The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 847 The Fish Comes Home

Chapter 847 The Fish Comes Home
"It's a pity, the chess missed a move." The king of Gaoshan County also said with regret on his face.

"Then is there any way you can get those two bastards to attack the Chu family first?" Fan Zeng asked again.

"I think we can concentrate because we have the strength to attack one city first. As long as that city is destroyed, the myth of the Chu family's strength will be destroyed." Duke Gaoshan said sinisterly.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. But Guo Zhanqi is not so persuasive." Fan Zeng looked at the King of Gaoshan with deep eyes.

"I'll go and find a way." Gongshan County King gritted his teeth.


The time came to June of the 13th year of Yuanwu.

Since entering June, it has been raining day after day.If it weren't for the high-quality spiritual fruits growing on the fruit trees of the Chu family, the fruits of such a heavy rain would either rot or fall.Fortunately, these are all spiritual fruits.

But even if it is a spiritual fruit, if you don't pick the fruit when it is ripe, it will fall in the rainstorm.

Therefore, Ling Zhifu of the Chu family all held up various magic tools to protect the rain with gloomy faces, and picked fruits in the heavy rain.After the fruit was picked, someone was responsible for wiping off the rainwater, and then sent it to the underground palace under Mingyue Lake to dry naturally, and then stored it in a jade box.

The fruits near Xianyang have the help of the underground palace.

Fruit near Qingyang has an underground practice area.

Fruits near Fengyang, Yuyang, Chengyang, and Jiangyang are not so lucky, so they can only be sent all the way here to dry.

Caoyang, Pengcheng, Hanqiu, Guangyin, Lingshan, Yangshan and other places have no place to dry the fruit, so they have to send it all the way.Fortunately, the Chu family has a lot of French ships, which are barely enough for transportation.

Taohua and the others have already dismantled six ancient cities in a certain small world.

However, only one Yangcheng was rebuilt directly outside.The remaining materials are temporarily in the warehouse.Originally, Taohua and the others planned to build two new towns starting in June.

It's a pity that the heavy rain didn't give a chance.

The Mingyue Zedi Palace is also constantly busy, and the dried and sealed fruits need to be transported back to which city, otherwise they won't be able to put them here.

The Chu family was busy harvesting fruits, and some villages and towns in the territory were hit by mudslides and floods.Most of the villages and towns of the Chu family are set up by the water and at the foot of the mountain.The terrain is relatively low-lying, and when a flood comes, it will be really miserable.Call every day should not, call the land not working.

Fortunately, every village and town basically laid formations at the bottom of the mountain.When you can't run out, you can only sacrifice the spirit stone and activate the formation to protect everyone.

But the flood is easy to say, the flood peak is gone, and the water will be gone overnight and half a day.But the kind of mudslide that buried the entire village and town, even if there is a formation rain cover, everyone will be buried, okay?

In order not to be in danger, we can only wait for rescue from outside.

If you stay in the village, the people in the town can say a little better, except for the unlucky ones who have formations but fail to activate them in time, then the whole village will suffer together.

Poor those who went up the mountain alone to pick fruit, all of them became missing persons.

In the face of mountain torrents and mudslides, even a monk's manpower appears weak and insignificant.

In less than two days, Taohua received a crazy casualty report from her family.At least five Ling Zhifu and a dozen or so apprentices were missing.

Emma, ​​it's time to save someone.

Taohua quickly released most of Qianniuwei and Youxianwei.Find someone for me.

So everyone carried all kinds of investigative instruments on their backs, and searched for people all over the mountains and forests.Especially Ling Zhifu and Ling Zhifu's apprentices, we must focus on finding them.

Not to mention, as a Ling Zhifu who has entered the rank, most of them have good cultivation bases.Although they were injured, regardless of whether they were slightly or severely injured, they were still alive.Ling Zhifu's apprentices were miserable, and five of them died.

Peach Blossom felt distressed, and hurriedly ordered someone to design a magic weapon to help Ling Zhifu and his apprentices enhance their survivability.

In fact, this is not bad, most of Ling Zhifu's apprentices have a little money.Except for the unlucky guy who didn't have a protective rune brand on his body died, and everyone else was fine.

Although some of Ling Zhifu's apprentices were killed by the boulder impact of the mudslide, it also made more Ling Zhifu and Ling Zhifu's apprentices realize the role of the protective sign.It's okay to hang a few more on your body, and you can protect yourself from death even if you are in danger.

Of the five who died, two were buried by mudslides, and the remaining three were accidentally swept away by the flood.All the signs on his body were washed off.Finally...

In addition to these Ling Zhifu and Ling Zhifu's apprentices, other missing persons were also found one by one.Some were alive, and some were corpses when they saw them.

But if you don't pick the fruit, you won't succeed, and the loss will be even greater.

So Tao Hua and Chu Shinian ordered everyone to form groups to help each other pick fruits.The guards of each city were also deployed to protect them.

The Chu family hadn't finished picking the fruits, and the missing persons hadn't been found yet, and the lakes and rivers under the control of the Chu family began to flood again.

In particular, the Tianshui River and its tributaries continued to spread over the original river bank and cover the nearby low-lying areas.

Several large and small lakes close to the Tianshui River even ushered in the backflow of drinking water from the Tianshui River.The entire lake area is growing at an insane rate.

Taohua and the others hurriedly arranged for the temporary evacuation of the villages and towns near the lake.

It didn't take long for Miryang to become a victim of the rising water of Bibo Lake.

The entire city was flooded with lake water.The lake, half a meter deep, rushed into thousands of households.

All the streets and alleys started to run fish.

Because of the city defense formation, even if the water from Bibo Lake keeps pouring in, the water in the city pool is only half a meter deep on average.Some low-lying places, that is, only one meter deep.Moreover, the large array is still continuously pumping water from the city and pouring it into the underground waterway.

If it weren't for the speed of backwatering from Bibo Lake, which exceeded the speed of pumping water from the lake in the city, the city would not be flooded.

Now Miryang City has completely become a water city.

Who made it sit on the edge of Bibo Lake?

"The fish are in town."

"The fish came home."

"Oh, my yard is full of fish."

"Quick catch, fast catch."

"Ah, the fish bit my ass."

"My hand, my hand, fish, let me go quickly, otherwise, I will definitely stew you today."

"What kind of fish are you fishing for? Hurry up and block the gate of your house with something, so that the lake water will not enter the house."

"Okay Dad, we're blocked. What are you doing now?"

"Take the copying net and let's go to the street to catch fish."

"Come on~"

A certain current city lord of Miryang looked at the streets and alleys in Miryang city full of people speechlessly.Everyone was jumping and catching fish in half a meter of water.The city guards are busy blocking the water of the Bibo Lake in the dock area, and these guys are all busy catching fish!

(End of this chapter)

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