Chapter 942

What an ignorant bug, even he wants to peep.

Eating him can indeed make the worm go out the second way, the problem is that eating is a bad idea.

The monks who arrived first had already begun to clean up some small stone holes that had collapsed on the opposite side.The first few monks just pulled out all the collapsed stones, and then continued to dig in.

When the monks from the Chu family came over.No one took out a lot of spirit stones from their storage bags and storage rings.

Then began to cut down the surrounding earth and rocks to widen the space of the cave, which was directly expanded by four or five times in size and narrow in width.

Then they began to level the walls of the cave, looking for traces of formations, and re-embedded the spirit stones into the walls of the cave.

"What are you doing?" a monk asked.

"If this really leads to the interior of the ruins, people will definitely come and go in the future. We have repaired the stone cave. The interior of this spirit stone material is engraved with patterns such as solidity, support, and evil. Embedded in the cave wall can also be used at critical moments. To protect us." The Chu family replied.

"Hahaha, you Chu family are really funny. Exploring a ruin, and building one is like repairing a house. Is it useful?"

"Anyway, it's not fast for you to get through the cave. Let's fix it." The Chu family continued to expand the cave.By the way, the ground is also paved with stone bricks.Well, it looks much more spacious this way, and it is much more pleasing to the eye than the small hole before.

The big monks don't care about these, as long as the task is completed.

The monks of other affiliated forces are not Tong Tianxing's people who are opening up wasteland in front of them. If there is no loss, the big brother Tong's brother doesn't care.

As for the fact that Chu's house is quite spacious, they don't mind either.Otherwise, if you walk in, it won't look good if you still get dust on your head.

As a result, it didn't take long for the stone cave to be drilled in, when there were out-of-control screams from inside.

Then the monks included in it retreated like a tide.

The members of the Chu family, like monkeys, retreated in the much wider passage.

In the narrow stone cave at the front, the monks who want to retreat will be unlucky.

In order to be able to run out as quickly as possible, they directly aimed their knives at the physical obstacle behind them.

Wait until everyone exits.

Already a dead body.

Tong Jian looked at those who finally quit with a bad face.

"What happened inside?"

"I don't know, suddenly someone at home started hacking and killing people around."

"I didn't see anything, so everyone killed each other, throwing out any cards to save their lives."

"What kind of thunderbolts, thunderbolts, throw them away one by one."

"It killed a lot of people."

"We all frantically hid behind. But the people behind didn't run, but squeezed forward."

"Some even cut us down."

"It's crazy to kill, everyone is crazy to kill."

"In exchange for my son's life, you bastard, you killed my son."

"Where is my husband, my husband also went in just now, did any of you see someone else?"

A group of monks who withdrew spoke a little bit, obviously frightened them just now.

"Take out all the spiritual protection magic weapons on your body, and put them on. There are also things like spiritual protection, ghosts, and demon soul protection. If you have any magic arts to protect the sea of ​​​​consciousness, try your best Open it. Then continue to explore for me.”

Tong Jian said calmly.

The crowd changed in unison.

These people looked at their masters one after another.All the masters looked helpless.

Just kidding, who would dare to refuse Tong Jian's arrangement at this time?

So a group of trembling guys set off again.

As a result, they didn't go in for a long time before they ran out again.

It turned out that halfway through, someone lost control and screamed. Everyone thought that something had happened again, so they ran back one after another.

Tong Jian directly shot and killed the first few people who screamed, as well as the first few people who withdrew.

Then throw them in again.

"If you don't find out a result, you don't have to come out."

Many monks entered in panic again, this time they did not enter quickly, but entered slowly.Seeing a corpse on the side of the road, the two of them would drag it out in a wave.

Your dedication to work is comparable to that of Chu's repairing stone caves.

This time, it was about two miles into the cave, and a large number of corpses were dragged out.Some are just dead, fresh.Some were previously dead, and some were rotting away.Some are simply skeletons.

After passing through the narrow stone cave, they walked into a huge cave.The sky is covered by boulders.There are many passages on the ground.No one knows where these passages lead.

In addition to these passages on the ground, there are stone steps leading to the upper floors.

Similar to the many passage scenes on the ground floor, there are five floors in total.

They are all passages into the unknown.

A black gecko that keeps dropping saliva is clinging to the giant rock at the top of the cave.

"What's that?" Someone asked, pointing to those disgusting geckos overhead.

"Should it be some kind of gecko?"

"Hmm, looks like it."

"That's the Black Soul Guard. You killing each other should be what they do well. Let you kill each other, they just eat meat." Ma Liang and the others also followed.

"What are they? Kill them." A monk showed malice.

"That's right, kill them and avenge our dead." Someone also showed killing intent.

Buzzing, the guards, who sensed malice and murderous intent, suddenly burst out with a huge black light.

As long as it shines on someone, the other person will hold their head and scream fiercely.

The black light swept across many monks below, and exploded all the protective magic weapons worn by them one by one.

Cracks appeared one after another in the high-grade protective instruments on Ma Liang and the others.

They also quickly escaped.

Emma, ​​how old are these Shougongs, why are they so strong?
Even the treasures they carry can't protect themselves.

The crowd ran again.This time, most of the expanded stone passages have been repaired, and they have come in handy.It's easy for everyone to run on the spacious stone road.Getting out is also quick.

As soon as he reported the situation here, Tong Tianxing called all his juniors to discuss.

"Is that junior brother willing to deal with those guards?"


"I'll go."

"I should be able to."

All three big monks raised their hands and were willing to go.

Tong Tianxing directly called two of them to cover each other.

The two big monks went in, and everyone heard the fierce fighting inside.All kinds of noises kept appearing.

About an hour passed.The two big monks came out quite calmly. "Senior Brother Tong, the huge rock above his head is actually the lair of a very large shougong. We killed a big shougong that was at least tens of thousands of years old inside."

(End of this chapter)

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