The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 748: Women Work

Chapter 748: Women Work
Looking at the entire Yun'an Continent, a well-established force may not be as lucky as the Chu family.Those who are lucky may not have the courage to develop like the Chu family.

It's like dancing on the tip of a knife! !

But at this speed of development, can the Chu family really sustain it?

Not to mention anything else, as more and more casual cultivators and civilians poured into the Chu family's territory, the chaos gradually spread to the Chu family.Even though the Chu family strengthened the patrol force of the guards in various places, they recruited recruits on a large scale again.

But in fact, too many people have flooded into the Chu family's territory, so the Chu family's defense force is still a bit stretched.

Moreover, the influx of a large number of people is really difficult to arrange within a short period of time.All kinds of contradictions and frictions are constantly staged in the large and small cities under the Chu family.People from all over the world who had already settled down also began to hate the later guys.

On this day, several dog carts with dilapidated and leaky sheds came to Miyang City, and there were hundreds of people.There are men, women and children.The whole is another group of refugees.

Because there are so many refugees like this recently, even the guards who are responsible for the security of the city gate all showed disgusted eyes.

"Stop. Refugees are not allowed to enter the city." Several guards directly stopped a group of people and prevented them from going to the gate of the city. The long line that was about to enter the city lined up to enter the city.

A spiritual old woman in her fifties took her two sons in their thirties out of her family's refugee ranks.The old woman said in a calm tone, "We are people from the southwest. One son and two grandchildren in the family are well-known. They are all scholars."

Hearing what the old woman said, several sergeants immediately restrained their expressions and listened seriously.

"The refugee army in the southwest was too violent, and we couldn't make it through, so we fled here with our family. We have been walking for more than half a year from the southwest. We passed by the Chu family before. A village, I wanted to settle there. But the village chief said that the Chu family has a rule that if there are a lot of people in the family, they must settle in the nearby big city. So we rushed here. "

"You guys came from Hangou, right?"

A sergeant who looked like a small captain came over to ask.The land veins have changed greatly, and the topography of the Chu family's territory has also undergone great changes.In order to open up business routes to the outside world as soon as possible, the craftsmen of the Chu family rebuilt many passages leading to the outside of the Chu family's territory according to the terrain.

Among them, Hangou is a new Chidao, and it is also the Chidao closest to Miryang.

"Yes, we came from Hangou." The old woman said.

"Follow him. Those of you who have scholars in your family can settle directly." The captain called a little sergeant and asked him to take the old woman and his party to go through the formalities of settlement elsewhere.The old woman said gratefully and lamentingly, "In addition to the old relatives of our family, there are neighbors in the same village who also want to settle down."

"There are several types of refugees who are settled here. There are several types that are given priority. One is that there are heirs in the family who are famous or have a lot of scholars. The other is that there are monks in the family. The last type is those who have special skills.

If your neighbors also meet the conditions, they can follow you to settle down.If you are not satisfied, we have a place to temporarily settle refugees here. "The captain said.

"What kind of skills do you need?" A man in his 30s asked.He was one of the two middle-aged people who came with the old woman.

"Stonemasons, blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, etc. Farmers, fishermen, hunters, herbal pickers, etc.," the team leader said.

"I am the herb picker." Someone in the refugee team not far away hurriedly replied.




"Orion." The crowd soon became chaotic, and everyone was reporting what they were good at.The team leader is satisfied after seeing them, and these people can throw them away to do small jobs first, and then study while doing half of the work.Which step they can take in the end depends on their own ability and luck.

The craftsmen of the Chu family have always been the profession with the biggest gap.

Craftsmen work hard and are easy to learn but difficult to master. Many people are more willing to learn how to do business, how to run a village, how to handle government affairs, or join the army.Craftsmen and the like, they look down on them.

Even within the Chu family, craftsmen are not very popular with the new generation.

However, the treatment of the craftsmen is quite good, and the craftsmen have been recruiting new people.As long as they are capable, love learning, are willing to work hard, and can meet the requirements for being promoted to craftsman apprentices, the family will approve a large number of new craftsman apprentices based on the craftsmen's applications almost every month.

Some meet the residency requirements, and some don't.

Like butchers, like young men and women who work as helpers for some rich families, and some young men who have worked as waiters in certain shops and restaurants...

They can only temporarily stay in the refugee camp outside the city and continue to wait.

Although recruiting sergeants in the army also went there to recruit, and all kinds of recruits in the city also went there.But in the end it is not as good as the freedom of settlement.

For example, the He family led by an old woman rented a few houses in a courtyard just after they settled down.The whole family settled down first, and after putting on clean and less patched clothes, the strong laborers and young men who had just grown up all went out to look for errands.

As a result, within half a day, they ran back one after another.As soon as they ran back, they took the initiative to find their grandmother, mother, sisters and sisters-in-law.

"There are too many women working in the Chu family. There are a lot of places to recruit for such workshops as cooking in restaurants, sorting medicinal materials, weaving cloth, and making shoes. Why don't you let the sisters and sister-in-laws in the family go and have a look?" ?”

Xiao Lang who ran back reported to his grandmother excitedly.

An old woman was a little startled, "Is there any danger for a woman to work?"

"Probably not, most of them are not dangerous. They don't have too many women working here, and almost every family has women working outside." Another Xiaolang also interjected, "I saw some specially made In the workshop of silk flowers, at a glance, all women are working there.

Everyone did it very quickly. I saw those girls squeeze out a beautiful silk flower in a few strokes. "

"That's right, making tassels is also very beautiful. I also heard from people nearby that the work over there can be taken home and done at home. After it is done, just sell the finished product back to the workshop."

After listening to what the two grandsons said, the old woman was silent for a while and said, "Then you guys will have lunch later, and then go out to inquire more. If there is really no danger, your mother and I can go out first If you try to work, it can be regarded as a way for the children."

"You don't need to go, we have already inquired. Women can indeed go out to work." A man in his twenties who looked very similar to the old woman walked in and sat down directly beside the old woman.

(End of this chapter)

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