The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 874 Family Field

Chapter 874 Family Field
"Why doesn't he learn from people, why does he have to learn from dogs?" Chu Shinian heard it too, but he thought his son was strange.

"It should be that he usually sees people, so Gouzi is special in his heart?" Taohua guessed.

Chu Shinian looked at his son who was crawling very hard with a headache, "Heaven should compensate me for a more normal son."

"Are you saying my son is abnormal?"

"No, I mean, this kid is really naughty." Chu Shinian's desire to survive immediately exploded, and he quickly changed his words.

Taohua gave him an angry look.

Dare to say her son?hum.

In the evening, I had dinner with Chu Dashan and his wife.Chu Dashan found a pink and tender miniature doll sitting on Brother Chun's little head, "Is that a little puppet? It's so delicate?"

"What little puppet, that's a fire spirit."

"Is there any danger? You young couples really dare to give your child everything?" Chu Dashan and his wife's eyes widened suddenly, and Chu Dashan took the initiative to grab the small things with his hands.The little thing is soft, and it doesn't cry or make trouble when it is held in the hand. "My God, does this really look like a living doll?"

"Who's living baby is so small? This is a little fire spirit, but it was born today." Taohua didn't introduce its origin much. "After being discovered by our husband and wife, we contracted it and gave it to Brother Chun as a toy."

"It's not dangerous, it's okay." Chu Dashan rubbed it back and forth, and the little thing was not angry, just waiting to look at him with dazed cute eyes.It made him feel pity.

"Will this thing grow up?" Chu Qi asked with a frown.

"I don't know, there is no danger for the time being. When Chu Shinian is around, let Brother Chun play with him. When Chu Shinian goes out, let him take him away."

"What Chu Shinian, Chu Shinian, what do you call your husband?"

"Brother Nian?" Taohua simply turned her head and called with a coquettish smile.

Chu Shinian immediately responded blushing.

Chu Qishi: I was thrown dog food again.

Chu Dashan knew that they had a good relationship, and he was also happy for the two children.

"Now the little girl of your third brother's family is getting more and more cute. It's your eldest brother, who is really annoying, and you won't even get married."

"Isn't that why I haven't met the right one yet?" Tao Hua said disapprovingly.

The Wei Lingshuang whom my third brother found was more scheming, but he was generous and had a straightforward temper.Good is good, bad is bad.There is no conflict with her mother when we get along on weekdays, so Taohua thinks it is very good.

At least people know how to behave.

"Hmph, now he, you, Shiro and Goro are left." Chu Qi said angrily, and I couldn't pick out any daughter-in-law I liked.

"Mother, don't chase after her. If you get some people who don't like you, how can you live a peaceful life in the future?" Tao Hua laughed.

"Fuck you." Chu Qi was also terrified by this girl, "Oh, God bless, it doesn't matter if I'm late, don't make me come home with something stupid."

With only one son, she might find some kind of daughter-in-law to come back. Her mother really thinks too much.Is it up to her to decide whether she is a demon or not?

"I heard that the third sister-in-law has started to help the third brother manage our shop and various house affairs?"


"The elixir gardens and farms all over our family are in the hands of your eldest brother and your father. Your third brother takes care of the shop and house, and your fourth brother owns the workshops. Although your fifth brother went to learn how to make weapons However, the school opened by the family to train Ling Zhifu is still in his hands. He will go there to deal with the affairs of the school every once in a while." Chu Qi said.

The four sons divided the four stalls in the family.

"Didn't the fifth brother's school be transferred to the clan later?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"The family said it was not good enough, so they sent it back to your fifth brother!" Chu Qi said with a sigh.

"Why? Study hard, although the benefits of doing it are not very big, but it will definitely be of great benefit to the reputation and future of the clan?" Tao Hua said.

"It turned out that when the school was in our family's hands, there were too many monthly regulations for the teachers and gentlemen in it. Later, the family couldn't afford it." Chu Qi said.

Tao Hua was taken aback. "Can't afford just such a few monthly cases? How poor is the clan? Impossible, there are sacrifice fields in the clan. I remember that there were two thousand acres of sacrifice fields before the earliest spiritual energy recovered."

"That's right, but besides the benefits of offering sacrifices to the fields, they can't hold back how much they spent." Chu Qi said angrily.

"Okay, stop talking."

"You are too useless to be the patriarch. You agree to everything they say. Where do you say the income from the two thousand acres of sacrifice land went? They said it was spent, and they spent it. 400 yuan of Lingshi a year , how much will it cost?"

"Well, there are many children in the clan, and they all have some talents. They said they want to support the children in their cultivation. What else can I say?"

Taohua immediately realized, "The children in our clan are not practicing with their own spirit stones, but with those from the flower clan. That is not enough. It is said that [-] spirit stones are enough, even [-] spirit stones are not enough."

Chu Dashan suddenly felt guilty.

"Hmph, is it enough for your father to give it?"

Taohua was speechless for a moment.

"I only gave it to those children whose families couldn't afford it, and I did all the accounting. Every spirit coin must be handed over to the children."

"How much do you give dad?" Taohua asked.

"If you are under 15 years old, I will give you 15 spirit coins a year. If you are over [-] years old, you can make money by yourself, so I won't give it."

"Those who are younger than ten years old don't get [-] Lingcoins a year. Daddy, you are helping someone's family, and they have taken you for granted." Taohua laughed immediately.

After hearing this, Chu Qi groaned heavily angrily.

Cough cough cough...

Chu Dashan felt a little embarrassed.

"Father Jitian, did you also give it to the tribe to cultivate, and only charge cheap rent every year?" Taohua asked again.

Hehehe, Chu Dashan laughed dryly.

"Oh, Taohua, you are so right. Your father only charges 400 lingcoins per mu per year, and some are even lower, so he rented out the [-] mu of lingtians. Try to hire long-term workers at high prices for others. You can only receive [-] yuan of Lingshi rent for a year, what can you do?"

"Father, you are wasting money and effort, and people still don't say hello to you." Hahaha, Tao Hua said with a charming smile.

Chu Dashan blushed.

Although in many cases, Chu Dashan is more strict in managing the clansmen, but sometimes he is more soft-hearted. He knows that he is at a disadvantage, but he still likes it and pretends not to see it.

"Father, you can't always sit in the position of patriarch. After all, you want to pass the position of patriarch to my elder brother. If you always do this, it will be more difficult for my elder brother. If he is not like you If he suffers, others will say that he is unqualified, mean and vicious.

That's not good, you've got a reputation for viciousness and meanness.Nothing to make my elder brother suffer. "

Chu Dashan was taken aback, then nodded seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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