The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 758 Recommended

Chapter 758 Recommended
"If I knew you would be ruled by Chu Da, I might as well not have told you Beizi's identity earlier." The beauty said regretfully.

"If you don't tell me, I also have a conflicting idea in my heart. Although I am a concubine, my father loves me very much. He often tells me things about being in charge of the Chu family. I have dreamed of becoming a member of the Chu family since I was a child." host.

It's a pity that Chuxi blocked my way at that time. "

Speaking of this, Chu Chengqian smiled wryly, "You see, I am such a bad person who has no luck but always wants to control the family."

"Husband, you are not bad, you are just too unlucky." The beauty said with tears.

If Chu Chengqian had no talent, how could he be chosen by the former patriarch of the Chu family as the future patriarch's backup son?How can you be the head of the house just by pampering?Chu Chengqian is actually really talented.It's a pity he was so unlucky.He and Chu Xi are too close in age.

With Chu Xi, when will the Chu family think of him?
Yu Liang, who was born Yu and He Shengliang, is at least almost the same.But Chu Chengqian and Chu Xi are too different.So much so that even Chuxi was a girl, such a big disadvantage, did not make those in power in the Chu family's direct line give up on her.

Chu Chengqian is well aware of his embarrassing position, but he is really unwilling.

"Go and serve Yang Xianzhi, maybe you can make a way for Dalang and me." Chu Chengqian still thought with extravagant hopes.

The beauty nodded seriously.She will listen to her husband.

In fact, Chu Chengqian is still a golden bachelor in the eyes of his clan and outsiders, he is not married, and he has no wife or children.A beauty is not even considered a concubine in the eyes of others.Just like Chu Chengqian's own mother back then, she was an insignificant concubine.

Chu Chengqian's mother-in-law did not have a serious status until her death, and when she died, she was buried anywhere, but she was not buried in the Chu family's cemetery.This had a great impact on Chu Chengqian, and the other members of the Chu clan looked down on him even if they didn't talk about it.

But after Chu Chengqian got the beauty, for a certain purpose, he also made her concubine unknown.

Moreover, in order to prevent Chu Da from discovering this same reborn beauty, Chu Chengqian also hid the beauty tightly, not letting her come to see him normally.Only when he has something to ask the other party to do, he will let the other party come to see him.

"You said that in the life when Chu Xi was alive, although the Chu family also developed, it was not as good as it is now?"

Chu Chengqian confirmed with the beauty again with a gloomy expression.

If it is said that the Chu family has not developed so strong and powerful, he will not doubt it.When Chu Da said that Chu Xi was not dead, and that Chu Xi now controls the family, he believed it.But now he gradually began to doubt.

Who is in control of the family now?

"Yes, at that time Chu Shinian was still by Uncle Yuxuan's side, helping Uncle Yuxuan. Speaking of which, since Chu Xi passed away, the Chu family has changed, and the changes have been particularly great." Although the beauty is the same as Chu Da, It is also born again.But their previous lives were limited in terms of knowledge and status.There are very few kinds of help that can be provided to Chu Chengqian.But she still spoke out what she knew very seriously.

"Did you say that in the previous life, the Chu family occupied Zhang Yufu?" Chu Chengqian had a complicated expression at this moment.

"No. In the previous life, although the Chu family was also a powerful family on Yun'an Continent, they didn't occupy Zhang Yu. They didn't even completely occupy Myitzhi Prefecture." The beauty said with certainty.

"What about the islands in the sea? Did the Chu family occupy so many islands in the previous life?" Chu Chengqian asked again.

"Not at all. At this time in the previous life, how could there be so many islands on the sea. Even if there were waterways, the market would still be attacked by sea beasts. It would be considered lucky if three ships returned after ten ships came out.

As a result, shipping by sea is very profitable, and many desperadoes organize their own fleets to go to sea for their lives. "

Chu Chengqian looked directly into the beauty's eyes, and found that the other party's eyes were clear, and there was no dodge at all.That is to say, what the other party said is true.

Then he got even more toothache.

How did the islands in the sea come to be?

Where did the Chu family learn the technique of lifting the island?

"Maybe I went the wrong way, and I wasted Uncle Shi's life." Chu Chengqian rubbed his forehead and said. "I should have been like other clansmen, silently integrated into the family, and then secretly developed power in the family. If Uncle Shi was still alive, we would not have to worry about not being able to develop in the family.

It's a pity that I was too conceited at the beginning, I thought I could win the new Patriarch.Unexpectedly, the opponent was too strong. "

The beauty didn't speak. She didn't quite understand what the husband said, but no matter what the husband did, she would support him.As long as it is a task assigned by her husband, she will do her best to complete it.

Chu Chengqian silently glanced at the woman who regarded himself as the sky, and sighed secretly.

Forget it, he should fill his stomach with the lady first, and then fight for other things.


Chu Yushen took his eldest nephew Chu Junjie and his own son Chu Junzhuo to visit his third uncle Chu Zifei.

"Third Uncle, I heard that Jun Xia has done a good job and was promoted again?" Chu Yushen knew where Chu Jun Xia went to work.He also knew that Chu Shinian appreciated him for his achievements.

Chu Zifei was holding the teacup leisurely. "Tell me about those outsiders who settled here."

Although the Patriarch was a bit harsher this time, let alone achieved good results.

Don't talk about others, just say that the juniors in their own family have done a good job.There must be losses, but there are more in the early days.This made him very relieved.

"That's right, I heard that it's because those outsiders settled down well that that kid got promoted again." Chu Yushen said with a smile.

"Come on, he was brought along for a ride, and the main force was his partner Chu Jinhong. That little blackie is really good. Chu Shinian just mentioned a few points, and he did very well. The results are outstanding. .

Jun Xia was just helping him deal with the aftermath. "

"I heard that Jun Xia will be transferred soon. Then who will he replace in the position he left behind?" Chu Yushen asked.

"You want your boys to exercise?" Chu Zifei immediately agreed.

"Ahem, that's what it means."

After hearing this, Chu Zifei immediately became interested in the little boys beside him, and then tested them.

"You two nephews are well-trained. They are patient and skilled. They are both qualified for his position. Who do you plan to recommend?" Chu Zifei finally asked with a smile.

"Third Uncle, let the one that suits you pass, and I plan to recommend the other one to go to the army for training." Chu Yushen said enthusiastically and casually.

He has a close relationship with his third uncle, and he doesn't say anything false, just ask if he has anything to say.

(End of this chapter)

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