The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 907 Temporary Rest

Chapter 907 Temporary Rest
To be honest, Chu Shinian didn't know why the big octopus didn't escape, but also provoked several big monks frequently.

As a result, the last time, on the night of the eighth day, several big monks did not know how to discuss it. They went down into the sea for a few days and went directly to the lair of the big octopus.That night, huge vibrations continued to be heard on the reef coast.For the last time, a huge water column rushed up in the seabed not far away.

It took about a quarter of an hour before the eight big monks came out of the sea again. Judging from the looks on their faces, it was obvious that they had gained a lot.

"I didn't expect that a small octopus that was randomly raised by the Sword Sect in the early days would grow to such an extent. This ruin is not very easy to explore. I think we should prepare more things before we come, otherwise, in case of loss, come down with us." Some of the disciples lost more than they gained.

The disciples who followed this time are all good seedlings. "One of the big monks who was slightly injured said.

"That's what I mean too. I think we'd better go back and prepare more. It's better to bring more things when we let them come down next time. Besides, our harvest this time is enough. What do you brothers think?"

"Yeah, I really can't underestimate the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect, an octopus guarding the mountain gate almost wiped out us all."

"Cough cough, don't talk about destroying your own prestige and boosting the ambition of the little octopus. Isn't the little octopus dead?"

"If it weren't for restricting its transformation and spiritual intelligence here, the Yaozu would probably have another potential junior."

"Are you kidding me? This is the dojo of the Taichu Sword Sect. The training is for the human race, not the demon race."

"Fortunately, the senior left behind the means. Otherwise, we really don't want to kill it."

All the great monks had a chatter discussion, and under the strong persuasion of the two injured monks, they returned to Yanbo Island, Chu's territory, on the new Dafa boat brought out by the big monk surnamed Tong.

The Chu family once again became the landlord responsible for the reception.

Several big monks left one after another as soon as they returned to land.

Moreover, the forces that accompanied Guanghan Jianzong on the expedition bid farewell and left within two days after returning.Although they didn't gain any serious gains this time, after all, they touched the Geng gold ore for Shang Zong, and Shang Zong would not deny the benefits completely.

The new-generation disciples who were in charge of talking to them about their benefits all talked to them one by one to appease them.As for the specific content, outsiders don't know, anyway, when they left, they all had smiles on their faces.

Tong Rui didn't miss the Chu family either, and promised Chu Shinian to send him twenty Golden Yuan Pills after a while.

This is very good, with this batch of elixir, the Chu family will be able to produce at least four to six golden elixir realms in the future.

However, even if Chu Shinian got the Jin Yuan Pill, it was impossible for his clansmen to eat it, because the pharmacists and alchemists had already divided them up.Is this medicine edible?That's for research.

Besides, everyone hasn't reached the golden core stage yet, so what's the rush?Let's dismantle it first and study the ingredients!

Apart from the Guanghan disciples who had to leave, Tong Rui also brought a dozen or so monks to stay in the Chu family.

The Chu family simply gave Guanghan Jianzong a rare hilltop courtyard on Yanbo Island as their residence.It is convenient for Guanghan Jianzong to continue to explore the ruins of the beginning in the future.

Because of the population concentration, Yanbo Island raised the sea for the third time this year to make land, turning a small seabed nearly [-] miles east of the island into land.Now that area has become a huge construction site, and various housing facilities are being built rapidly.

The fruit and medicine garden is also undergoing rapid transformation.

Now the entire Yanbo Island is constantly rising, and it really looks like a small piece of land.In the most central part of the island, there are many mountains, birds and beasts are rampant, and there are few people. The monks of Guanghan Sword Sect immediately fell in love with such a place.

"The cultivation of this other courtyard is no worse than the other places with strong aura we have chosen on the mainland." A young student said.

"This is a courtyard built on the spiritual veins, so naturally the spiritual energy is not bad." Junior Brother Ma said speechlessly.

"Lingmai? No wonder the air here is so good?"

"Not only is it a spirit vein, but it is also an authentic second-order wood attribute spirit vein." Ma Jin said seriously.

"Wood attribute spirit veins are good, keep in good health."

"In the future, I will also create another courtyard with a second-order wood attribute spiritual vein."

"The local forces here have a lot of attribute spiritual veins in their hands."

"Then the Chu family should also have a lot of spiritual veins in their hands?"

"Stop trying to get Chu's idea, don't say you didn't show the favor that the elders of our sect have for that kid, if you attack his family, be careful that he will never end with you."

"It's never over, I'm not afraid."

"There are so many spirit veins on this continent, so you can find them wherever you go. Why do you have to focus on the Chu family? Who told you what?" Lu Meng walked over, just in time to hear this, and immediately asked seriously.

"It's nothing, it means that the Chu family is quite strong. The family is rich." said the disciple who said that the Chu family had a spiritual vein in his hand just now.

"Stop thinking about the Chu family in the future." Lu Meng said in a serious tone. "We obtained a large amount of Geng gold ore during this expedition, and the Chu family made great contributions to it. Although Chu Shinian has not yet joined the sect, the merits cannot be distributed to him for the time being.

But as long as he joins the sect, these achievements will be the capital for his rise in the future.

We will all be of the same family from now on, why bother to make troubles over these trivial matters. "

The other party was silent, but his eyes were still very unconvinced. Lu Meng knew that the junior was a bit too greedy.But because he was born in a rich family and was protected by the elders, he was a bit lawless.

Lu Meng actually needs to pay more attention to this junior in the future, lest he cause any embarrassing things.

When Lv Meng walked to the residence of his own Junior Brother Tong, he saw that Junior Brother Tong was receiving a large amount of various materials.What ore materials, spiritual wood materials, various spiritual silk materials and so on.

"Junior Brother Tong, what are you?"

"I plan to refine some more powerful sword symbols, as well as some gadgets for exploration."

"Are we going again soon?" Lu Meng asked.

"It should be very soon. After all, the harvest this time is too great. I heard from my second uncle that as soon as the news reached the sect, the old lady was alarmed and left the customs. He also gave a batch of treasures immediately, so that we can continue Explore the ruins of primordial.

But I also heard that the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect somehow got the news and insisted on sending someone over to explore the relics of their sect with us. "Tong Rui sneered disdainfully. "Who doesn't know the things in the ruins, whoever gets them will be the ones?"What are you talking about about their sect? "

"Let's see what the Zongmen thinks. If the upper management discusses it, we have to admit it."

(End of this chapter)

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