Chapter 844
Using the spirit of the spirit veins to deal with the Qingyang secret realm is simply much easier than humans.

After all, if someone were to deal with the Qingyang Secret Realm, given the size and thickness of the Qingyang Secret Realm, how many mage formations would it take for the Chu family to gently shake it?
With that time, she might as well lead a group of formation masters to do other meaningful things.

"I didn't expect that there are so many things underground in such a large territory as ours. One or two small worlds, the secrets are all deeply embedded in the veins of the earth." Chu Shinian was a little surprised.

"It's not surprising. When the aura of this world dissipates, only the depths of the leylines can maintain the energy supply. In order to survive in these small worlds, or to maintain the energy supply, the secret realm means that they can take root underground.

I haven't seen any monsters doing this. "Peach Blossom's tone is light.

After the surface is not suitable for them to live and survive, the underground naturally becomes the best option.As for the lack of sunlight, as long as it is a small world, secret realm and other spaces, how can there be no sun?

There is no day and night, and the small world and secret realm with changing seasons indicate that there is a problem with its own development.

"Even if it's because of the disappearance of the aura, there are too many underground things in our place." Chu Shinian said cautiously.

"Our world should be quite mysterious. Ordinary worlds don't hide so many small worlds, small secret realms, and ruins in the underground and leylines." Tao Hua explained to him.

In her previous life, she often heard that this world was a fragmented world of the great world of Shenting.That's why all kinds of relics, small worlds and other spaces can be seen everywhere.But when she came into contact with more people and forces later, she stopped thinking about it that way.

Their world is really interesting.

Hearing this, Chu Shinian was also moved in his heart. "Then you've actually confirmed that the Qingyang family will move to the Wanji Mountains, haven't you?"

"I guess there is a high chance that they will go to the Wanji Mountains and find a place with abundant earth energy to settle down again. But I am not sure that they will definitely go back." Taohua said. "Approximation. No matter what kind of speculation there is a possibility of failure."

Chu Shinian also nodded in agreement.

The Chu family did not take advantage of the burning of Zhang Yucheng and other four cities, and the Xichang cavalry sent troops to occupy the four cities and the surrounding areas of the four cities during this gap.This in itself puzzled the hostile forces of the Chu family in Anhua City.

The Chu family's greed for land has never been concealed.Otherwise, they would not have annexed half of Zhangyufu after annexing Myitkyifu.What's more, they raised the sea to build islands, and the total area of ​​those man-made islands exceeded the total area of ​​the entire six northwestern prefectures.

I heard that the Chu family is still building islands! !

Wei Yu, Prime Minister of Anhua Mansion, was in his thirties, much younger than Cao Jinhu, Prime Minister of Andong Mansion, and Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Zhang Yu Mansion.

He is the third son of the Wei family in the Song Dynasty.I have been in Anhua for ten years.It can be said that he has witnessed the rise of the Chu clan.

"Why didn't the Chu family send troops to occupy the remaining four Zhangyu mansions? It's because the Chu family has annexed too many people in the small world recently and has grown to the limit. Therefore, they don't have the energy to send troops to capture the rest of Zhangyu's mansion."

Everyone present agrees with Wei Yu's words.

"Then can we attack the Chu family now?" Zhang Yufu Cheng Fan Zeng asked nervously.

"Where does the food come from?" Wei Yu smiled wryly. "We can't even afford to support the people, let alone the soldiers of the establishment? They are all young and strong, and all of them are big-bellied men."

I didn't see General Guo sent by the imperial court to pick thirty or forty thousand young men, so he didn't go out of the barracks to pick troops.

Is it that he doesn't want it?

No, the main reason is that the food supply in Anhua is not enough.Forced him to wait for food support from the court.

The complexions of several government officials began to turn gloomy.

"Why does the Chu family have so much food? I heard that they mainly grow elixir?" Cao Jinhu asked puzzled.

"That's because they opened up the banks on both sides of the branch of the Tianshui River leading to the Great Northwest Wilderness to grow spiritual food." Fan Zeng said grimly. "Although the land over there is a little barren, but because of the nourishment of the Tianshui River branch, it is quite suitable to grow some coarse grains, wheat, soybeans, millet, upland rice and other grains."

"The wilderness is full of thieves, don't you grab their food?" Cao Jinhu asked again. "I know that thieves and robbers are everywhere in the Great Wasteland."

"No robbery." Wei Yu said. "Because the grain sold to them by the Chu family is very cheap. If they grow it themselves, they will definitely not have the output and taste. The most important thing is to grow it by themselves. They must have land and someone to manage it. Sell it from the Chu family. How easy it is. Just wait until the time when the Chu family’s grain is harvested every year, go sell some grain and put it in storage.”

"Ah, I don't understand. Where did they get the money? Did the thieves on the Great Wasteland really use gold and silver to buy spiritual food from the Chu family?" Cao Jinhu was puzzled.

"No, there are a lot of ores on the Great Wasteland. They are all brought to the Chu family by carloads to exchange for food. A cart full of jet-black broken stones can be exchanged for [-] catties of sweet potatoes when they arrive at the Chu family.

Pulling a hundred cars at a time, raising hundreds or thousands of thieves is just like playing. "

After hearing Wei Yu's words, the other people present were stunned.

"There is also a kind of white stone. I also got a sample, and I don't know what it is for now. But such a carload of white stones can be exchanged for [-] catties of coarse grain. The open-pit mining area of ​​​​this white stone, It has changed hands several times in the past year, and it has been scrambled by the big bandits in the wasteland, and several large-scale wars have broken out."

What Wei Yu said was simply shocking.

"What is the Chu family doing? Could it be that they are also targeting the Great Wasteland?" Fan Zeng asked with his brows furrowed.

"I don't know." Wei Yu said seriously, "The Great Wasteland is too big, far surpassing the land of our six northwestern prefectures. The Chu family can't even swallow our six northwestern prefectures, let alone the entire Great Wasteland. .But the Chu family did exchange grain for too many minerals."

"The Chu family's Lingshan area, and the small world that the Chu family currently occupies. They are all mining areas. The Chu family should have no shortage of ores. Why are you still exchanging precious grains for various ores on the Great Wasteland?" Fan Zengyue The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a problem here.

"I can't think of why they did this either." Wei Yudao. "Actually, I have seen many things the Chu family has done, but I still don't know why they did that."

"This Chu family is getting more and more difficult to deal with." Fan Zeng sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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