The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 909 Special Benefits of Craftsmen

Chapter 909 Special Benefits of Craftsmen

"Is it expensive? Is it expensive?" This is the point.Tong Rui asked with a smile.

"It's not expensive. It's only about 140 spirit coins per set. The highest type of medicinal bath pack is only [-] spirit coins per set." Chu Shinian said.

"So cheap? Are you sure? It's really eighty spirit coins, not eighty spirit stones?"

"How much do you have to buy for 80 Yuan of Lingshi? Ten thousand copies." Chu Shinian had a strange expression.

"Hahaha, I understand. This is really a good thing. Give me 30 copies first, all six kinds. One kind of [-] copies. If you use it well, your family's fortune will come." Tong Rui A mysterious smile.To be honest, the small family of the Chu family really brought him many unexpected surprises.

First it was Chu Shinian, then there was the Geng gold ore, and now he has made such a useful medicine bag. I have to say that his second uncle has a vicious vision.Chu Shi and Chu Shinian fell in love at a glance.

"This is just a low-level medicine pack, which can be effective on ordinary people. If Senior Brother Tong is interested, I will give you the prescription." Chu Shinian said sincerely.

"Forget it, I opened the medicinal bath bag in your house and looked at it. It is all low-grade medicinal materials, but it needs a lot of lingtians and a lot of lingzhi husbands to take care of it if it can be mass-produced like yours. Turn back A large number of alchemist apprentices and pharmacist apprentices are also needed.

Too much trouble. "

The most important thing is that the Chu family sells it too cheaply.Why make it yourself when you can get it for such a low price?
"Okay, I'll let them make it as soon as possible. Now I don't have so many medicine kits in my hand. The medicine kits made by our family are all given to the training camp."

"Don't forget that the low-level officers have also trained me, at least the low-level officers must be fully equipped when they are pulled out." Tong Rui reminded him.

"Don't worry. It will take six months to complete the training, and the low-ranking officer will be designated by then."

Tong Rui is satisfied.

"And the fish skin armor you distributed to the army looks pretty good to me. Is it expensive?"

"Preferential price, for half body armor, nine spirit stones, for full body armor, 30 yuan of spirit stones. The main thing is the helmet, the helmet of the full body armor is made of fish bones, which is relatively hard, and the cost is slightly higher."

"The gap between half body armor and full body armor is a bit big."

"It's more expensive to add a fishbone shield to the full body armor. If you don't add the fishbone shield, you only need 21 spirit stones."

"How about the defense of the fishbone shield?"

"It can resist a full-strength blow from a monster with a perfect altar state head-on, and it will not shatter."

"The shield of Tongmai Realm, defending against the full blow of the monsters in the Divine Platform Realm? That's not bad." Tong Rui said in surprise.

"Monsters with natural power are always included. I mean ordinary monsters, or some monsters that are good at strength are also fine."

"I'll find someone to try." Tong Rui said with great interest.He had seen those cannon fodders practice in fish skin armor.But their level of pecking at each other can't test the true ability of the shield at all. "Your family's half armor sells me [-] pieces just like the full body armor."

"Success. But to be honest, although my fish skin armor is divided into half body and whole body, it belongs to the range of light armor and cannot be used as heavy armor." Chu Shinian reminded.

"I know I know."

When Lu Meng walked into Tong Rui's room, he saw that Tong Rui was still touching the two fish skin armors with a happy face.

These fish skin armors are standard.

It can be seen from the appearance that many parts are exactly the same in size and appearance.Even the various rune patterns on the leather armor can be found in the same position and the same size.The Chu family didn't know how to make it so tidy.

Tong Rui looked very interested.

"Is this the fish skin armor?"

"That's right, this is the Chu family's fish skin armor that even my second uncle praised?"

"Haha, isn't it possible that other forces are also starting to weave fish skin armor?" Lu Meng asked amusedly.

"Ah, that's it. Since the Chu family's fish skin armor started to sell well, many forces have started to imitate the fish skin armor. Unfortunately, the appearance is similar, and the leather armor is not as light and exquisite as the Chu family's. Leather armor The lightness and exquisiteness of the weapon are exquisite, but the defense power is greatly reduced and so on.

After all, it was not as good as the Chu family who first invented the fish skin armor.

Not to mention anything else, even my second aunt's workshop was imitated.It's a pity that the cost of making similar things is much higher than that of the Chu family.The Chu family is used as a resource place for the cheek demon fish, and the second aunt does not have such low-priced resources. "

Furthermore, the second aunt only raised a few hundred craftsmen, and the leather armor they made was rough, while the Chu family raised tens of thousands of craftsmen, so the leather armor they made was naturally exquisite and beautiful.Although the Chu family is small, they do have some strengths in running workshops.

"Another person who makes fish skin armor is also different. In the upper realm, most of the apprentices and real refiners who make fish skin armor, their wages for refining a leather armor are far more than here The leather armors here are mostly artisans and craftsman apprentices, and there are some apprentices of refiners. Formal refiners generally don't care about the refinement of these leather armors. They only supervise the quality of the final shipment.

The manual cost of refining a leather armor here is much cheaper. Tong Rui also admitted what Lu Meng said.

Most of the craftsmen in the upper realm carried earth to build cities, repair houses, and build palaces and so on.

It was only after they descended that they discovered that the craftsmen here did everything.Those who build ships, make jewelry, make weapons, and even spin silk have the shadow of craftsmen and apprentices.

Most craftsmen know everything.It doesn't matter if you don't, because the craftsman always confirms that it won't work if you rely on outside tricks and abductions.

So the Chu family thought of another brilliant move.

It is to give large-scale ratings to craftsmen. As long as a certain technology reaches a certain level, you can get corresponding benefits.

And what do you want to learn, all skills are taught in the craftsman school, and after paying the tuition, someone will come to teach you various skills in person.If you have passed the corresponding levels in several skills, then you will enjoy several benefits.

This is amazing. Although there are not many benefits for a single technical level, there are so many technical items that you can enjoy.All of a sudden, many old craftsmen were directly promoted from ordinary people to the well-off level.

In Chu's territory, even the aunt with grandchildren at home may have several master craftsman certificates and enjoy corresponding benefits.The two who had just realized how many craftsmen the Chu family had were also very dumbfounded.

The Chu family's preferential treatment of craftsmen made the skilled workers in other positions envious and jealous.

Especially earth masters, talisman masters, formation masters, crafting masters, pharmacists, and alchemists are even more jealous.Why do craftsmen always specialize, and still enjoy special benefits?Also a variety of technologies can apply for registration exams.

We can also take the exam. We are also versatile, and we have each learned a lot of skills.

(End of this chapter)

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