The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 733 Thoughts

Chapter 733 Thoughts
The fat master is called Hu Sanshui, an elite land master appointed by the Chu family himself.Usually, everyone is a teacher, and the family runs at both ends, moving wherever it is needed.

Anyway, they are both earning Lingshi, especially hardworking and willing to work.

This time, my eldest nephew needed my help, and Lao Hu, the fat teacher, hurried back.

"Uncle, don't worry. I'm not stupid. Our village occupies this position, and we will be the first in this area in the future. The construction of the town must be our priority, and the construction of the city is also designated as our priority. The other villages have to go The back row." The village head is also a middle-aged man, who looks older than the fat master.The Fat Master is actually really old, but with the dual support of Shimen and the Chu family, he has eaten a lot of various panacea, making him look like he is only 40 to [-] years old.

"In the future, we will also have spiritual veins." Chu Yingshui said happily.

The main vein has a third-order spiritual vein with a rather large range, located near Miryang and Xianyang, and the range is very wide.I heard that there are five colors of strange light shrouded on the main peak, which is very magical.

Now they also have their own spirit veins.

"Uncle, do you think this major change in the earth's veins will really make this tiny spiritual vein near our village a first-order spiritual vein?" Chu Yingshui asked with some uncertainty.

"If I were you, I'd better concentrate the financial resources of the whole village to buy more spirit stones. In case, I am in case, if the spirit veins are still a little bit behind, you can put the spirit stones into the formation. Naturally, you can advance to the first level smoothly.

At that time, you can manage the new level of spiritual veins according to the family's plan. If you really don't succeed in advancing, you can apply for other plans of the family.

In short, you can manage it however your family tells you to do. "

Hu Sanshui reminded his nephew.Hu Sanshui's grandmother was surnamed Chu, and her brother-in-law was also surnamed Chu.He is a serious son-in-law, because of his outstanding talent, he was sent by his family to study earth master.He has a strong sense of belonging to the family.

Although Shimen treated him well, but since he entered Shimen, he knew where he stood.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is a division, there are so many people in the division, so many factions are fighting, if there is no family behind him, he would have been reduced to cannon fodder.Don't think that there are no dirty things in the sect.Although it is difficult for him to reach the core level of the sect because of the family behind him, he is much better than those brothers who have no power behind them and have wasted their time on their own.

Anyway, he has learned his skills.

Before Hu Sanshui embarked on the path of self-cultivation, his hair was already gray and he couldn't even stand up straight.Now, he feels that he has directly returned to his prime, and his energy seems to be inexhaustible all day long.

The key is that the lineage of the land division is now reused by the family, and all kinds of benefits are very good.

"Uncle, don't worry, I know what to do." Chu Yingshui said happily.

"There are plans for how to upgrade and how to develop and utilize the various spiritual veins in the family. Don't make up your own mind. The promotion of these spiritual veins is ultimately for the promotion of our main spiritual vein. So if you make up your mind , the Patriarch will not spare you." Hu Sanshui told his nephew in a low voice.

Chu Yingshui suddenly realized. "I said why did the family suddenly help us cultivate the spiritual vein? So it was for our family's main spiritual vein?"

"That spiritual vein has already been cultivated to the third level. For new families like ours, many families haven't even cultivated the first and second level spiritual veins. But we have already been promoted to the third level." Hu Sanshui said. "You don't usually go out and walk around, so you really don't know how difficult it is to promote the spiritual veins from the first level to the second level. It is not difficult to promote from the second level to the third level, but how difficult it is. Most of the second-level spiritual veins There is no chance of being promoted to the third-order spiritual vein.

But our family has been promoted to the third rank. "

"But uncle, I heard people from the outside world say that our Chu family is a young bird, even if our spiritual veins continue to be promoted, we will not be able to keep it in the end." Chu Yingshui said.

"There are many people who say that our Chu family is bound to decline and perish every day. I have also heard some people say that there are forces from the upper realm saying that our family is bound to perish. Do you believe it?" Hu Sanshui asked speechlessly.

Chu Yingshui shook his head speechlessly, and said frankly, "Our village has had about [-] newborn babies this year. There are eight babies named Chu, and they are all fat and white. What's the matter with extermination?"

Although their village is a village on the sea, and they are settled in mixed surnames, but many people are willing to marry their Chu surname.

Several boys in his family have married good wives, and he has given birth to several grandchildren.In another ten years or so, the grandchildren will be able to marry and have children again.

Their Chu surname is so prosperous, why did they destroy their clan?
"So you don't have to pay attention to those rumors that outsiders talk about." Hu Sanshui said. "By the way, I heard that the eldest grandson of your family has entered the dark guard?"

"Yeah, I just sent it in. It is said that he is still a young genius. Both the teacher and the classmates like him."

"That kid is only six years old, right? Really good." Hu Sanshui said in surprise.

"He's a good boy." Chu Yingshui said arrogantly.His grandson is indeed a good one.


On the same day, in Xianyang City.

In a secret private room of a restaurant.Xun Shiframe, Guo Yongyi, and Hua Shuyu gathered together silently.

The three of them sat around a round table and ate food and wine in a low-key manner.

In the end, the dishes were scattered and the fragrant tea was served again.It was Hua Shuyu who spoke first, "What do you think of the sub formation launched by the Chu family?"

"I've already seen that sub-array made by the Chu family. It looks very good." Xun Shi framed.

"I've seen one too. The function designation of that sub-array is good. I'm just worried that the Chu family will use the sub-array to control our spiritual land, spiritual springs and miniature spiritual veins." Guo Yongyi has now moved to Xian A headhunter was made in Yangcheng's magistrate's mansion.

Dried impressively.

Among the three, he discovered a spiritual spring in his own field, and after being watered by the spiritual spring water, he turned his hundred acres of land into a spiritual field.However, because the land has a hundred acres, but there is only one spiritual spring, so up to now, the grade of his family's spiritual field is not high, only the first grade, which is still barely attainable.

In order for the spiritual fields to retain enough spiritual energy for the growth of his own spiritual medicines, he also arranged a first-order low-grade spirit-gathering array for all the spiritual fields.

The formation method is the most expensive. Even if the spirit gathering formation on a hundred acres of land is only a low-grade one, the complete arrangement will cost almost all his savings.So from his original intention, he didn't want to arrange any formations to cultivate spiritual veins.

Anyway, he already has a spirit-gathering array, and the ground veins have changed, so how can Lingquan have to be advanced?Cultivate it or not, will it still advance? !
(End of this chapter)

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