Chapter 868
"Hahaha, look at what I saw? A group of little cultivators who have only just cultivated in the Purple Mansion Realm dare to attack the Earthquake King? They really want to die." A certain dark-faced guy bared his teeth cruelly.

"Don't your monsters be conferred on the fourth rank, the king on the fifth rank, and the emperor on the sixth rank? You are only at the middle stage of the third rank at the same level as us. What's so arrogant about you? You're the king of the earth, what do you have?" Fifth level?" On the airship, the general of the Chu family who came to support said mockingly. "The third level is just a small beast at the command level, and you are ashamed to call yourself a king."

"Wu that little bastard, you even made fun of your grandpa. Don't you know that there is a secret method that can seal the fifth-order demon essence and compress our demon essence to the third-order?" Earthquake King immediately said angrily. "Is Lao Tzu really the fifth step? If you don't believe me, come here and let's weigh it yourself?"

"To deal with your monsters, what else do you use to do it yourself?"

"Come on, drag all the giant demon shooting crossbows up for me. Aim them all at our Earthquake King." The leading general teased.

"Bastard, I will definitely eat you this time." After saying this, the Earthquake King immediately rushed towards a certain general, fierce and tyrannical.

"Let go." A certain general looked at him coldly.

Before he could finish his sentence, a large number of black spiritual gold crossbow bolts more than one foot long rushed towards the Earthquake King as if they could burst the air.

"What kind of broken arrow, what can I do... ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah what kind of arrow is this ah ah ah ah..." The Earthquake King was shot constantly on his hind legs in the sky.The crossbow arrows hit by consecutive shots pushed the King of Earthquake back in the sky.

Blood spurted out from the numerous wounds.

The King Earthquake, who was stunned by the pain, even erupted into a mysterious bravery, screaming, and flew towards a certain general again with many huge crossbow arrows on his body.

"I killed you, what happened to you...ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah..." Shouted the Earthquake King Hao.

"Let go!" A certain general looked calmly at a certain king who rushed up again, and waved.

Is it the giant crossbow bolt that was shot this time, but the thunder fire crossbow bolt with another special arrow.

Puffy chugging.

The extremely explosive lightning fire talisman arrow hit a certain king as if he didn't want money.

After thousands of thunder and fire talisman arrows shot at the Earthquake King, there was a bang, and something in the center of the talisman arrow burst fell heavily to the ground.Smashed a huge pit.

In the pit, the Earthquake King, whose outer skin was burnt and lost its original shape, was lying there dying.

"General, lieutenant, shall we go forward to make up the knife? The Earthquake King seems to be dying?" The pawn beside him immediately said quickly.

"If he is really a fifth-rank demon king, those talisman arrows can at most hurt him, but they will definitely not kill him. Go up to make up the knife? What kind of knife to make up, maybe they will wait for you to go up." A certain general looked at with a sneer Something in a pit. "Come here, take out a box of Thunder Fire Beads for me, and shoot them into that pit for me when you turn around. Just kill the thunder and clean it up."

"Here." Immediately a soldier ran to carry the box.

"Despicable human, die to me." Hearing the words of a certain general, a black and scorched thing in the pit immediately got up, raised its claws towards him, and yelled. Attack hard.

When a huge demonic aura condensed on the paw, it seemed that something in its waist was burst with a pop.

Following an extremely fast purple-black lightning in the sky, there was a loud click, and the flashing purple-black aurora fell on something.

ah ah ah ah...

In the midst of the thunder, something changed from a vague figure directly to a silver-white silhouette of a skull and pig, and then completely annihilated into ashes.

The speed of death shocked everyone and all the monsters present.

Especially after losing the deity, the demonic big claws dissipated invisible before they reached halfway.But its terrifying coercion also made everyone deeply remember the power of the demon king level powerhouse.

But such a powerful demon king-level powerhouse was struck to death by lightning in the blink of an eye.

"Is that the thunder penalty?" A certain general felt that his throat was a little dry.

"That's the punishment thunder." An old monk walked up to him and said, "The punishment thunder in the classics is really powerful. The fifth-level monster, one thunder can handle it." He came from the small world.In the past, he was just a worship elder of a small family in a certain big city.

But after he came out, he didn't choose to join the Chu family with that small family, but joined the Chu family's army by virtue of his own ability.Only a few of his current superiors trust him.The main reason is that this old guy is very good at reading faces! ! !
That's pretty awesome.

"Get someone to go and search, and see if there is anything left behind by the fifth-level monster?" A certain general called for someone to go down and investigate.

After losing the control of the fifth-level monster, the group of monsters fled frantically.I no longer have the energy to be brave and fearless.Some ferocious monsters even counterattacked their companions immediately after losing the dominant monster.There are also those who eat their own compatriots into their stomachs.

The sergeants didn't encounter any danger when they went down into the pit, but they didn't pick up anything either.

"Lieutenant, basically there is nothing, but there are two black flames left on the bad black rock, do you want it?" A small soldier shouted from the pit.

"Yes." Someone above replied.

"Ahhh..." The soldiers who collected the little flames screamed and were completely burned by a certain little flower seedling.

"Ah, he was burned to death. That little flame is too scary." Another soldier screamed crazily in the pit.

Hearing that someone was burned to death, a certain general jumped over immediately.

Another high-ranking cultivator in the purple mansion also went there one after another.

"Try using a weapon."

"No, oops, it almost burned my hands."

"Try using a puppet to hold a magic weapon."

"No, the magic weapon in my hand can't hold that thing."

"Try it with my ancient jade bottle."


"My little golden bowl..."


"Look at my Divine Night Gourd..."

"God laugh, the scum is gone"

"How to do?"

"Ask for help from the family." A certain general, the principal, Wei Ge said in disgrace.

Soon a group of formation masters came with several mysterious colorful stone boxes.

I didn't fiddle with it a few times when I came here, I used a stone box to put away the two flames.

"This is the Purple Tribulation Thunder Fire. It is a rare innate lightning fire. It is rare even among penalty thunders. Not to mention, one or two flowers can be left in a certain place without burning out." A certain formation mage excitedly Said. "Those of you who have Dao of Fire practitioners, you can try to use the points to exchange it from the family treasure house, and then try to subdue it. In the future, it will be designated as the number one in combat power."

(End of this chapter)

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