The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 895 Shen Shuyi

Chapter 895 Shen Shuyi

"Why don't you find me someone who can stand alone."

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, Chu Xinjia thought for a while, "Mr. Wei Fanyu also has a good brother who is missing an arm, okay? This is also a brave and resourceful general. It is Jiang Yizhou. He is also a good brother. The character generation, but I went out to work for many years, so the name was completely changed to Jiang Yizhou."

"There are still two broken limbs in the family to renew the pill, you go and get one and give it to him. A broken arm is not impossible, but a broken arm is too easy to be remembered."

"You plan to send him out again?"

Chu Shinian smiled mysteriously.

"All right, I'll go find him." Chu Xinjia said after thinking about it.

He couldn't think of where Chu Shinian would send people, but appointment was the most important task.Otherwise, if the family only had two severed limbs, it wouldn't fall into that person's hands even if the pill was renewed.


At night in Changyang, the autumn wind is cool.

A middle-aged man with just grown arms is squinting his eyes to enjoy the cool autumn.

Two three- and four-year-old chubby dolls were chasing and playing in the yard.After a while, he chased after a certain middle-aged man "Grandpa, grandpa."

The middle-aged man picked up the two babies, one on the left and the other on the right, and after kissing them, asked his daughter-in-law to call them away.

The old man in a majestic white-haired brocade robe directly strode across the threshold and walked in with a smile. "I heard that kid Chu Shinian sent you a severed limb and then came to renew the pill. Is there some conspiracy and trick that came to you again?"

"He has put all his thoughts on the Patriarch. The rest of his thoughts are also on the running of the family. How can he think about me?"

Hearing this, the old man couldn't help frowning, "The Patriarch shouldn't marry him. It's really not a good match."

The middle-aged man was very happy when he heard this.

This is really a problem with the butt. If it is outside the Chu clan, everyone will think that the head of the Chu clan is not worthy of that terrible kid, right?
"The burden of the family is already heavy enough. Which one the head of the family likes is his own business. You will be mixed up."

When Wei Fanyu heard this, he immediately said in displeasure. "Did you and Shen Shuyi discuss it? Why are you talking like this?"

"That's not because Shen Shuyi and I are both wise men, but you are a reckless man." The middle-aged man Jiang Yizhou said.

"Oh." Wei Fanyu looked at him contemptuously. "Now I'm talking to others. At the beginning, I didn't say that I was wrong, and I pushed others out."

The people from Jiang Yizhou were taken aback, and then smiled with Satuo, "Shu Yi and I are too old, and it's really not suitable for us to get married again. Isn't it good to support the elderly like this?"

"Are you sure? Someone has taken a fancy to Shu Yi, and she is serious and enthusiastic. I heard that she has proposed once...Hey, where are you going?"

Jiang Yizhou ran out like crazy.

"Ha, didn't you say how old you are, isn't it suitable for marriage? Why are you nervous?" Wei Fanyu muttered angrily behind him.

When Jiang Yizhou ran to the village where Shen Shuyi lived, he saw that Shen's yard was covered with festive decorations.

Shen Shuyi was dressed in a deep red robe. Although the traces of time remained in the corners of her eyes and brows, she was a beauty in her bones. The beauty who was so glamorous back then was still astonishingly beautiful.

"Shu Yi, I heard that you are getting married?"

"Well, although I'm not young, I still feel like getting married once." Shen Shuyi said with a faint smile.Even if Jiang Yizhou barged in, she was not embarrassed by being caught.It was precisely because she smiled so calmly that Jiang Yizhou's face immediately changed.

"Shu Yi, if you really want to marry someone, you can marry me." Jiang Yizhou said. "If you marry another man, they may not treat you sincerely. After all, you are so old."

The corner of Shen Shuyi's mouth couldn't help twitching secretly.What the hell, Jiang Yizhou really deserves to be lonely for the rest of his life. "I marry you, but you don't necessarily treat me sincerely. What's the difference between you and others.

Besides, it is impossible for me to be blind every time. The man I choose is not willing to marry me in the end.I chose this one this time, and I am very happy. "

Jiang Yizhou suddenly felt that his internal organs were frozen.

"Shu Yi, listen to me. I...I..."

"I know, you think we are not suitable at all. When you rejected me last time, you made it very clear. "

Jiang Yizhou was taken aback by what she said.

Wei Fanyu was watching them not far away, and was about to burst out laughing.He still remembers that Shen Shuyi went to Jiang Yizhou with a happy face a few years ago, and the two grew up together as childhood sweethearts, but in the end they were both old because of various reasons, but Shen Shuyi is a person who loves life and enjoys life, so she is still bold I'm going to mention it, I want to get married.

As a result, Jiang Yizhou sprayed a large basin of cold water directly on her head.

Now it really is tit for tat, Shen Shuyi is going to marry someone else this time.

"Shu Yi, you heard me, it's not that we are inappropriate, but I didn't want to delay you at that time."

"Yeah." Shen Shuyi nodded. "I see, no matter what the reason is, you are not willing. I understand, and then I found someone else. That person is not bad, I think it's okay."

"Shu Yi..." Jiang Yizhou's scalp is numb now, and his whole body is about to explode.

"Although he is seven or eight years younger than me, he treats me very well. I never thought that after going through so many hardships, I would meet such a person who can give me happiness." The expression on Shen Shuyi's face The smile was unusually gentle.

Wei Fanyu, who watched it, was shocked, "Shu Yi, are you serious?"

"Whether it is true or not, I have already decided to get married."

Jiang Yizhou stretched out his hand to catch Shen Shuyi's hand, but she retreated lightly and avoided it.

Looking at her smiling face, no amount of smiling could suppress her vigilance and alienation from him.Just like when she misunderstood him and cheated him back then, she left for 20 years!

"Shu Yi, I also want to marry you. Can you think about me again? I don't want to miss it again because of a misunderstanding. If I miss it this time, maybe it will be our lives." Jiang Yizhou's voice was choked with sobs.

Shen Shuyi's eyes were also slightly red.

"Maybe we don't have the fate to be together, otherwise we will miss it several times. If not, you can let go, just like me back then. Let's just be good friends." She was rejected time and time again, and was accidentally injured , also really tired.

"Think about it again, Shu Yi, think about it again."

Shen Shuyi looked at him, then turned around and left the house.

Why bother, every time she is full of hope, this man leaves her with sadness.She wanted to be more sober this time, so she had to change it.

"Shu Yi..." Jiang Yizhou shouted hoarsely behind her.

Shen Shuyi's footsteps paused, but she still left resolutely.

The old lady will never look back this time.

(End of this chapter)

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