The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 855 Small 5

Chapter 855
"Okay, let's get some passion fruit. There are still twelve kinds of spiritual fruits." When did the Chu family run out of fruits?Chu Shinian said with great interest.

"The more spiritual fruits you collect, the more effective this recipe will be." Tao Hua said.

"Then go outside and collect more different kinds of spiritual fruits," Chu Shinian said.There are not many other things in Yun'an Continent, and there are many designated medicinal materials and fruits.

Maybe more than people.

The Chu family began to buy rotten fruits and fruits damaged by the rain on a large scale. Although the prices were ridiculous, it was better than letting those fruits rot in their own hands.Many nearby families who planted their own spiritual fruit trees began to sell their fruits to Chu's family by car.

Yuan Feihu sold three carts of fruit for his family alone.It's all because it was not taken in time, and the quality was poor due to the rain.

His own clansmen also came along, and the cart almost filled up the purchased courtyard.But they came early, and those who waited in line to sell fruit would have to leave the gate of Xianyang City.

Yuan Feihu himself had just sold the fruit when he saw a man he didn't know coming over carrying several large baskets of fist-sized yellow and orange fruits.

"Would you like Mishaguo?" He also yelled.

"Yes." A member of the Chu family who is responsible for harvesting fruits hurried over, appraised his fruits, and said, "Your collection of fruits is not bad, it should be picked before the rain. I will give you the normal price, five Can you sell ten spirit coins per catty?"

"Sell it, why not sell it." The man said excitedly when he heard it.

"Then you come with me. This is the place where the defective fruits are collected. Let's go there. All the fruits there are genuine ones."

As soon as they left, Yuan Feihu listened to a father and son who were standing nearby.

"Father, they didn't treat genuine fruit as inferior fruit?"

"The Chu family is not the kind of family with no taste."

"In the past, the landlord in our village always collected good grain and inferior grain at the same price, and sold us grain when it was out of harvest, and deliberately mixed sand into it."

"That's somewhere else. The Chu family doesn't have it here."

"I don't believe that the nobles here are all good people." The boy said.

"So we try our best to do business with the Chu family. Do you think when did your father sell the things you hunted and picked to other families?" The father looked at his son with a shrewd expression.


Yuan Feihu turned around and walked away after listening.This Chu family's popular support has been established.

In the past, the public's impression was that the Chu family was too rich.

I'm afraid to add it now, the members of the Chu family are all good.

Xiao Wulang of the Chu family managed to go home and rest for a while, but was caught by his father to collect fruit.It is said that his sister wants to make wine.

His sister wants to make wine, why does he have to come over to preside over the fruit collection, what kind of rainy fruit, rotten fruit?Isn't this bullying?

When Yuan Feihu walked to the gate, he saw a small table under a huge banyan tree at the gate. A young man with delicate eyebrows and eyes, but not at all feminine, was drinking spirit tea at the table. .

It should be the top Huiwu spirit tea.

Yuan Feihu couldn't help but walk over to the young man.

"Little five."

"Uncle Yuan is you, who am I talking about, he came here just for me."

"I saw you drinking tea here, so I'll come over and talk to you, and ask for some tea by the way."

"Come on, come on." Mou Wu was feeling bored.So he warmly greeted Yuan Feihu.The tea bowl was newly brought by the maid, and he poured the tea.

"I haven't seen Uncle Yuan and your brothers for a while."

"We haven't seen you for a long time, Xiao Wu, what have you been up to lately?" Yuan Feihu asked back.

"I've become an official formation master. Formation is really difficult to learn, and I'm going to throw up." Xiao Wu seized the opportunity and complained.At home, his parents didn't like to listen to his complaints, and told him to study hard and practice hard.

Not to mention sisters and brothers.

Even Taohua is not willing to take care of him anymore, Taohua wants to see her baby most now.

"It's just too difficult for me."

Yuan Feihu listened to Coke. "Others can't learn it if they want to. I heard that there are dozens of formation master apprentices, and only one can become a formal formation master in the end. Others can only be apprentices for the rest of their lives."

"Everyone who does the work is an apprentice, and those who do the work are the same as craftsmen. I have also seen an apprentice craftsman who is even more agile than me in arranging formations." Xiao Wu complained.

"Where are there still such powerful craftsman apprentices?" Yuan Feihu asked in surprise.

"Why not. Wasn't I arrested in the previous town to build a large formation in the city, Emma, ​​I was not an official formation master at that time, and it was too hard to be an apprentice. I drilled up and down on the ground all day It takes at least a hundred rounds of drilling, bringing in materials constantly, digging holes in the ground, and laying out formation circuits. Emma, ​​it's so hard, so hard.

After finishing the work of building the city of my own group, I have to be assigned to another city to support others in building a large array because other people's family is sick and delay the work.Ooooh, I've never worked so hard. "

"Actually, it's good to work harder. I didn't see you becoming a formation master so quickly." Yuan Feihu joked.

"Uh... I'd rather become a formation master later." Xiao Wu said bitterly.

"Then you become a formation master, so you won't be able to continue to help your father train your clansmen to practice small spells in the future?"

"Yeah, now someone is organizing my work. The family has trained some teachers who specialize in small spells. In the future, they will teach various small spells. I think they are better than me." Xiao Wu said.

"I also heard that those newcomers teach well. However, I also heard that those newcomers actually summed up the problems that are likely to occur when you teach small spells, systematically summed up a teaching plan, and then It was taught according to the lesson plan again. Speaking of which, if you hadn’t kept exploring at the beginning, you wouldn’t be able to teach people such small spells so well in these later lessons.”

"That's right, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade. Besides, I don't want to teach small spells for the rest of my life."

He is more willing to be a formation mage than to teach new students.

Besides, the half of the formation disk he got because of the adventure was very impressive. After he officially became a formation master, this formation disk also grew.

Not to mention an extra piece, every time he sees the formation, he can automatically detect the loopholes in the formation, and even evolve a repair map of the incomplete formation.He will tell this secret to everyone, and he will definitely become a great formation mage in the future.

"Xiao Wu has really grown up." Yuan Feihu said admiringly.Much better than his second son whose brain was kicked by a roe deer.

(End of this chapter)

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