The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 719 Alchemy Master Apprentice Exam

Chapter 719 Alchemy Master Apprentice Exam
In fact, it is not only golden sunflower, such as the blood spirit flower and Qingyang spirit peach tree planted in the family, and even the top-grade spirit rice and spirit wheat. The planting area is so large, and the actual value is even greater A huge and terrifying number.

But the problem is that the Chu family has a large population, so internal consumption alone can consume a lot of resources, okay?

The Chu family knows their own affairs, and now all kinds of resources can barely be said to be adequately supplied, and they will not hold back.It's really not that rich.If the Chu family stops now, within a few years, the Chu family will be dragged down by the current tribe and the total population under its jurisdiction.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the Rebirth Pill. Doesn't the Chu family know that it can trade a lot of spiritual stones and precious resources from outside?

Know.However, more than [-]% of the bodiless pills have been exchanged by the family for lieutenants and meritorious members of the family.

In order to have enough alchemists to refine bodiless pills, the family recruited alchemists and alchemy apprentices almost every few months.In one year, three alchemists and six alchemy apprentices were recruited.Some boys did not meet the qualification requirements for alchemy apprentices at the beginning, but they still liked alchemy.Just find someone to learn alchemy by yourself, and then desperately go to the alchemy apprenticeship exam. Anyway, you can take the exam six times a year, if you fail the exam, continue the exam next year.

As long as the person is not too bad and has no spiritual roots, he can pass the alchemy apprenticeship exam seven or eight times if he fails three or four times.

Just passing the alchemy apprenticeship does not mean that you will have a peaceful life in the future, the suffering has just begun.In order to make the new alchemy tool people can produce benefits.The masters will squeeze you like crazy.The first three years of alchemy apprentices were basically weighing and proportioning, making some medicinal powders and medicinal bath packs.

Of course, if you are talented, you can shorten this time.If your talent is not good enough, then you can only work hard as an apprentice for three more years, weighing and packing.

At least one person will check any package of Chu's medicine package, one inspector is responsible for random inspection, and one steward is responsible for final inspection.

If there are problems even after passing three levels, then someone will be punished.

Potions are nothing else, and there must be no problem of someone making a wrong operation.

Because of Chu's strict inspection and verification requirements, the quality of Chu's medicines and pills has always been the top in the market.There are only three or four drug dealers like them in Longshanfang City.

None of the top drug dealers from other continents were there, and all of them were from Yun'an mainland.

In fact, Yun'an Continent and Yunzhou Continent are both producing areas of medicinal materials.The mainland of Yunzhou is flatter and more suitable for growing food.And Yun'an Continent is really mountainous and rainy, with extremely changeable climate.

It was sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon.

When I just fell asleep, I was still barking with frogs and dogs, but in the middle of the night the mudslides came.

In particular, the Yun'an Continent has a lot of water, and there are as many underground water veins as a cow's hair. No one can tell when a small landslide will appear in the mountain, and then a vast underground river will go away. Minglu rushed out from the mountain.

With this strange climate and terrain, it is more suitable for the growth of various medicinal materials.The entire Yun'an continent is also relatively flat in the central hinterland of the mainland, which is suitable for growing food and so on.The major countries in the central part of the mainland developed faster and became richer relatively because of their large food and population.

Around the mainland, especially in the northwest region, there are many small countries, most of which have sold medicinal materials for a living.Therefore, the population here has been making medicinal materials for generations.Collecting and distributing herbs, physician apprentices and alchemy apprentices are all easier to recruit.

Most of the young boys and girls who come here to rely on apprentices can pass the exam once or twice.Especially the poor, the little lady of the Orion's House especially relies on alchemy and apprenticeship as a doctor.Not only is the apprentices willing to pay well, but also the Chu family has a very low-key unspoken rule.Under the same conditions, it is better to hire a young woman than a young boy.

Cough, cough, every time we recruit apprentices, at least two-thirds of the recruited apprentices are young ladies.

Six or seven out of ten people are little ladies.That's awesome! !

In fact, the main reason is that refining medicine is a delicate job, and the little ladies are obedient and willing to do it.The boys are generally more escaped, not very stable.

But if you meet kids who like to be apprentices, if you fail the exam once, you can still take the exam a second time.As long as your grades pass, generally speaking, the examiners will not watch you come to take the exam for the fourth time.

When Yang Xiao brought Chu Shiluo and his brothers to Jiangyang, it happened to be in time for the Alchemy Apprentice Examination every two months, just three days later.After this exam, ten days later is the physician apprenticeship exam.

A large number of young men and young ladies flooded into Jiangyang City at once.

Each one is full of hope and vitality.As soon as they entered the city gate, thousands of people greeted them, "Are you here to take the alchemist apprentice exam? If so, please show your admission card. We can arrange board and lodging for you."

The boys and ladies who were stopped immediately took out their own small wooden signs obediently.The servants of the Jiangyang city magistrate inspected the small brand, and immediately asked someone to take them to find a place to stay and eat.

Yang Xiao and the others happened to follow those boys and girls into the city.Even Yang Xiao couldn't hold back and asked, "Do you still provide food for exams here?"

"I don't have much money anyway." Chu Shiluo said indifferently.

"Food and lodging are all included, so each person must spend at least a few dozen copper coins, right? There are many cities under your Chu family, and each city has at least a hundred people to take the exam, right? There are five or six such exams a year, How much do you have to pay?" Elder brother Yang Qi asked in surprise.

"That's not much money. There must be at least a few hundred people for this kind of exam each time around a city. In the end, about 100 people will be recruited. If you don't pass the exam this time, you can take the exam next time. You can take the doctor's apprenticeship exam." Chu Shiluo said.Whoever is in the family is not, but Taohua will be sorted out and told to him about major events in the family.So he still knows the real news about this kind of exam in the family.

"Wouldn't that mean you have to stay here for more than half a month, with free board and lodging?" Yang Qi asked.

"Yes. It's not spiritual food, and there is no spiritual fruit. It's really not that difficult to eat whatever you want to fill your stomach. We have all kinds of demon fish here, and they can eat them casually." Chu Shi Luo casually pointed.I saw a small river meandering through the city, and the small river was densely packed with three-foot-long three-horse fish.A weak fish species that also absorbs the aura.Not even demon fish.

(End of this chapter)

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