Chapter 881
There is no one like Chu Dashan, they are still farmers now.Chu Dashan is actually a good patriarch. He typically eats meat while we eat soup.Now that you are the patriarch, it is not certain whether we will be able to drink soup in the future.

"Let's take a look. In fact, if the Qingyang Spirit Peach really doesn't grow many seedlings, then we can plant something else."

"Let's cultivate as much as possible. We can still grow some live seedlings by getting more seeds. It's just a waste of seeds and more spirit stones. If you are willing, nephew, we will do it."

"Yes, I'm willing. Tell me how many spirit stones are missing, and I'll send someone to get them."

"Okay." Hearing this, several Lingzhi husbands agreed in agreement.Anyway, your boss, you pay the money, and you call the shots.We will contribute technology and strength.

Early the next morning, Chu Shiqing came to see Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian received him at Dongli Book Pavilion.

"What's matter?"

"Commander An, I have nothing to do this time. I just want to say that I am now the head of the Xianyang Chu family branch. You can come to me directly if you have anything to do with the main branch." Chu Shi Qing is still very self-aware, and he doesn't feel ashamed to call him Brother Nian directly.

After all, Chu Shinian was very powerful at this time, and he was not easy-going at all.

He was not an easy-going person.

The only bit of easy-going is given to my daughter-in-law.

Chu Shinian had been in a high position for a long time, he was also a secret guard, and he often led troops to fight. As long as Taohua was not around, there was nothing gentle about him.

"I'll let you know if necessary."

"Then..." Chu Shiqing wanted to say something more, but under Chu Shinian's scorching gaze, he didn't say anything and left directly.If you want to make friends with this person directly, you still have to think of a way.

In fact, since they left Old Chu Village, they have also set up property outside with the help of their grandfather and father, and they have lived a good life.But compared with other monk families, their family has the feeling that the days are going downhill.

Although the two brothers are also monks now, their father died of illness a few years ago.

After the father died of illness, some old relationships were broken in the family, making it even more downcast.

So the brothers wanted to go back to old Chuzhuang.

But at that time, Chu Dashan was gaining popularity, leading the branch Chu family to flourish.

Even if the two of them win over some people, there is no way for them to return.

But if their brothers can't come back, the land at home has been deserted, and they can't get any money back.They are also anxious.

After all, Chu Dashan finally angered the public and became unpopular.The two brothers thought of an evil method, using land to win over some elders and replace the patriarch.

It's a pity that there is a little imperfection in the end that makes other tribesmen cheat them again.They dug in all the land they originally purchased outside, which was more than 7000 mu.Oh, it hurts so much.

But fortunately, the land of Xianyang can be reclaimed.If this land can really earn tens of thousands of spirit stones a year, then within a few years, the two brothers' family business will start up again.

As soon as the Chu Shiqing brothers returned home, they hired people to open up wasteland on a large scale and planted thousands of acres of herbs, which soon caused a sensation in the whole Xianyang.

Near Xianyang, there are many medicine fields in their family and Chu Dashan's family.

The rest are the main veins.

After the summer harvest this year, the family immediately continued to plow and open up wasteland.

Open up some wasteland near the new city, and plant a large number of herbs and spiritual fruit trees.However, although the Chu family encourages everyone to open up wasteland to plant herbs and spiritual fruit trees.But it does not encourage the planting of various ornamental species, or strange spiritual flowers.

Spirit flowers among herbs can be planted.Other types of flower trees and flower fields are forbidden to be planted.If you find mutated flower trees or mutated flower fields, burn them immediately.

In order to prevent the gradual progress, the Chu family's military guards will burn them down as long as they see the flower fields that were planted without the Chu family's permission to plant tokens during patrolling.

It is impossible to say that no one complains about being so harsh and unreasonable.

But the Chu family did this in Longshan and overseas islands.

Otherwise, everyone should not bring the mutated flower tree into Chu's territory, or you should not be afraid of being killed.

Taohua attaches great importance to this matter, almost reminding people to check it out.

On this day, Chu Ziyan came to find her in person, and then Taohua went out.

Chu Changhua looked helpless when he saw Taohua who came over in person.

"I'll just bring back a little flower demon. She's not dangerous."

Taohua doesn't believe it.She looked at him sharply.

"She's really not dangerous."

"Then let her come out and I'll see for myself."

"Peach Blossom, why can't you tolerate mutated flower trees so much?"

"Why do you think I am?" Tao Hua looked at Chu Changhua coldly.

Chu Changhua: "..."

The wooden door opened slightly, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl came out timidly holding her skirt.It's really a look that I feel sorry for.But these are not because of her staring at Taohua.

This little girl's eyes actually had purple alchemy.

This kind of mutation returning to her ancestors shows that she has awakened some kind of ancestral blood flower soul.

This is a Snow Soul Grass! !
"She can't stay here, or you send her away. Or I send her to reincarnation."

"Peach Blossom!!" Chu Changhua was rarely angry.

"You choose one."

"As I said, she did no harm to you."

"No, she is a hindrance to me. You know, you know it. Take her away, or die." Taohua said very seriously.

"Why are you so aggressive?" Chu Changhua said dissatisfied.

"Why don't you want to send her away?"

"If I send her away, her clan will take her back, and she will die."

"Then why don't you send her to Fox Mountain?"

Chu Changhua: "..."

"Is it because the empress won't let you keep her?"

Chu Changhua: "..."

"Why are you so disgusting? You don't want her to harm your mother, but you have the nerve to send her to me?"

"That's not what I meant!" Chu Changhua said loudly, "Why can't you keep her? What did she do wrong?"

"What did she do wrong? She is a Daoist pawn of the great cultivator in the upper realm. What do you say she did wrong? She is a Horcrux, what is the use of you being so sympathetic?" Tao Hua said angrily.

"You... what did you say?" Chu Changhua looked at Taohua in shock.

"Did your mother tell you every time? In order to be able to enter the lower realm, the Great Cultivator of the Living Realm deliberately sent down the Dao Ding tripod that he had chosen and prepared as a Horcrux for storing a ray of divine soul in the future. This kind of thing is in the world. The upper realm is called the avatar, and it's called the Dao Ding. Do you understand?"

Chu Changhua turned to look at the little girl in a daze.The little girl lowered her head, not daring to look at him with tears in her eyes.

"She is obviously a poor little girl..."

"She is Dao Ding, if her biological parents knew about it, they wouldn't dare to keep her," Tao Hua said.

Chu Changhua: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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