The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 814 Zhu Kangnian's Marriage

Chapter 814 Zhu Kangnian's Marriage
"Kang Nian, why do you insist on leaving Zixian?" Pei Zigong asked puzzledly.

He had just arrived when he heard that Chu Zixian was beaten up by Grandma Zhu Kang last night.

"Don't mention that brat to me. My mother insists on taking me to see my daughter-in-law, and she wants to see several of them. Every time I see someone with a straight face, I will let that guy Chu Zixian cut off his beard. You It’s fine if you cut it once or twice, but you did it three times in a row, why don’t you say I didn’t beat him?”

Ah puff! !
Pei Zigong thumped the table with a smile.


"how could be?"

"I also want to know why this happened? Did that kid Chu Zixian seek to be beaten on purpose?" Zhu Kangnian said with a dark face.


Pei Zigong thumped the table and laughed loudly, leaning back and forth while laughing, "He probably didn't do it on purpose. Although that kid Chu Zixian has a lot of eyes, he shouldn't be so bad."

"Then what do you think he is doing?" Zhu Kangnian said angrily.

Ahhh, Pei Zigong couldn't tell with a smirk.

Turning around, he deliberately went to Chu Zixian, pulled Zhu Touxian and asked, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Did I do it on purpose?"

"Did you intercept Hu Zhukangnian's attention on purpose? Otherwise, why would he find an excuse to beat you?"

After hearing this, Chu Zixian suddenly realized. "I said he had a convulsion or something, and he suddenly attacked me! But it's wrong, I haven't cut him off recently... Wait."

Chu Zixian suddenly remembered that his mother seemed to have taken him to see several girls' homes.


Chu Zixian simply turned dark.

"I have no idea."

"You say you, Zhu Kangnian is in his thirties, he hasn't married yet, and he doesn't have any descendants. Why are you so anxious? What are you doing with someone he looks at?" Pei Zigong looked at Chu Zi speechlessly. Xian complained.

"I really didn't..."

"Is there really no one who can beat you?"

Chu Zixian said in his heart that I have been wronged more than Dou E.

"I just returned to work in the family recently. My mother also took me around a few times with relatives. I also met a few young ladies. But I really don't know whose beard I cut off. My mother did tell me a few A name, but I didn't agree."

Pei Zigong frowned when he heard this.

"You are five or six years younger than Kangnian, so you are indeed more popular than him." The gentle and gentle man with a high position in the family is indeed more marketable than Zhu Kangnian.But those little ladies are too wicked.

Test both sides, what do you guys think of Zhu Kangnian and Chu Zixian?

"Okay, okay, hurry up and settle on a suitable one. Don't run into Zhu Kangnian in total. If this and that gets out, you two will be ashamed."

Chu Zixian touched his eyes that were bruised and swollen from the beating, what the hell, this is an innocent disaster.

"I know you feel wronged, but it's a different place. If you were Zhu Kangnian, you would probably be angrier than him. We are all brothers, don't say that brothers are too straightforward. Although you are very smart, But you are not as broad-minded as Zhu Kangnian."

Chu Zixian didn't speak after hearing this.

If it was him, the designation would be kept in my heart, and I would look for it later and get revenge.He would never have expected Zhu Kangnian to throw his fists out so recklessly.

"I see. I will apologize to Zhu Kangnian in private. Although I am innocent, this matter hit me too hard..."

"He's already beaten you up, so he probably won't embarrass you. Besides, he has higher qualifications than you. If he keeps embarrassing you, it will be really embarrassing." Pei Zigong said.

Chu Zixian thought about it, and it was the same reason.

"The ones of their younger generation are either gone, or they are nailed to an important position. Although those of our younger generation are being reused and promoted quickly, more people died in battle. I heard that more than half of them are listed in the booklet. People's names are blacked out.

In a few years, the remaining number will be less than one-tenth of the original number, and we will be classified as elders just like the Xinzi generation. " Pei Zigong said.

"It's already very good. In the past, a generation lasted up to six years. We have maintained the main force for ten years. I think it is enough. The dark guards are also human, and they cannot be manipulated by the flesh and blood of our generation." Chu On the contrary, Zixian said freely.

"That's right, now Yan's generation is starting to take the lead, and Ping's generation is starting to be a teacher. Even the children of the envoy's generation have already started training. Our dark guards can be regarded as an orderly inheritance, and there are successors." Pei Zigong was still very happy. Proud.

Turning around, Chu Zixian went to see Zhu Kangnian for a drink and reconciled.

But this matter still reached Taohua's ears.

When Taohua heard this, marriage was indeed a big problem, so she gave Zhu Kangnian a three-month vacation and asked him to visit his wife and get married quickly.

Oops, the story of Zhu Kangnian beating Chu Zixian didn't spread at first, but it spread throughout the Chu family's senior management as the Patriarch specially gave Zhu Kangnian a three-month holiday.

This kind of fun has not been released for many years.

But it was enough to make everyone happy.Especially as the participants got mixed up with the relevant insiders, even the names of the three young ladies who were first favored by Zhu Kangnian and then chose Chu Zixian, who was younger and more powerful, were found out. .

There are also people who don't dislike big things, telling stories about the love and hatred between Zhu Kangnian, Chu Zixian and the three little ladies vividly.

The climax and ups and downs of scandals these years are the major events that everyone loves to hear.

As a result, various versions of gossip stories were uploaded in Chu's territory.Now the names of Zhu Kangnian and Chu Zixian are comparable to that of Chu Shinian, the leader of the Chu family.

It made Zhu Kangnian and Chu Zixian angry.

Unlike Chu Zixian who hid from others after becoming famous, Zhu Kangnian was much more generous.If you know it, you will know it.Isn't it a gossip?What can I do to Lao Tzu?
Not only is he generous, but he is also very generous to accompany his mother to visit his daughter-in-law everywhere.

Originally, he planned to just find someone he liked and let it go, but since the Patriarch was fake this time, he tried his best to choose the one he really liked.After Zhu Kangnian's mother lost her eldest son, the most promising person in the family is now the second son.

My three sons, the oldest and the third are about to get married, and my Erlang is not married yet, let alone hold a baby.

So the bride must choose one carefully.

Especially those who look down on her son and choose Chu Zixian must not have it.

No one expected that in the end, Pingque would be selected by a concubine cousin of Xun Shijiao.The little lady is just 16 years old this year.

15 years younger than Zhu Kangnian!

But Zhu Kangnian fell in love with him at a glance that day, and he was satisfied everywhere.

"Although I am much older than you, if you agree to marry me, I guarantee that I will only marry you in this life." Zhu Kangnian confessed directly to him in a particularly sincere manner.

(End of this chapter)

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