The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 763 9th Floor Gold Pagoda and Glass Wine Cup

Chapter 763 Nine-story Golden Pagoda and Glass Wine Cup

As soon as Chu Shinian heard about it, he took people to see it that night.They squatted for most of the night and returned in the early hours of the morning.

Lying next to his wife, Chu Shinian still couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.It's incredible.There really is.

In the middle of the night, mist really surged above the family tree, gradually forming a nine-story golden pagoda.The pagoda is still a phantom, but it still allows everyone to see its appearance clearly.After a full hour, the pagoda disappeared again.

Everyone returned to Chu Shinian's usual office and drank several bowls of tea before finally recovering.

Emma, ​​scare me to death.

The recovery of spiritual energy really has everything, and the luck can still be alive.

Because I don't know what will happen to this thing when it is alive, so everyone has nothing to discuss, so we should go back to sleep and talk about it tomorrow.

When Tao Hua woke up early the next morning, she saw her husband looking at her with burning eyes.

Taohua couldn't help laughing.

"What are you doing? It's just a lucky creature." The big formation under the Xifeng Mountain of the Chu family in the previous life forcibly condensed the Chu family's luck into a human spirit vein.In this life, after Peach Blossom's rebirth, she bullied that spiritual vein was unstable, and even after losing her predecessor, it couldn't last forever.So Taohua simply condensed another five elements blessing, and then completely linked with herself.

How can a family, a son of luck, feed two spiritual veins, especially one of which is a humane spiritual vein that is born with a disability.Besides, at that time her luck hadn't started to be stimulated, so she was very weak.With the growth of her family's Five Elements Blessed Land, Taohua has long concluded that the original designation of the human spirit vein that belonged to the Chu family has collapsed.Even if it doesn't collapse, that spiritual vein is useless.

Because no one in the Chu family can feed it with luck except her.

In fact, the humane spiritual vein that the Chu family fed with the luck of the whole family was born with a disability, but if there are sons of luck who continue to feed back the luck, it still has the foundation to become a spiritual mountain.

When the foundation of any spiritual mountain is first cast, there must be a son of luck as the foundation of the guardian.They keep feeding back luck to Lingshan, so that Lingshan can continue to grow.Without the help of the son of luck, neither the second level of Lingshan would be able to grow.

Peach Blossom created the blessed land of the Five Elements in the first place, but in fact the most important foundation is not the five elements, but herself.

There would be no Lingshan without peach blossoms.

So even though Peach Blossom released to Sanyuan Lingshan to cultivate the formation map, no matter how many copies of the formation map are copied, they will not be able to get out of Lingshan without the son of luck.Of course, in this era of spiritual recovery and world integration, there are not so few children of luck.

If you have a bigger force, you can do it if you want to.

"What effect does that spirit of luck have on our family?" Chu Shinian asked curiously like a baby.

"With it appearing, our family's luck will rise to a higher level. And it will gather luck for itself, which is a pretty good little thing. But if it really takes shape, it will become a treasure of luck. You must never tell others about its existence. Only the blood of our family can see it, this little guy."

Chu Shinian looked at Taohua in astonishment, and continued to inquire curiously, "I will tell them to keep it a secret. But what else can it do besides gathering luck?"

"It will also protect our family's luck. If someone maliciously absorbs our luck, it will first bring back our family's luck."

"Cough, cough, pull it back. Is that what I think?" Chu Shinian asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just what you think. If there is something tricky about the formation under Xifeng Mountain, it will fight those malicious absorbers by itself. So there will be good things in the future." Taohua laughed.

"It turns out that this is how the fortune treasure was born." Chu Shinian was really surprised.

"This kind of treasure that brings together the luck of an entire family is also a rare treasure for some big monks with ulterior motives. But if they want to get it, they must reach into the current world. Our current world, but Not so easy to talk about." In the previous life, the world would rather collapse than let the big monks from the outside directly extend their hands in.As a result, until the late stage of spiritual recovery, those big monks could only stand outside and watch.

I don't know how such an awesome world fit into the Great World of God's Court in the end?

Anyway, she was reborn before she saw the world truly blending in.

In vain, she designed so many desperate plans.

At this time, in a gorgeous palace somewhere outside the world.A huge glass wine cup stands in the air.Just above the wine cup, there are nine strange trickles that continuously collect silver water and flow into the wine cup below.

Then the third trickle on the left was originally thinner than the others, and less silvery water flowed into the wine cup.But now it is flowing less and less, and it is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.It finally stopped.

A stunningly beautiful woman with a veil stared at her with wide eyes, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses.She quickly sent a letter to her master.

Not long after, another beautiful woman walked in with a handsome man who looked exactly like Chu Zifei.

"Chu Xuan, what's going on here?" The stunningly domineering beauty yelled at the man who was following her.

The man she called Chu Xuan was also very confused. "I don't know either, do you need me to go down for a walk?"

The beautiful woman stared at him for a few moments, thought for a moment and said, "Let your nephew go down and see what's going on."

Chu Xuan nodded.

"At the beginning, I only promised to bring you out. Later, you said that you were worried about your family, so I asked someone to bring your parents, children, and a few nephews out. I have treated you well these years, and I hope you will not let me down. .”

Chu Xuan smiled wryly and said, "How many years have passed, and how many generations have been passed down below. Even if I go down there, I can't guarantee that they will still follow my instructions back then. If the lower realm changes again, it will be up to me." What effect can my nephew's suppressed cultivation play? Otherwise, Palace Master, you can send another disciple with outstanding ability. With him to contact the inside and outside, maybe the Chu family can be included again."

"What a waste." The stunning beauty reprimanded him angrily.

Chu Xuan lowered his head and dared not say much.Although he arranged it well back then, people's hearts are changeable. Even if it is the descendants, he can't guarantee that they will still respect his old ancestor.Besides, no matter how stupid he was back then, he now understands what that wine cup is and what is needed to successfully refine it.

(End of this chapter)

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