The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 735 Are You My Sister?

Chapter 735 Are You My Sister?

In order to prevent the family from collapsing, the best way is to expose the secret cultivation of the third-order spiritual vein of the main vein!

"The Chu family is too rich." Hua Shuyu said with emotion. "It's just that so many spiritual veins are cultivated at the same time, and they belong to different parties. Aren't they afraid that the Chu family will split in the future?"

"Probably because of self-confidence. I feel that the Patriarch of the Chu family is very confident. So she will not suppress the progress of various branches in the clan. Not only will she not suppress, but she will also consciously give support. Look at the Dongfeng that is continuing to recover within the Chu family. In the end, it is indeed monks, land masters, formation masters and other professionals with special expertise who have grown up, not the family branches of a certain place, so you can get a glimpse of their brilliant skills." Xun Shi framed in admiration.

"If the head of the Chu family doesn't have any real skills, how can the Chu family be brought to prosperity? Look at the emperor of the Song Dynasty, he is also very young. He is only in his early thirties? But look at how the Song Dynasty is now. He always said that What's Song's serious illness is difficult to cure, he can't do it himself, who can be blamed?"

Guo Yongyi said without politeness at all.

The other two nodded repeatedly.

Although the land under their feet is still called the Great Song Territory, the actual controller is indeed the Chu family.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a country is a country within a country.

Moreover, since Chu Shinian occupied the land of the four cities, he has never paid taxes to Da Song again.The tax rate on Chu's territory is also much lower than other places.Attracted too many common people, dragging their families and traveling thousands of miles to move here.

"Then what should we do?" Hua Shuyu changed the subject again.

Xun Shijia and Guoyongyi frowned together.

"If the spirit stones in the hands of the two brothers are really not suitable, I can lend them to the two brothers." Hua Shuyu said again. "In any case, we can't delay such a big event."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Then I will tell you the number of spirit stones that Brother Guo and I are short of." Xun Shi frame agreed after thinking for a while.

Hua Shuyu was finally satisfied, and said a few more words to the two of them before leaving hastily.


When Chu Shiluo returned to the family, he was called by Taohua to turn him around.

Those in one's own branch family, those in the main line, and those in the whole family.There are too many things that peach blossoms need to do.People are going to be exhausted.I didn't see that Chu Shinian was young and had a good foundation, and he had been spinning for several days.

In the end, Taohua couldn't see him, so he drove him to the dormitory to sleep for a night, and then he got up full of energy and rushed out to work.

The young couple are so busy that they may not be able to see each other from morning till night.This is still Chu Shinian in Xianyang!
At this time, the great savior Chu Shiluo came back.

With one more person, she directly shared part of her work.Peach Blossom hasn't used him to death yet.

So Chu Shiluo had only been back for three days, and his whole body was sluggish.Not physically, but mentally.

Emma, ​​he has never done anything so exhausting.

All kinds of miscellaneous matters flew in like a snowflake, and the intricacies were almost killing him.

Turning his head back, he walked to Taohua with a look of powerlessness.Then he spread his body on the high-backed chair beside the peach blossom desk. "Taohua, please forgive me. This is simply not done by humans?"

"Then what am I doing?" Taohua asked speechlessly.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

"This time in Xianyang, you can deal with other people's spiritual lands and springs, but our family's two small spiritual veins and ten miniature spiritual veins belong to our family. You have to take care of them. Things are arranged.

This is a major event related to the upgrade of our family's spiritual veins again. "

Tao Hua's words made Chu Shiluo nod again and again.

"By the way, how did I hear that Chu Shinian released the news that the spiritual vein in the underground of our house was cultivated by the main vein?" Chu Shiluo asked puzzledly, "I remember that this spiritual vein is yours. It was cultivated by one hand."

From the very beginning, Taohua didn't take much from home to cultivate the spirit veins. In Chu Shiluo's view, what he had taken out was not enough to cultivate a fraction of a third-order spirit vein. "The Sutu Spirit Formation underground was also designed by you alone, and arranged by someone else."

Taohua said with some annoyance, "I didn't expect this spirit vein to grow so fast at first. When I found out, I started to prepare in advance. For example, in Xianyangxiu City, moving my home back, etc. But when it is promoted At the third level, there is too much movement. There is no other way, I asked Chu Shinian to release the news, saying that this spiritual vein was cultivated secretly by the main vein."

Because of his trust in his sister, and the relationship between Chu Shinian and Taohua, Chu Shiluo didn't think much about it.Immediately nodded and said, "This is indeed a way, at least you understand the reason for the crime of pregnant Bi."

"It's as if I'm ignorant." Tao Hua rolled her eyes speechlessly. "Whether I'm sensible or not, you can't run anymore recently. You have to wait until you've dealt with the great changes in the leylines before you can go out."

Chu Shiluo groaned, feeling very bitter.

"By the way, is it really necessary to cultivate so many more spiritual veins?" Chu Shiluo asked puzzled.

"Brother, do you know how many years it takes for a third-order large-scale spiritual vein to grow into a fourth-order super-large spiritual vein in an era of spiritual energy? Each is calculated in millennia. But you see, nowadays The recovery of spiritual energy is intensifying, and there are still some upper realm forces that are stalking. Will our family have a stable development?" Taohua asked.

Chu Shiluo was silent.

"Time waits for me. Alas, since there is no way to develop steadily, we can only seek some more radical solutions." Taohua said kindly.

"Then cultivating the spiritual veins on top of the spiritual veins is your way?" Chu Shiluo looked at her in astonishment.

"It should be said to actively cultivate some branches on the trunk. Let it actively evolve towards the direction of the big tree. When it is completely connected with the surrounding spiritual veins, our family's spiritual veins will be promoted to the fourth-order large-scale spiritual veins. It's pulse time."

"But you are such a big hand every time, your brother and I are so tired, my heart hurts, and my liver hurts." Chu Shiluo said while clutching his heart.

He didn't know that, just outside the screen not far away, Chu Shinian walked in quietly, and when he heard this, he couldn't help pursing his lips and chuckling.He thought to himself, it turns out that Chu Shiluo, who looks so serious and steady, is still acting like a baby with his sister.

Taohua laughed and said, "Be patient, what else should I do? There is really no one left. You should make a contribution to the spirit vein. When it is promoted to Lingshan in the future, I will definitely thank you very much."

So perfunctory?

Chu Shiluo couldn't help but his face turned dark, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

"I said, are you still a sister?"

"It's not my sister, I can help you stay at home for such a long time?" Tao Hua immediately retorted him angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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