Chapter 938
"Since it was the incomplete path that you first discovered, isn't it normal for you to continue to explore where the path leads?"

Tong Rui was speechless, "But didn't even the big monk die when you explored the path, how can I explore and die? Our team doesn't even have a big monk."

"Ahem, that place is a bit weird, that's why you little monks are asked to explore the way. You can't find the place you found, so let someone else do it if you die?"

"You big monks at Hongjun Mountain are too shameless. You were the ones who were in a hurry to lead the team to explore the path. Can you rely on me if you die? Who made you too conceited to lead a big monk? The team explored the dangerous area of ​​the ruins of the beginning. Do you think anyone who explored the dangerous area did not follow five or six big monks at a time?" Tong Rui was patient with the big monk who was the first to speak before.After all, he is a great monk of the Sword Sect of Taichu.

But for the second one, the Great Cultivator of Hongjun Mountain, Tong Rui was completely unceremonious.

"Then according to what you mean, our Hongjunshan big monk can die, but your Guanghan Jianzong's little monks can't die? All the big monks from Guanghan Jianzong, do you all mean this?"

Great cultivator of Guanghan Sword Sect: "..."

The key point is that the person who died on the alley seemed to be the second son of the Yang family.That biological father is now the boss of Hongjun Mountain.His cultivation base is unfathomable.It is estimated that they are about to catch up with their family too.

So everyone was a little apprehensive.

But it is also related to the fact that the great monks of Guanghan Jianzong who are still at this time cannot fight.Anyone who could fight was taken by Du Hanming to explore other places.

"How about your Guanghan Sword Sect give me an explanation. Or your Guanghan Sword Sect let them explore the path. The great monks of our Yang family can't die in vain!" The other party said roguely.

"You..." Tong Rui said angrily.

"I asked if you were going or not?"

"Why do you let us go?" Tong Rui said angrily, "The big monks of your Yang family can't die, but the monks of our Tong family and our Guanghan Jianzong can die?"

"If you hadn't discovered that small path, why would our monks from the Yang family go there to explore? To put it bluntly, it's all your fault. If you didn't find out that small path, my big monk from the Yang family is still alive today. .”

"Then according to what you said, your Master Yang of Hongjun Mountain might as well just sit at home all day, hold your baby and give birth to a baby. He is still running around looking for resources for promotion. It's so dangerous to find resources. You can't go here. What if you go? , died inside, and it was all the fault of those who provided him with information outside, and they all have to be responsible for Yang Shanzhu’s death?"

"Who, who dares to curse the death of my family's mountain lord?" The great monk of the Yang family turned his head and yelled angrily at the crowd behind him.

When he got angry, the people around him retreated automatically, thus revealing someone.

Tong Tianxing simply stepped forward, "I, I said it."

"You are..." When the other party saw him, he suddenly became suspicious.

"I am Tong Tianxing. You are amazing, you dare to use my nephew and apprentice as cannon fodder. Go and ask Yang Dao what he means. He wants to have a fight with me. I will wait for him. Send a letter immediately Let him come, just say that I am waiting for him in the Ruins of Absolute Beginning. You tell him not to be afraid, I have also sealed my cultivation here."

Nonsense, the mountain master of his family also sealed his cultivation when he came down, okay?Can the cultivation base be lowered if it is not sealed?

The Great Cultivator of Hongjun Mountain immediately changed face.

Moreover, Tong Tianxing inadvertently revealed some shocking information here, that is, the terrifying great monk in front of him, I am afraid that his combat power is still higher than that of his family's mountain master.How else can I tell him not to be afraid?


"Brother Tong."

"Senior Brother Tong..."

The voice of Senior Brother Tong, accompanied by the greetings of many great monks, directly interrupted someone's words.

"Hello everyone, I think everyone is very energetic. It seems that everyone is doing well after exploring the ruins." Tong Tianxing saluted with his fists clasped, with a cheerful look on his face. "This time, our Guanghan Sword Sect's disciples are a little too good, and they will just embarrass our sect and make everyone laugh. Please bear with us."

Tong Tianxing's words instantly changed the faces of all remaining great monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect.

Heck, immediately there were big cultivators from other sects laughing and said, "The sword cultivators of your Guanghan Sword Sect listened to you on the big battlefield. Why are the ones here so weak?"

"Which sect doesn't cultivate a few masters of medicine refining and blacksmithing. If such juniors can manage themselves well, we will burn incense to the ancestors."

Ah puff, puff puff.

There were more big monks who laughed.

Everyone knew that Tong Tianxing was probably angry, and he said mercilessly, completely demoting a group of great monks from his own sect and faction to nothing.Just because of Tong Tianxing's evaluation, these guys will be left out in the cold for at least a while when they return to the sect, and the possibility of being reused in the future is very small.

You must know that Guanghan Jianzong also owns a large world, several medium-sized worlds, and several small worlds.Guanghan Jianzong, which has hundreds of millions of disciples, only has ten true disciples.So it's just a matter of crowding out a few big monks who are not very talented, Tong Tianxing still has a reputation for this.

And the big monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect who heard Tong Tianxing's words were either pale, black, or angry.

Tong Tianxing didn't care if their faces changed drastically.

In his opinion, Tong Tianxing is the face of Guanghan Jianzong, and they let others smear his nephew, in fact, they are slapping his face.

Since you don't give me face, what do I still care about you?
"Brother Tong, in fact, we have to stop the other party in the end. It's just that the Yang family's son is dead, and we will listen to the Yang family's words." The pale-faced big monk said in a hurry.

"I didn't even know that Yang Daohe had such a big face. He was just a reckless and stupid son, and he had to make me pay for a nephew and an apprentice? He also sent a little guy to scare the big monks in our sect. Everyone shivering and letting others clamor?"

The pale-faced big cultivator was immediately speechless, and his whole body was dispirited.

Who would have thought that Tong Tianxing would come down at this time?
What is he doing down here?
Why did I not succeed in dragging Tong Tianxing into the sect by relying on that boss?
"Junior Brothers, I know that you have always been dissatisfied with me leading the daily affairs of our faction. In fact, I have no interest in managing the lineage. I am busy with the daily affairs of the sect. I will resign after I go back. You don't have to be so busy. Just tell me how good it is." Tong Tianxing snorted directly, his face turned cold.

There were still a few great monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect who hadn't made a sound, and when they were about to speak, Tong Tianxing made another plan.

When Tong Tianxing finished speaking, everyone deeply felt that it was over and the matter was serious.

(End of this chapter)

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