The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 812 Building the Airway

Chapter 812 Building the Airway
"I didn't expect their reaction to be so intense." Tao Hua said that she had miscalculated. "I'm afraid that the conflict between the monks of the upper realm and the monks of the lower realm has intensified. And it's not a general intensification." In their previous life, they hadn't confronted so violently at this time.

I'm afraid there are other things that she doesn't know about for the time being.

But this is no wonder, although the lower realm is only a fragment of the original Shenting Great World, it has stood on its own for a long time, and it has been growing all these years.Not to mention, it is still facing the fusion of the three realms.

On the human side, all she could see was the Beiming Continent, Yunzhou and Yun'an.

The whole world has developed an unknown situation, and it is normal to affect them here.

"I'll ask people to investigate more, let's investigate." Chu Shinian also realized.

"Actually, if we want to inquire about the outside world, we need to send more spies to the big empires in the central hinterland of the mainland." Taohua thought for a while. "Send some spies. Don't activate the hidden lines arranged by the family over there. It's not time to activate them."

Chu Shinian nodded and said, "People from Qianniuwei can be sent out for training."

"Yes." Taohua agreed decisively.

"I think we can build some business routes leading directly to the empires in the hinterland of the mainland." Chu Shinian suddenly said again.

"You mean the flying French boat?" Taohua asked with her head turned sideways.

"Yeah, it's too expensive to go through the teleportation array. One thousand spirit stones can't beat one person." Chu Shinian said, "Let's not even mention bringing goods. Use storage tools to bring goods, and you can't bring so much. Our ship There are many teams, since you can go by sea, why can't you go by air?"

"Actually, it's not impossible, but if we walk on the sea, the monsters will definitely not think that we are fighting for their interests. But if we walk in the air, it's hard to say. People's hearts are far more complicated than beasts'." Tao Hua said.

"It's okay, let the legion go out to suppress the formation. It's just a chance to sharpen the air combat power of the downstream immortal guards. Besides, it's an opportunity for them to travel to other places in the mainland." Chu Shinian said. "After all, An Yi can't raise arrogant soldiers, but blood can. The legions in our hands still have too few battles. They live too comfortably."

Cough, cough, Tao Hua looked at her husband speechlessly, with a confused expression of "are you serious?"

Chu Shinian nodded directly.

"Okay, you are good at cultivating an army. I will listen to you. It happens that I have [-] large airships in my hand. Let's open up three routes directly." Taohua thought for a while, and asked someone to bring them to collect. map of the continent.

"Look, let's go here for now, here, here..." Taohua drew three imaginary black lines on the map. "These places are densely populated and suitable for business development. Moreover, there are not many dangerous places where the spaceship will pass in the future."

"Have you thought about forming a caravan of flying airships?" Chu Shinian couldn't help asking as he watched Taohua quickly draw the route.

"I've thought about it, but I always feel that it's too late for the time being, so I put it on hold."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian patted Taohua's head.

"How does this head grow?"

Taohua immediately pulled his hand away, "Chu Shinian!~"

"How do you plan to arrange the three hundred flying ships? One hundred ships at a time?" Chu Shinian asked.

"How is that possible? With the speed of the French ship, if you don't escape at full speed and sail normally, it will take about one and a half to two years to fly from our Longshanfang City to the end of the waterway, and then fly back.

So I'm going to make a group of ten French ships.One set per month.The three air routes were launched directly for ten months.The new ship should already be ready to pick up gear. "Peach Blossom said.

"It's a bit too much initial investment. And if something goes wrong somewhere on the route, we will lose the flying ships one after another. That's really not cheap." Chu Shinian said.

"So it depends on the ability of your legion. For each group of flying French ships, I plan to carry six ships with goods and two ships with people. The other two ships are for the guards. You can take things."

Chu Shinian calculated it in his mind, and it was not impossible.

"I need to mobilize some monks in the purple mansion."

"Our family's Jinchen Yuye Dan has always managed enough, the problem is that there are too few Zifu breakthroughs." Taohua said with a headache.

Chu Shinian immediately let out a muffled laugh.

"How can cultivators in the purple mansion be so easy to cultivate? You think it's leeks, crop after crop."

Now the family's Zifu realm monks are promoted to one, and one is used.Not a single spare spare.Everywhere is needed.

"Anyway, just look at the arrangement. I will provide the boat and all kinds of equipment. Routes and alternate routes." Tao Hua said with a smile.

"Okay, I will arrange the rest."

This is not an easy life.The key is that the family has invested a lot this time, with [-] flying magic ships, which is no less than when Longshanfang City was first built.

If he failed this time, it would still embarrass him, Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian earnestly organized the staff under his command, and thought of those old guys who squatted in various divisions to eat and not work.

Then Chu Shinian named three of them.

These three people are Chu Yi, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, who is someone's cheap sixth uncle.In military uniforms, the two officers of the military battle bureau squatted in the pit, Chu Gaojie and Chu Xiu'an.

I saw the three of them being led into my house by the dark guard boy.

Chu Shinian put down the brush in his hand. He had no choice but to continue reviewing the official documents, but he had to get rid of the three foxes first.

"You are here."

When the three of them were called together, they all knew that there must be something important.But I don't know what exactly it is.

"Commander." The three saluted politely.

"Sit down." Chu Shinian greeted the three of them to sit down.Continued, "Do you know why I called you here?"

The three shook their heads in unison.

"I'm small and weak, so I'm afraid I won't be able to undertake important tasks. If you have a task you want to entrust to me, Commander, then I would like to ask you to think carefully about it." Chu Yi first refused.

Chu Shinian nodded and went to look at the other two.

"Commander, my mother is sick in bed, and my own son can not take care of her, so I have been so busy recently that I have no skills at all. If the Commander is in a hurry, can you choose someone else? I see the Chu beside me Xiu'an is good."

"Commander, it seems that something unexpected happened to my cultivation recently. I'm planning to ask for leave for a while to practice hard." Chu Xiu'an also said timidly, "It's not that I don't like to work, it's just a coincidence recently."

"The family plans to open up air routes from Longshan to several empires in the hinterland of the mainland. In fact, I already know that several families are doing it. But what they do is a bit stingy, and it has little impact on our air caravan."

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, the three of them were all stunned.

I don't understand what Chu Shinian meant by these words.

"Three shipping routes, the three of you choose one each, and each will be responsible for the operation of a commercial route in the future." Chu Shinian continued.

"What about our current job?" Chu Yi asked in surprise.

"You were dismissed when you came here." Chu Shinian took a sip from his tea bowl.

The three of them all let out a puff.

Looking at him in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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