The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 817 Chu Xuan's Original Wife

Chapter 817 Chu Xuan's Original Wife
Because his master's arrangement thousands of years ago was almost completely destroyed.

Who the hell is this? He is so wicked that he has changed the entire terrain of Xifeng Mountain.Then naturally there was a big flaw in the underground formation! !
Zhou Zhou was really furious, but the forces in the upper realm who could help him could at most provide some information and beat the side drums.Nothing else works.

Because the Chu family is powerful.

The Chu family dominates the dragon, and they can do whatever they want on their own territory.Moreover, the general trend of luck has exploded, forming a large area of ​​strong luck that is difficult to stop! !

For Zhou Shangzhen, this is simply bad news among bad news.

With the great luck of the Chu family, there will be fewer and fewer of his masters to share.

It's just too deceiving! !
So without saying a word, Zhou Chongyu ran to the ancestral temple of Xifeng Mountain to contact the successor left by his master.And Chu Bingjun was sent to Zhang Yulai by him to contact and organize the direct line forces of the Chu family, intending to raise the banner and fight to the end with the current main line of the Chu family.

The direct descendant must take back the position of the head of the family.

As soon as Chu Bingjun stood in front of Chu Junqi, he told Zhilong about his identity and the influence of his lineage in a certain palace.

"It's not enough just to have power in the upper realm, and the Chu family in the lower realm must also be twisted together. The direct line cannot always be excluded from the edge of the Chu family like this. The direct line must regain control of the power of the Chu family. The head of the family must be replaced by you Or Chu Chengqian." Because she was a girl, Chu Bingjun never considered Chu Da from the beginning.

Chu Da's face turned dark after hearing his words.

Hearing Chu Bingjun's words, Chu Junqi intuitively felt that he was planning to give up his own father, and the elders of his second uncle, and lifted himself up.

Is it because of the soundness of your limbs?

Chu Junqi smiled mockingly to himself.

"I can't do it. Senior Chu should recommend Mr. Chu to do it. He has a good reputation among the direct clansmen."

"Why can't it be you? You are the eldest son, the eldest grandson?" Chu Bingjun looked at him puzzled.

"Because I can't handle her. Being an enemy of my sister, I'm afraid I won't survive."

Chu Bingjun was shocked when he heard these words.

If you want to say whether Chu Junqi has ever dreamed of being in charge of the Chu family one day, then he definitely has.But his sister Chuxi left a deep impression on him.So much so that every time he dreams of being the head of the family, he ends up being killed in the end.

Anyway, all kinds of tricks were killed, without exception.

"What kind of ambition does Chu Chengqian have? He can do it. Chu Da can do it too. I can't." Chu Junqi laughed at himself.

" are really blinding your blood, how can my Chu family still have such a coward like you?" Chu Bingjun scolded him angrily.

Chu Junqi listened calmly, not angry at all.

People can eat as much rice as they have big bowls.

If you want to encourage him to take the lead and fight against Chu Xi, that's really impossible for a concubine to do! !

Chu Junqi looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, which almost exploded Chu Bingjun's lungs.

But he can't kill him yet! !

Because Chu Junqi is a special descendant, his identity is really sensitive.

It is said that the head of the main lineage that the Chu family has re-condensed is his direct sister, Chu Xi.

Some people also said that the current Patriarch might be another woman selected by a collateral lineage with comparable abilities to Chuxi.

In short, the head of the family is a woman, that's for sure.Everything else is anyone's guess.

But just based on suspicion, Chu Junqi can't die now.

Chu Bingjun couldn't get up, so he dragged him to see Chu Chengqian again.

Chu Chengqian was easy to talk to, as soon as he asked him to hold the flag, he immediately agreed.

"I don't have any problem with carrying the flag. I am willing to gather some direct descendants and twist them into a rope to try to seize the power of the Chu family as soon as possible. But we are too weak. Even if we gather the direct descendants who are living outside , we are not the opponents of the current Chu family's main line and side branches." Chu Chengqian said it sadly but sincerely.

"Why don't you give us a large sum of spirit stones and let us sell the current members of the Chu family.

Why don't you send troops to help us attack the Chu family directly and force the Patriarch back? "

"I don't have so many spirit stones, so I can't do it." Chu Bingjun said with a dark face. "Is there no other way for you? For example, assassinate something?"

"The Patriarch of the Chu family has thousands of thousands of cattle guards and thousands of elite dark guards. Why do we assassinate? We can't even touch the patriarch. There is not even a single hair." Chu Chengqian said pitifully. .

The fucking Chu family has grown so fast, if you don't put in more effort and invest more resources, how can you succeed in seizing power?
"Have you ever bribed their internal members?" Chu Bingjun asked.

"It's too difficult. The ostensible leader of their family is actually the commander of the dark guard. Such a person sits in front of the public, isn't that high-level person trembling?"

That's the origin of the head of the dark guard.

Chu Chengqian's small eyes were particularly sad, looking at Chu Bingjun as if he was a vexatious child.

Chu Bingjun's scalp was numb from his staring.

"How did it become so troublesome?" Chu Bingjun muttered to himself.

"It's all because Chu's development is so fast. It was just a small bug the day before yesterday, but today it has become a huge life-swallowing boa constrictor. If it continues to develop like this, it will be more difficult to shake in the future." gone."

Chu Chengqian's words instantly changed Chu Bingjun's expression.

"Why don't you, senior, gather a group of experts from the upper realm to directly kill the Patriarch of the Chu family?" Chu Chengqian asked with little expectation.

Chu Bingjun fell silent.

He doesn't have that ability.

Besides, according to Chu Chengqian, the Chu family should have thousands of Zifu realms, how many masters would they have to summon to assassinate the Chu family's patriarch?
On the other side, Zhou Chongyu looked at the bloody formation under his feet with a gloomy expression.

This was originally a fortune-grabbing formation, and the impurities filtered out by the formation should have been left at the bottom of the formation, and in the end the Chu family was responsible for killing it.

But there is a problem with the leylines here.

The formation is even more fragmented, causing all kinds of filth and impurities accumulated in the formation for more than 1000 years to be absorbed into the outer palace.

The most annoying thing is that there is even a problem with the source of blood in the eyes.

His family's master did not hesitate to send a child who was mixed with his own and Chu Xuan's blood into the Chu family as the son of the direct line for the treasure of luck.In this way, his family's master can borrow the Chu family's family luck indefinitely.Because she is also one of the ancestors.

But I don't know what went wrong, more foreign blood sources were inserted into the blood of the direct branch.

And the blood source of the Chu Clan's side branch comes from that external blood source in large quantities.

Zhou Chongyu had a headache.

He already knew who the source of blood came from, that is, the original wife who was left behind by Chu Xuan, the patriarch of the Chu family.

(End of this chapter)

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