The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 912 The tree is gone

Chapter 912 The tree is gone

Yang Xianzhi hated the woman who spoke out just now.Even if the other party is very outstanding and gorgeous.

"Is this gemstone tree really a tree of refuge? I don't even know it myself. I would like to ask the two seniors to carefully identify it. If it is, I will immediately swear to my clansmen."

After hearing this, Tong Jian immediately turned to look at Taohua.

Tao Hua simply asked Chu Shinian to deliver a jade cocoon to Tong Jian.

Tong Jian took the jade cocoon and took a look, then felt a little embarrassed and speechless.

"What?" Wang Daozhen beside him asked curiously.

"show you."

Wang Daozhen also put the jade cocoon on his forehead.Cough, cough...following him, he coughed awkwardly. "Sun Daoyou, show me."

The great monk of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect who suppressed two waves of troops before also took a look.Then he handed the jade cocoon to his junior brother quite speechlessly.After the junior brother had seen it, the two brothers looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly and smiled.

What luck! !
"Have you read "Ancient Myths and Treasures"?" Brother Sun asked Yang Xianzhi.

""Records of Ancient Myths and Treasures", what kind of book is this?" Yang Xianzhi asked back in astonishment.

"It is a collection of ancient books that record some rare treasures that appeared in ancient myths and legends. This Jishen Tree is on page No. 19."

Yang Xianzhi's face turned pale immediately.

"It's not surprising that you haven't seen Daoyou Yang. After all, you haven't come down from above for long. Naturally, you are not as good as the monks in the lower realm, and you know more about things in your own realm." Tong Rui said, "People under my command often help me inquire about some news. So there are a lot of ancient books and secret books collected.”

Tong Rui recalled this book, he had seen it too.

After I moved into the other courtyard on Yanbo Island, the Chu family sent them a lot of copied ancient books in order to please them.When he thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was really a record about the Jishen tree in that book.If you think about it carefully, it is really similar to the gem tree in front of you.

"Okay, you swear, otherwise, even if you are from Hongjun Mountain, don't blame us for being cruel." Brother Sun spoke again.

Yang Xianzhi and the others had no choice but to swear under the gaze of several great monks that they would never disclose the news of the Jishen Tree.

"Then what about the people from the lower world you brought in?" Yang Xianzhi made another attack immediately after taking the soul oath.

"Naturally, I also swear the soul oath. But they may not have seen any upper realm soul oath, so I will tell them how to perform the soul oath." Tong Rui and Lu Meng immediately took action.But they only care about the people on their side.

The people of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect naturally have their disciples in charge.

"Swear to the soul, except that you can't disclose the matter of Jishenshu, there is no other impact. It will not damage your soul." Tong Rui specially explained to Chu Shinian and others.

Chu Shinian and the others immediately relaxed and swore their soul vows with ease.

Tong Rui was very happy, and his subordinates had to be obedient.

"You guys did a good job this time, you were the first to destroy the Jishen tree."

"Actually, Senior Brother Tong, if you think about it carefully, you can also find that it is the Jishen tree. You remembered it late because you came down late and are not familiar with us." Chu Shinian said very objectively.

Ma Liang was very happy to hear that.

"No, I remembered it when your wife said it."

"That's because Senior Brother Ma has a good memory, and my wife has been thinking about it for a long time." Chu Shinian continued to compliment him calmly.Ma Liang simply patted him on the shoulder.This junior brother is on the way.Of course, he also thought that was the case.

The Chu family is a native of the country, so he is naturally more familiar with the lower realm than he is.

"I heard that such a treasure as Jishen tree has not been found in our Shenting for 6000 years." Ma Liang immediately explained to the two of them. "Look, Master Tong and the others are already fighting, and we don't know who wins and who loses in the end?"

Who knows?
In the end, among the four great monks, Tong Jian lost a move, but Wang Daozhen narrowly won.

The two battlefields stopped almost at the same time.



"How to divide the tree?"

"Go back, let the four of us escort it out. Let the Zongmen senior management divide it." Tong Jian said hoarsely.He was hurt, and not lightly.


Since Wang Daozhen also agreed, the two big monks also nodded seriously.

Then they went back again.

Peach Blossom: No one else has the luck of their expedition.

The discovery of the Jishen tree once again set off an uproar.The main reason is that Taichu Sword Sect and Guanghan Sword Sect almost started a war because of the ownership of Jishen Tree.So the news could not be concealed.

All the upper realm organizations in the entire lower realm knew about the discovery of the Jishen tree.

He also knew that Yang Xianzhi, the direct descendant of Hongjun Mountain, had missed the Jishen Tree.

Hongjunshan Yang Xianzhi's own father, who is willing to give up, directly contacted the Taichu Sword Sect to ask for an explanation.And the people of Guanghan Sword Sect were determined not to leave, they insisted on taking the Jishen Tree away.

How is that possible?

Contest, win or lose under the sword.

As for Yang Xianzhi, he gave a resurrection flower, and there are no more.

Why don't you come and beat us, our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect and Guanghan Sword Sect are waiting for you.

The Yang family is also speechless, the two great sword sects are simply too shameless.

After nine battles, the two Great Sword Sects each seriously injured a Daoist Daoist, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect was superior.In the end, this tree still belonged to the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.However, Guanghan Jianzong also got a certain quota of flowers after each flowering in the future.

Even so, Guanghan Jianzong felt that he was at a loss.

He is no longer willing to cooperate with the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning to explore the ruins of Absolute Beginning.Anyway, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect already knows where the place is, so let the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect go there.Next time they explore the ruins, they will form their own team.

The senior leaders of Taichu Sword Sect were also a little embarrassed. The problem was that they were also reluctant to give up the Jishen Tree to Guanghan Sword Sect.

The fight between the two sects over the issue of Jishenshu was also aroused.

Whether it is the common people in the upper realm or the lower realm, this is the first time they know about this fairy tree.Only then did they know that there are such rare treasures as the Resurrection Flower and the Jishen Tree in this world.It can really bring people back from the dead.

Of course, even with the resurrection flower, it is not possible to resurrect people casually.The resurrection flower must be refined into a resurrection talisman. After a person refines the resurrection talisman, he can be resurrected near the place of death after death.

Even with the resurrection talisman, there are many restrictions.

However, resurrection is resurrection, and it is still favored by many people.

Only a few days after the Guanghan Sword Sect came down, they met big guys one after another. Many people thought that they were lucky, blessed, and more capable than people from other factions.Even the head of the Guanghan Sword Sect gave awards to Tong Jian and others to reward Tong Jian and others for their efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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