Chapter 879
Of course, the land of Chu Shiqing's family is also outside Xianyang City, and the area is not small.On the spiritual vein again.

Maybe they can really grow a few more seedlings?

Chu Shiluo thought uncertainly.

"Since it's all over, you are all sure. Then you go, and don't bring troubles in the clan to me in the future. I don't have that time to waste with you." Chu Dashan immediately said nothing. Chase people away angrily.

"If you are not the patriarch, why do you think I am willing to join your family? Shiqing, don't forget, you promised me that as long as my family supports you as the patriarch, you will give my family ten acres of land." A fat man The old man said loudly to Chu Shiqing.

Immediately, Chu Dashan and others put the realization on Chu Shiqing's face one after another.

Other old men were also born one after another, "That's right, that's right, there are still ten acres of my family."

"The ten acres of my house are close to my field."

"Me too."

A group of [-] or so clan elders actually have ten acres of land each, so the three hundred or so acres are gone.

But Chu Shiqing's family does have land.

At the beginning, the grandfather bought more than 4000 mu by himself, and later he asked for an additional subscription of 7000 mu. More than [-] mu, how many hundreds of mu are there?
It's just that you sold Lao Tzu for a family of ten mu of land. Have you ever thought about my feelings?
Chu Dashan immediately felt that he was hurt.

Since he became the patriarch, he has won benefits for everyone not only ten acres of land, but also the money they spend on them every year! ! !

It's just so frustrating.

Chu Dashan hurriedly asked his servants to send everyone away, but he returned to his chair and smashed the table angrily.

"Look, I sold you ten acres of land. I told you a long time ago that your personality is not suitable to be a patriarch. If you are like the old patriarch, if you win over a small group of people to suppress a large area, who do you think?" You still dare to prick. You are too stupid to suppress a whole batch of them, and you don’t know how to benefit some of them who are skinless and troublesome.”

"They are shameless and trouble-making, and I have to give them benefits. I won't do this kind of shit. Forget it, it's better not to be the patriarch."

"Then how did you arrange it, big brother?"

"Let him go to Shanzao City."

"The jujube is also good."

"Tomorrow he will take their whole family away," Chu Dashan said.

"The whole family is going."

"Several married daughters were not allowed to go to her husband's house, and the other sons were taken away. His two older ones did not keep the last one. The remaining three younger ones, the oldest is only seven years old, so you should keep them by your side and rest assured. .”

Chu Qi didn't say much after listening.

"What about dad, who will take care of it in the future?" Chu Qi asked again.

"Let Da Lang go."

"Da Lang is really unlucky." Chu Qi said speechlessly.

Chu Dashan: "..."


Hearing that her father was abandoned by the clansmen with more than 300 mu of land, she bowed down with a funny smile. "Brother, hurry up and pass on the whole matter to the clan in private. Let every family go to Chu Shiqing to ask for ten acres of land. How can you let him go with only 300 acres?
Let everyone say, if you don’t give land, you can choose him too.Why do some people give it, but they don't?
Our branch has 1 households, [-] people small, and each household must have [-] mu. "

"Then the land in his hand is not enough." Chu Shiluo laughed out loud.

"Brother, you are stupid. It is impossible for everyone to go. There must be someone who can't bear that face to ask for it. So his family will lose six or seven thousand acres at most."

"That's because most of the family has gone to ask for it. Besides, their family's home in Xianyang is only [-] mu. Are you planning to waste all their land? I said Xiaoyao, why are you so bad?"

"Brother, isn't his family just outside Xianyang City with seven thousand acres?" Chu Shiqing's family's land is closer to Old Chuzhuang.

"His family also has land in Xintang and Ziyang. I heard that his family has more land outside Miryang City. They have been tossing around outside Miryang City these years. Since there are so many lands, what's the point of spending more? After all, he has become the patriarch!!" Tao Hua said with a smile.

Chu Shiluo: "..." That's seven thousand acres, and it really is the most poisonous woman's heart! !But it's cool to hear, he is really a bad guy.

Chu Shiluo then spread the matter in private.

It turned out that one day, the new home in Xianyang that Chu Shiqing had just arranged was besieged.Everyone was clamoring for the land, and if he didn't give it, he would be elected.The shameless ones will clamor to die in their home.

There is also the aunt, who has to take off her clothes as soon as she enters their house, and if she doesn't give her land, she will say that she is indecent.

Both brothers Chu Shiqing and Chu Shiguan were confused by them, and finally lost more than 7000 mu of land with blood and tears.

Many people with foreign surnames from Xiantaozhuang looked at him as a joke.This is really a foolish way to make people sink so many souls.I don't know if my brain is really flooded.

But Chu Shiqing is really different from Chu Dashan.

Even if he was about to vomit blood after being tricked, he still smiled and greeted the clansmen who cheated him yesterday, as if he was okay.

Chu Shinian said to his wife who was walking beside him, "That kid is quite patient. He is a character. After a long time, you clansmen will have to spit back everything you took from him."

"To put it bluntly, he is quite similar to his grandfather. His grandfather is quite good at fooling my father." Taohua laughed.

Chu Shinian laughed too.

Chu Shinian and Taohua ran into Chu Shiqing again when they were walking around at night.

Chu Shiqing had already recognized Tao Hua and Chu Shinian. "Brother Nian, good day. Peach Blossom Clan sister."

"Brother Ann."

Chu Shinian just nodded slightly.

Chu Shiqing took the initiative to step forward, "I wanted to meet your brother Nian for a long time, but I never knew the right opportunity. Why don't I meet at the mountain gate tomorrow?"

"what ever."

"Don't bother the Xian couple for a walk over there."

Chu Shinian nodded slightly again.

With his current status, if Chu Shiqing entangled him too much, he would be dragged away by the hidden guards protecting him.

"What do you think he wants to see me for?"

"It should be to buy you. He thinks you are my father's backer, and maybe he wants to give it to you as a gift for a beauty or something."

"Hahaha, is this Chu Shiqing really that simple?"

"It's not that he's out of his wits, it's just that the means people use to buy people are those. It's either power, money, or sex. He thinks that everyone has this hobby. Well, most people are easier to buy."

Chu Shinian continued to laugh and said, "Unfortunately, I'm not as easy to buy as he thought."

Tao Hua said indifferently, "I guess he came back this time just to use his own spiritual field. I heard from my elder brother that they have taken a fancy to Qingyang Lingtao."

"Qingyang Spirit Peach, have we never banned the circulation of seeds?"

"It's true that the seeds and fruits have been circulated, but the outside world has not been very successful in planting Qingyang spiritual peaches."

(End of this chapter)

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