The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 796 Jade Rabbit Island and the Variation of 5 Lines of Divine Mud

Chapter 796 Jade Rabbit Island and Variation of the Five Elements Mud

Wang Ben nodded his thanks and said, "I know my brother cares about me, and I won't go to unsafe gatherings."

What he said was sensible, Wang Bao was very happy and said, "Okay, as long as you understand."

This small gathering lasted until nearly midnight before dissipating.Wang Jian secretly stayed home with Wang Ben.

After they left, on the third floor of the small building above the small meeting place, there was also a group of people who looked like managers, big and small, gathered together.

A young man presided over the party.

"The two hundred trade fairs in the last month have been completed, and everyone has done a good job. We actually traded almost a thousand valuable treasures. We also completed more than two hundred orders I gave you. "The young man said with satisfaction. "I'm most satisfied with the last one. This month, I have given you more tasks, but you all completed them according to the order. This means that you are really good at it, and you are very discerning. Every time you organize The guests selected by Xiaohui are very targeted.”

The young man's voice was cheerful, and he poured out his praise as if he didn't want money.

A group of stewards, big and small, all had smiles on their faces, very proud.

"Recently, several other organizations with similar power to us have increased the number of gatherings. Some people say that we should also increase the number of gatherings every month, so that we can trade more valuable items.

This is not impossible.But our existing customers are too few. If we increase the number of gatherings, it won't be long before the items we trade each time may not be able to maintain a certain level and value. "

"Master, are you careful that everyone trades too frequently and don't have enough good things in hand?" A steward got up and asked.

The young man nodded.

"Then you mean we don't increase the number of monthly gatherings?" he asked again.

"No, what I mean is that we also increase the number of monthly gatherings, but on the basis of the original guest group, we need to double or triple it." The young man said.

"It's a bit difficult." The steward who stood up proactively before said, "If you want to increase the number of guests in a short period of time, you can only relax the qualification criteria for party participants."

"What I mean is that in the future, gatherings can be divided into infields and outfields. The infields are all people or family members of the Chu family. The outfields can be people recommended by the insiders themselves. When the time comes, everyone should cover their faces. , the transaction is still going on as normal.”

"Recommended by someone in the field? How do they recommend it?" A manager outside the forest also stood up.

"We issue a few places to the infielders every year. This quota can be exchanged for a token, and they can give it to whomever they want. At that time, we will recognize the token but not the person. Anyone who has a token can participate in the outfield."

"Master, then there will be chaos. The danger will increase greatly." The manager said.

"Maybe someone will dare to black and black." Someone said.

"To take more precautions, the main thing is to recruit more monks in the purple mansion. There are people guarding the outfield, and basically nothing happens. Even if something happens occasionally, it's just an outfield game. The loss is limited." The young man said.

Everyone thought about it, and it was true.

"It's going to cost you that much." The steward who got up first said again.

"But this can solve the problem of our current lack of customers. It can also ensure that we have enough trade items every time." The young man said.

"If there is an outfield, maybe we may accidentally trade our treasures to hostile forces." A steward said worriedly.

"The owner of the family is not a fool. Everyone has forgotten the list of items that cannot be traded. Everyone should have a copy. Don't blame me for not reminding everyone, the inspections of the hidden guards are very brutal. If you have any tricks to betray the family in private, Then don't blame me, and blame the family for being cruel." The young man said sullenly. "We do business by doing business, but we can't do any business without a bottom line.

Anyway, I don't have the ability to bear the revenge of the family's thousands of purple mansion monks.So as long as someone is found by me to have done something to betray the family, I will send his whole family up. "

All the managers, big and small, all of them turned cold when they were watched by young people.

"Chairman, please rest assured. Everyone is not stupid, and no one will betray the Patriarch." Immediately, five people looked at the oldest steward and said.

"Very good. Please come here this time, mainly for the development of Yutu Island. This small island is a little closer to the Beiming Continent. When the seabed was raised at the beginning and the island reef was built, it was mainly because it was a peak of a submarine mountain range. Sharp. On one side is a huge cliff-like trench. The seabed resources are very rich, and it is still on the channel.

The area of ​​the earliest Yutu Island was only one-fourteenth of the current size.

Later, some geologists surveyed and found that in the bottom layer near this island reef, as long as you dig about five or six feet deep, some strange black slime materials will appear, and the effect is somewhat similar to the legendary five-element mud.

At the beginning, the amount of black mud found was small, and it didn't arouse everyone's ideas, but following the experiment of a certain geologist, he got some kind of earth-type spiritual veins and earth-type spiritual formations, and made these The black mud was piled under the spirit array.

This caused the island to gradually mutate.This Yutu Island is constantly increasing its area at a rate of about half a foot per day.In just over a year, it has grown to where it is now. "


All the stewards, big and small, turned pale when they heard this.

This is the first time they have heard of an island that can grow its land area.

This is too stupid, right?

"Then only the raised islands have that kind of black mud, or is this kind of black mud also found in other places in this submarine mountain range?" A steward immediately stood up and asked.

"The geologists have excavated other places on the seabed mountain range. Except for a small part of the island, no other black mud has been found for the time being." The young man said.

"Then what kind of mud is this black mud?" Another steward asked.

"The owner of the family has been there, saying that it is a natural variant of the Five Elements God Mud. But the effect is far worse than the Five Elements God Mud." The young man said. "It's a weak variant."

"Our world is too awesome, anything can be born." A young manager complained speechlessly.

"It doesn't matter what kind of weak variant it is, we all know the name of the Five Elements God Mud. With this kind of black mud, we will definitely be able to grow all kinds of spiritual plants cheaply." Immediately, the steward said with a smile.

"What does the owner mean? How much land is he planning to open to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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