The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 884 Absolute Beginning Sword Sect

Chapter 884 Absolute Beginning Sword Sect
"Take what you can take away." Taohua pointed out, "The formation here seems to be stable. But after all, no one has maintained it for too long. When the aura becomes stronger, all kinds of original ancient spiritual materials Accelerating the decay, there will inevitably be loopholes in the formation here. Once it is discovered by monsters, monsters and humans from the outside world, there will be a big war here. If the formation here is violently destroyed, this continent will not be able to keep it. Designation will collapse Break into several pieces, the part with the spirit veins may surface again."

"Wouldn't that be an archipelago?" a fierce captain said in shock.

That's right, the Yuanchen Islands that appeared last in the previous life are the last remnants of this continent.

"So if we don't take it, I don't know who will be cheaper in the end?" Chu Shinian concluded.

Upon hearing this, a certain school lieutenant immediately bared his arms and rolled up his sleeves fiercely, "Don't worry, Commander, look at me." Then he took his own soldiers to scrape the ground even more fiercely.

"This person is interesting." Taohua laughed.

"Mr. Junzhong is quite straightforward." Chu Shinian walked in another direction with Tao Hua without any trace. "It seems to be a sword pavilion over there?"

"This sect dojo seems to be a sect that focuses on practicing swordsmanship."

"It should be a sword-making and sword-cultivating sect. It's a bit like your elder brother's sect."

"Yeah, I also think it's a bit like Qingxu Jianzong. There's a Sword Forging Mountain over there, let's go and have a look." Taohua didn't go to Jiange with Chu Shinian, but instead suggested that Lu Xiang go to Sword Forging Mountain.Of course Chu Shinian was willing to accompany his wife for a walk.

Zhujian Mountain has not been tidied up yet, and there are still many human bones scattered on and inside the mountain.

The robes on them were so decayed that they couldn't see their color.Only some special wire materials can be seen.The storage bags were all turned into fly ash, and very little of the contents could be left behind.

The storage ring and the like are still on the skeleton's finger.But neither Taohua nor Chu Shinian had any intention of taking it.

The two walked all the way to the lowest level of Zhujian Mountain.

This is where the craters are densest.I have cultivated quite a few sword-making rooms, and because these sword-making rooms are not controlled by internal and external disciples, they are easily opened.The ground fire inside is still burning vigorously. Some of the ground fire chambers have corpses, but some do not.

"I saw all the bones along the way. And the death seems to be under the condition of being caught off guard. Could it be the moment of Shen Lu, everyone died?"

"I guess someone plotted against him during the process of sinking Lu. As a result, the mainland sank and everyone disappeared," Tao Hua said.

No matter how fast such a large piece of land enters the sea, there will be a period of time.If someone takes advantage of this time gap to quickly launch some terrifying big moves, there is indeed a possibility that the monks on the entire continent will die in an instant.

Chu Shinian's eyes were even deeper.If you want to live and die independently, and protect your important people, you have to keep getting stronger, otherwise these bones of the past will be your future self.

In a closed secret room at the bottom of Zhujian Mountain, a skeleton was sitting cross-legged.

In front of the skeleton are rows of small characters.

Tao Hua and Chu Shinian stepped forward. The characters were very old. Chu Shinian recognized most of them, but some characters were not.

It was Taohua who saw the content through Qi Tianjian.

"This senior said that this is the dojo of their Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. Due to the invasion of foreign enemies, the elders of the sect left the battle world one after another. They and some young disciples stayed behind in the sect. Later, the battlefield moved to the world. The landslides and the ground cracked, the sea was hanging in the sky, and their continent was smashed into the deep sea by the force of the world. In the process, they were attacked by the ecstasy light, and the young disciples died one after another. He couldn't hold on for long, so he recorded this incident Come down, if anyone finds this place later, please help the disciples in the dojo to collect their corpses and bury them in the ground. In addition, there are detailed instructions on where are the secret vaults and formation centers in the dojo, and how to open them."

Chu Shinian looked at the skeleton of a certain senior speechlessly.

Before he died, he had explained his family background so clearly, he didn't even know what this senior was thinking at the beginning.

"Perhaps people in that era thought differently than today." Taohua thought for a while and said.

If it was a monk of later generations, he wouldn't blow himself up, maybe he would deliberately set up traps outside the family he left behind to kill a few bastards.

"This place doesn't seem to have sunk to the bottom of the sea more than 1000 years ago..."

Chu Shinian also faintly sensed that the things here seemed to come from an even older era.

"I also read it in ancient books. It is said that this continent sank in the sea in a very ancient age. Because there is no evidence, most people just say that it seems to have existed."

"Then how did you recognize that this is Yuanchen Ancient Land?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise, Tao Hua's reaction was a little too quick.

"Of course, I remember all the ancient legends around our Yun'an continent. The Yuanchen continent is considered to be the closest to our mainland, and I have speculated many times that if it had your existence, it probably also It’s the pristine deep sea in the east of Yutu Island.”

Cough cough cough...

Chu Shinian was speechless.

"What do you keep in your head all day? I thought you were all about pretending to be a family. How could you think that your head is full of legends, legends and the like?"

"If I hadn't remembered these, I would have speculated several times about each one of them. Where can I find these ruins? I probably wouldn't be able to recognize them if I found them." Taohua said with a smile.

Chu Shinian felt helpless.

"Go to other places to see? The three hundred miles around here belong to the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning, but they are only part of the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning. Now let's see how our formation masters can crack the Ziqing Stone Palace. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

If you can crack it, you can naturally go another three hundred miles. If you can't crack it, then wait slowly.

"What do you think of Yutu Island?" Chu Shinian asked. "Develop outside the stone forest, continue to lift Haisheng Island, and turn this place into a manor?"

"The manor alone may not be effective. Move the stone forest away and put it somewhere else. The underground palace is being built directly here, and the runes of the stable space are engraved in the underground palace to cover up the fluctuations that often use the teleportation array. We are not An ancient monk, how could the stone forest alone be able to cover up the space waves of the teleportation array?

This is the sea, and there are so many sea tribes, even if we can still see it in terms of combat power.But the defense still needs to be on guard. "Peach Blossom thought for a while.

The space fluctuates too frequently, and any fool knows that there is a teleportation array here.

Although there are quite a few teleportation arrays on every island of the Chu family, isn't that teleportation array being stared at by the Sea Clan?
(End of this chapter)

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