The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 776 Mrs. Peach Blossom

Chapter 776 Mrs. Peach Blossom
In fact, Ming Daozong didn't look old at all, he was about forty years old, he was sunny and handsome, with majesty in his eyebrows, he was not a simple person at first glance.

Outsiders don't know much about the origin of Ming Daozong, but the small official who is in the Chu clan and has the surname of Chu does know this person.

This is the only surviving figure who once served as the commander of the dark guard, but escaped safely and returned home to retire.

The job of the commander of the dark guards is usually done for a lifetime until death. Even if there are occasional withdrawals from the dark guard system, few of them have a good death in the end.Ming Daozong is indeed an exception, because his nephew and grandson-in-law are the current commander of the dark guard.

Moreover, they have done a very good job, and there is almost no possibility of resigning in a short time.

With such a nephew and grandson-in-law, what is Mr. Ming afraid of?
"Thank you for your hard work." Ming Daozong nodded to the little official with satisfaction. "Looking back at those years, I will definitely say a few words for you."

"Thank you for being old. The astral blue vein you've been looking for is right there." The clerk led them to move on. Along the way, many people recognized Ming Daozong and came to pay their respects.

After finally reaching the place, the clerk simply accepted the table cases here, and brought several very thick picture scrolls in front of Ming Daozong.

"That's it. These are all second-grade high-grade star blue stone veins, but the reserves and the direction of the veins are different. Which one do you like, old man?" Lingshi's.

Just because Ming Daozong is the uncle of Chu Dashan, the patriarch of the Lingzhi branch, any number of Lingshi can be raised.

Ming Daozong read several scrolls one by one, and he handed the scrolls to his son Mingli after reading one.

Akari read it before showing it to Erlang and Saburo who followed.

"Father, these veins are buried too deep, it is difficult to dig, and it is not easy to mine." Erlang frowned and said to his father in a low voice.

Mingli glanced at his father, but said nothing.

"Yes, dad, why do you have to collect star blue stones?" Saburo asked in a low voice, also very confused.

Mingli remained silent again.

Because he remembered what the old man had said to him before he came out.

"Our Ming family made our fortune by relying on Dashan to send a map of mineral veins. So whatever Dashan suggested to us, we will do it. Do the same if you understand it, and do it if you don't understand it. If you can't understand your father's approach at all .Then the Qi family will be divided into two after me. You enjoy your wealth and wealth, and the other branch will continue to do what I have done, and follow Dashan and the others closely all the way.

Remember what I told you not to tell your sons. "

"Listen to your grandfather first." Mingli said.

Ming Daozong carefully compared the five large mine vein maps, thought for a while, and said, "I like all five mine vein maps. Can I take them all? Is there any restriction on the mining rights this time, for example, a family cannot What about buying more than three mines?"

Lingshan had such restrictions from the very beginning.Because there are too many mines nearby that have been detected by the geologists.

"There is no such restriction, even if there is, it is not for you." The little official said very pleasingly. "You are highly respected in the clan. I heard that Chu Xinjia, the deputy commander of the secret guards, was trained by you alone."

Ming Daozong chuckled.

He has cultivated many boys, but now there is only one Chu Xinjia who shows up among the top family members.He didn't know where the rest of the boys died in battle, or where they went.

"Then help me buy all the mining rights of this nowhere mine, and I will go through the formalities. I will bring 30 spirit stones here. If it is not enough, just tell me, and I will send someone back to pick it up."

"If it's not enough, I'll help uncle and grandpa out." Taohua strolled over with a villain in his arms.

When Ming Daozong saw it was her, his eyes lit up. "Why did you come here? Whoops, you even hugged Brother Chun."

After Taohua heard this, she simply walked up to him, and hurriedly presented her baby to Ming Daozong for a look. "I came here with my husband. Uncle, my brother Chun misses you too. The last time I saw you was the little guy's full moon banquet."

Brother Xiaochun was hugged by Ming Daozong, so he just yelled a few times.His own mother was by his side, brother Xiaochun didn't catch the demon.

Ming Daozong broke the Coke while holding the fat boy.Excited and Fat Boy talked about alien language for a long time.

Usually when I am oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no one is with me, I am too happy.My father is not very good at teasing him, at least he is not as excited as the person in front of him, and he talks to him enthusiastically.

"Oh, why is this kid so cute?" Ming Daozong said happily.

"Grandpa, in fact, this kid may have made a fuss." Tao Hua said honestly.

Aww, the fat boy seemed to know that his mother was speaking ill of him, so he dragged Ming Daozong to retort unwillingly.

"What's the trouble? Look at how good our little boy is. Your mother must have said bad things about you."

When the fat boy heard this, he started talking to Ming Daozong again.He also stretched out his hand and grabbed one of Ming Daozong's fingers.Especially a pair of dazed and cute big eyes can make people see.

This made Ming Daozong love him more and more, and he just wished he could take a look at his home now.


But the child turned his face very quickly. He was fine just now, but now he started howling again.

Taohua hurriedly carried him back.

"Let me just say, this kid is very capable of being a demon."

As soon as the little guy was carried back by Taohua, he howled.The most joyful thing is that there are no tears in the corners of people's eyes.

Ming Daozong was amused by this little clever ghost.

"This kid is too clever."

"It's true that he's a mischievous ghost. His father even complained to me in private that he couldn't put him back into his mother's womb and remake him." Taohua angrily dismissed his son. "The problem is that neither he nor I can do it."

Ming Daozong laughed again.

"You guys."

Taohua accompanied her uncle and uncle, and the cousins ​​had lunch before leaving again.

As soon as she left, someone completed all the mining procedures for Wuxi Mine, and then handed it over to Ming Daozong.Ming Daozong hurriedly handed over the storage ring of 30 spirit stones to others. "How many spirit stones are still missing? I'll send someone back to get them."

"No need, Mrs. Peach Blossom has already been paid." The little official confiscated Ming Daozong's spirit stone ring, and said politely.

"Then how much spirit stones did you spend in the Nowhere Mine?" Mingli asked hastily.

"65 spirit stones." The little official said.

Mingli was taken aback. "Is Peach Blossom so rich?"

"Ms. Peach Blossom is really rich. Mrs. Peach Blossom owns a large number of spiritual fields and elixir gardens in the overseas islands of the Chu Clan and around the cities of the Chu Clan. The most important thing is that Mrs. Peach Blossom owns hundreds of fleets at sea to traffic A tight resource on every continent."

(End of this chapter)

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