hide. Before the Longshanfang City, the Chu family was also very low-key. We all know that Huichuntang belongs to their family, but they never I didn't think the Chu family was so powerful, Huichuntang was just a shop with a pharmacist sitting in to buy medicinal materials.

Who knew that their family used Huichun Hall to train so many pharmacists and physicians? "

The words of this thirty-year-old man resonated with the monks around him.

"Yes, yes, from the very beginning, I thought their family was a small family that could do business." Who would have thought that the Chu family would develop so fast and be so ruthless?
"Then do these families have contacts with the Chu family? Is the relationship between them good?" Yang Xianzhi asked.

"I do not know."

"Yeah, why would such a family tell others all about what they do?"

"That's right, our family is still related to Mrs. Ma, but we don't know what's going on with Mrs. Ma."

"That's right, the bigger the family, the stricter the internal management. Especially with the Chu family first, many families refer to the Chu family's family management method to manage the clan members within the family."

"Valuable is to cultivate them with all our strength, and if they are not capable, they are fed and let them have children. Haha. I think the Chu family is nothing more than that." Another man with a big belly laughed at Chu.

"Hmph, if the Chu family is really not that good, can they still withstand the cooperation of so many of our families on their own?"

"That is, if you really think that the Chu family is not very good, next time you will be the death squad and choose your soldiers."



Then there was a series of seconding voices, and the man with the big belly turned surprisingly ugly for a moment.After the heavy nose snorted coldly, he didn't dare to make any more noise.

Yang Xianzhi frowned slightly.

How could this be suppressed by Chu Shinian?

He had met Chu Shinian in his previous life. At that time, Chu Shinian was just the former leader of the Chu Clan's hidden guards, the sidekick of Chu Yuxuan's father and daughter.He really didn't even look at this guy.

But after Chu Xi's accident, the Chu family pushed him out.How could the whole guy lead the Chu family so well?
"Can our family recruit this Chu Shinian?" Yang Xianzhi asked the two counselors beside him.

Guo Zan shook his head directly.

"Unless the Chu family is destroyed. Even if the Chu family is destroyed, Chu Shinian will not necessarily submit to my family."

"Why?" Fu Luyi asked puzzled.

"Because Chu Shinian may look down on the Yang family. He thinks the Yang family is not a master." Dong Ce said very bluntly from the side.

Fu Luyi looked at him in horror.

"If Chu Shinian didn't have the Chu family as a drag, just relying on his personal talent and talent, he would most likely be selected by the higher-ups. But he would choose the Yang family differently. Although the Yang family is also a big family in the upper realm, But that's all. There are so many great powers in the upper realm, which one can he choose?"

Of course, Dong Ce's statement is actually a disguised form of self-deprecation.No matter how bad the Yang family is, it is better than Baicao Pavilion! !

What is Baicao Pavilion, a second-rate small force.

If it wasn't for Fu Luyi's special status, she would not be worthy of her young master at all.

"How can a little Chu Shinian be rated so highly by you?" Fu Luyi couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought.

"Chu Shinian is not as simple as you think. While he is in charge of the affairs of the entire Chu family, he organizes the Chu family army to fight against us in an orderly manner. His mind is divided into two parts, and he fights so vigorously.

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, but this kind of scheming and talent makes people very experienced.He already controlled the life and death of more than 500 million people with one hand. "

(End of this chapter)

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