The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 756 Figures

Chapter 756 Figures

"This treasure is called the Plum Heart Ruler. You may not be able to see its preciousness just by looking at it. But what I want to say is that it is also a companion treasure, and it still comes from the human race."

There was a sudden silence in the arena.

Many scorching realizations looked at the one-foot-long ruler in Chu Xinjia's hand.

In the private room, the teacup in Yang Xianzhi's hand fell to the small table beside him with a clatter.His eyes also looked at the ruler in Chu Xinjia's hand in astonishment.

Not to mention him, even Meng Zan and Fu Luyi beside him all stared wide-eyed.

This is not the Sea Soul Halberd from before! !Although the companion treasure of the monster clan attracted the attention of many forces, and they competed for bids, it was the companion treasure of the monster clan after all.

And the one in front of him turned out to be a companion treasure belonging to the human race! !
This kind of accompanying treasure appeared at the auction in Longshanfang City for the first time after receiving the recovery for about thirty years when the world merged last time.

Now it has appeared twenty years earlier.

The first appearance of the Yaozu companion heavy treasure was about 30 years after the recovery of the aura.It was only eight years earlier than the Human Race Companion Heavy Treasure! !
I'm so surprised, is there any?
Two companion treasures in succession, how did the Chu family get them?
Suddenly, Yang Xianzhi and others felt their scalps tingling for a while.

This fusion of worlds is simply too unexpected! !
"Is that really the companion treasure of the human race?" Fu Luyi asked in astonishment.

"I haven't seen it before." Meng Zan said with the same horror as he observed the ruler carefully.

"It's the Plum Heart Ruler." Guo Zan rubbed his forehead heart. "It's not wrong to be the accompanying treasure of the human race. Someone got it in the previous world fusion. To be precise, its original owner should be a prince of a certain empire in the hinterland of the mainland. "

"But how did it appear here now?" Meng Zan asked in shock.

"I don't know." Guo Zan acted like how could I know.

"It's really scary. How come Longshanfang City is getting more and more scary. Who on earth provided them with the Sea Soul Halberd and Plum Heart Ruler? And let them openly sell them at the auction?" Yang Xianzhi said through gritted teeth.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Fu Luyi asked puzzled.

"The factions that have chosen to go to the center of the mainland are all well-known in the court. Even if this plum heart ruler is auctioned here, who do you think can get it? No one can get it. In the end, it will still become those forces. in his pocket." Yang Xianzhi said with a gloomy face. "The Chu family wanted fame and spirit stones. In the end, they gave away this hot potato. They really took advantage of it."

"Then who will buy it?" Fu Luyi asked.

At this time, Mei Xinrui had already started bidding, and the price soared to more than [-] million spirit stones almost without a pause.

There are two million spirit stones, and now the entire Song Dynasty royal family does not have so many spirit stones.

But those crazy forces are still bidding! !

An accompanying heavy treasure has provoked too many people's nerves.

Yang Xianzhi didn't know either!
In the end, this plum heart ruler was photographed by a mysterious person, with 100 million Lingshi.

Soon it's time for the last finale item.

Chu Xinjia's face was full of red, because the previous two lots were sold at sky-high prices.Each piece has a lot of [-] million spirit stones. "The last auction item is also the last auction item. Many people here are here for it.

Many even questioned its authenticity.

Now I'm going to tell you that this is a real piece.It is indeed a three-element spiritual mountain cultivation map.It comes from a mysterious relic and is very well preserved.It is true that three first-order sealed spirit veins with different attributes were discovered at the same time.

This is obviously a certain ancient force preparing to cultivate Lingshan, but an accident happened before it even started. "

Chu Xinjia called for someone to come to the stage to assist him, and then the four of them pulled up a huge hanging scroll.A part of a formation is drawn on the hanging scroll.

"This is one-sixtieth of the spiritual mountain cultivation map. One of the copies of the original map. Anyone who is interested can come up and appraise it. As long as it is not damaged at will."

"Then are you auctioning the real copy, or a copy?" Someone asked loudly.

"It's the real copy, the original picture." Chu Xinjia said.

"Then how do you sell your copy?" Someone asked deliberately.

Puchi, Chu Xinjia laughed. "Our family didn't have a complete copy, so we copied this one. The main reason is that some people will destroy the original copy directly without following the rules. Anyway, we won't take out the original copy until we receive the spirit stone."

puff puff...

Many people present immediately laughed.

It seems that the Chu family is also very cautious.

"I'm going to take a look on stage." Someone in the private room said.

"Please." Chu Xinjia replied very generously.

With one, there is a second, and a third.Even Yang Xianzhi took Guo Zan and Dong Cetai with him to the stage for appraisal.

Guo Zan and Dong Ce inspected it carefully for a long time before they whispered to Yang Xianzhi, "It's the formation map and it's true."

Unbelievable astonishment appeared in Yang Xianzhi's eyes.

What the hell, it was the first time he heard that this thing dared to be auctioned.

How many good things does the Chu family have, and dare to put it up for auction?

On the way back to the private room, Guo Zan whispered to his young master, "This is troublesome. With this kind of map, the muddy waters of the Yun'an Continent may cause a storm."

"It's just a picture." Yang Xianzhi frowned undecidedly.

"It's not just a picture. The Yun'an Continent is not small. Although some forces are secretly cultivating Lingshan, or have already started cultivating Lingshan. But most of the forces still don't know what is going on with Lingshan.

But as soon as this cultivation map is released, it will spread throughout the entire continent to all forces.What is going on in Lingshan and how to cultivate it, everyone has a direction.Maybe in the future, the entire Yun'an Continent will be full of Lingshan.

The most worrying thing is that it is very likely that other continents will gradually evolve into the same as Yun'an Continent. "

Hearing this, Yang Xianzhi felt even more irritable, "But we all know that after this world is integrated into the Divine Court, only one of the most complete and perfect Sanyuan Lingshan can be integrated into the Divine Court. The other spiritual mountains will be merged into the new world. nourishment."

"The question is, before the world merges, how much trouble will those guys who sit on Lingshan bring to everyone?" Guo Zan explained in a low voice.

Yang Xianzhi turned his head to look at him directly.

Guo Zan also looked back at him deeply.

The corners of Yang Xianzhi's mouth twitched, his face turned dark. "Really?"

"Look, young master, it won't be long before all kinds of copies of the three-element spirit mountain nurturing array map will fill the entire continent." Guo Zan said, "Young master, just believe me, there is absolutely no wrong expression."

(End of this chapter)

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