Chapter 886

The existence of the spirit gathering disk is mainly to enable the monks to get rid of the over-reliance on the spirit veins.

But there is no shortage of spiritual veins on the Chu family's territory, so its value does not seem to be very great.But everyone is still very happy.After all, this is the legendary spirit gathering disk.

"I've heard of a high-level Spirit Gathering Plate, a single plate can gather spiritual energy for an entire secret realm or a small world." Someone said.

"Impossible, small worlds and small secret realms can still use the gathering disk to distance spiritual energy?"

"I don't think it's possible either."

"How is it impossible?" Someone was still serious.

"The spirit-gathering disk doesn't have that much power. Spirit-gathering disks above the sixth level are called energy-gathering disks, and Dao seals can be engraved on them. Energy-gathering disks of that level may be able to gather spiritual energy for small secret realms or small worlds." .” The energy gathering disk can already absorb all kinds of arrogant energy directly from the void and then decompose it into aura.

"Then no matter what, if this spirit-gathering plate can sell well, our family can also make a lot of money, right?" a local teacher said joyfully.

"There are complete formation patterns, and there are real objects. Formation masters and craftsmen will soon be able to make replicas. However, as soon as this kind of gathering disk is on the market, formation masters with a little foundation can make it themselves .There will be many similar spirit-gathering disks in the future.

The designation of big profits is gone, and it is still possible to sell and sell Lingshi in bulk. "

The spirit gathering disk is said to be in the legend, that's because no one has seen the real thing.With the real thing, as long as there are materials, even a powerful array mage can do it.Taohua didn't expect this thing to make any big money at all, it was just a little bit of hard money.

If you want to earn huge profits like Qingyang Lingtao, then you don't need to think about it.

"Well, if you want to talk about imitations, the Qingyang family has also started to sell a small Qingyang spirit peach in the market, with a sour taste and poor effect. Our Qingyang spirit field is more and more expensive, and there are better ones. People buy their peaches because they want to be cheap." A geographer said disdainfully.

"I also sold and ate it, and the effect was about [-]% worse than our peaches. The price was nearly half cheaper. No wonder they sell some."

"Let them buy it. We can't occupy the peach market. This market is expanding every year. I heard that even the upper realm has begun to come to the lower realm to buy all kinds of spiritual fruits and medicines. In the future, spiritual fruits, spiritual medicines The price of medicine will continue to rise. So whoever sells it is not selling it." Taohua said.Moreover, they are also elixir growers. After buying enough spirit stones they need, they will consciously hoard the remaining elixir.

Anyway, the further back, the higher the value of medicinal materials.Selling early is a loss.

Only those small families who have no ability to resist risks will retail investors sell the elixir and fruit they harvest every year.

Like the Chu family, they hoard new fruits every year, and only those less important fruits that have been accumulated for many years will be cleaned up.

After finding the Spirit Gathering Disk, everyone's luck seems to have run out. The items that were encountered in adventures have been appraised and appraised, but there is no one that is particularly valuable.

However, with the Spirit Gathering Disk, the Chu family can even earn back all the cost they invested in this exploration, not to mention harvesting so many other materials, elixir, elixir, swords, and so on.

The hidden guards and sergeants scraped seven or eight times, and even the seedlings and seeds of the elixir were all gone by Bala, leaving only the bare ground, so they stopped.

All that was left was for the earth masters and formation masters to tinker with the purple-blue stone palace, and it was up to their hands whether they got anything.

The exploration here has just come to an end, and there is good news from the deep sea base over there.

With this batch of high-level materials, they took the Starship Battleship and further repaired it.At least [-]% of the formation center and Qiankun Wanhua Furnace of the battleship have been repaired, and it can operate by itself.

Originally, this batch of high-level materials had been selected by the old guys in Tishan City, and they were going to make new whale suction pillars and alchemy furnaces or refining furnaces.

But it’s so hard to die, it happened that an old craftsman who went to Tishan to look for materials found this batch of high-level materials, and he simply took the materials away without telling anyone.By the time the other veteran craftsmen on the Tishan side found out, it was already too late.

A certain battleship has already eaten all the good things.

After Taohua and Chu Shinian teleported to the deep sea base, they found that the spirit of the entire base was different.When they saw the warship moored in the deep sea base, they finally understood what happened.

The entire battleship seemed to be alive.

It is freely breathing the spiritual energy around it, and every once in a while, it will take a big breath, absorbing the majestic white mist flow of spiritual energy all at once.

That kind of vigor is simply jaw-dropping.

"This galaxy battleship is amazing, and it can still make such a big noise." Chu Shinian watched the majestic white mist flow into the dark blue metal surface of the battleship, and gasped several times.

"People say that only Starship Battleships can adapt to battles outside the borders. It really makes sense. Those magic ships of our family can't show such a powerful momentum." Taohua also praised.

"The Qiankun Wanhua Furnace and Battleship Formation Center have only recovered a little more than [-]%. If only there were a little more high-level materials." A certain old man smiled flatteringly at Taohua.

Taohua said speechlessly, "I can't help it, why don't you go and supervise our family's formation masters and earth masters to decipher the formation in the Ziqingshi Palace earlier?"

The other party was also speechless, if he had that ability, why would he still ask the Patriarch?

"You really don't need to look at me. I have moved all the good things for you as much as possible. Take a look at those third-order and fourth-order metal materials, and I have someone tell you about the high-level materials this time."

"Then you didn't give us all of it." The other party said.

"Our family's refining furnace and alchemy furnace are waiting to be upgraded, and the whale suction column is also waiting." Taohua said in a tone that I was also helpless, and I didn't recruit.

"Then if we dare to love our small ship, we have to go to the back row and become raised by a little mother?"

"Old man, are you up to it? Why don't you just wait later." The peach blossoms were angry.

"As for it, you think I don't know, obviously our small ship is the most important thing. With our small ship, our family can gain a stable foothold in the future. Without our small ship, it doesn't matter whether our family can survive in the future must."

"Your old man is indeed shrewd and wise."


"In the future, if there are any good materials, I will always look for you. You can choose the rest and give them to others, okay?"

"Hum." He hummed even more arrogantly.

"To save face, take care of it. They are all members of the family. If you don't give anything to others, they will start an uprising. What will you do then? Can you still watch you old men fight each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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