Chapter 981
"Is there anything good that you see and pick it up by the way?" Tao Hua was a little speechless. "Then your father wasn't beaten by those big monks in the court?"

"I can't beat him often, but once in a while, my father is always miserable. But my mother always comforts him, and it's the price to pay for training his flying ability." Xiaoyou imitated his mother's tone and said.

Peach Blossom: "..."

A pair of big rats, are they good at stealing houses?
"By the way, can't you really give me some brains from Transformation Chapters?" Xiao You asked again.

"Don't worry, when you get out of the city, there may be opportunities." Taohua told Xiaoyou secretly.

Xiaoyou was immediately happy. "Sister, you really are just like my aunt, you have a palace in your chest."

"That's a city with a chest."

"No, no, my mother said that you humans are too stingy. Can a small cave be compared to a palace that occupies half of the mountain? It's better to have a palace in your chest."

Taohua: Your cave and our city seem to be talking about different things.And the city mansion, the city first and the mansion later, the area of ​​a city can sometimes span several mountains.

Forget it, why is she serious with a baby.

"We are about to enter the Fangshi market. Take a look. If you encounter any strange things, remember to tell me."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Taohua communicated well with Xiaoyou, so she brought Feng Yanyuan closer to Fangshi.

The things sold in the square market are mostly exotic things from the deep sea.There are also various colored deep-sea stones for sale.These colorful stones with large and small holes are the favorite of certain bug-like deep-sea races.But they are seen as small, but their combat power is not weak.

If they catch up with them hunting in groups in the deep sea, even the giant beasts of the deep sea will flick their tails and flee violently when they see them.

It's been a long time since Peach Blossom walked around, it's a square city in the deep sea.

Coming this time, I feel so nostalgic!

"There is a thin black stone tube in the old man's booth over there, and a black pupil is sealed inside it." Xiaoyou said.

"No, although the black pupil can make human beings grow a third black pupil, but it can only see through some illusions, and the combat power does not increase much." Taohua passed on the divine thoughts to Xiaoyou.

"Eight hundred steps forward, there is a sea lion brother who is selling the remaining teeth of ancient deep-sea monsters, which should be quite valuable."

"We don't need it for the time being, don't want it." Taohua refused again.

"There is also a shop over there that sells earth milk. The quality is not low. It is at least 500 years old." Xiaoyou said.

"It took only 500 years for third-order earth heart milk." Tao Hua was not interested. "If you need it, I can give you a hundred drops of 1000-year Earth's Heart Milk. Oh yes, 1000-year Earth's Heart Milk is a fourth-order Earth's Heart Milk here."

The earth core milk is the second level for a hundred years, and those who have been less than half a year will not enter the level at all.

"You don't need to say anything, just tell me the year." Xiaoyou said. "When will you give me that one hundred thousand-year-old heart milk?"

"If I give it to you, do you plan to eat it now, or take it home?" Taohua asked.

"I'll take it home to eat."

"Then when we return to the station, I'll give it to you." Tao Hua said.

"Okay, hey, I found another thing, this thing is so strange, it swims around in that rock." Xiaoyou said in surprise.

"What kind of thing?"

"The green one looks like a thin bug."

"Take a closer look, is it a bug or a miniature dragon?" Taohua suppressed the excitement in her heart. "And how long is that little dragon? Is it one inch, two inches, or how many inches?" Taohua asked again.

"Why do I feel that you seem to be very excited. I feel that this kind of little thing seems to have no power?"

"No, its power is not reflected in itself. Quickly show me, is that a little dragon?" Taohua asked.

"Hey, you guessed it, it's really a miniature dragon, and it has two tiny antlers. And I didn't describe it accurately before, it's a little dragon that turns from green to blue..."

"Sure enough, it's more than six inches. I'll take it down first, and then I'll tell you what's the use of this kind of thing." Peach Blossom followed all the way in another stall trying to buy a small bowl, seemingly speechless.In the end, before she could pay, she was cut off by a big hand.

"Ma'am, I've also taken a fancy to this little bowl. Can you let me?" A human man looked at the little bowl with interest and asked.

Tao Hua rolled her eyes at the other party angrily. "Okay, I'll let you."

It was just given to him.The other party was startled.

It is said that the people of the Chu family are very lucky, so as the head of the family, the things he chooses should not be ordinary products. The other party just wants to take advantage of it, so they came here to fight for it.But never expected that the head of the Chu family would give him the things so easily.

Taohua didn't care whether the other party was surprised or not, and looked at another small plate with interest.The small plate seemed to be a very old small plate, but this time she was cut off by the man just now before she paid.

Taohua was speechless and simply changed to another stall to buy things, but was cut off again by a middle-aged woman from another human force.

"I said, do you think our Chu family is easy to bully? Is it a soft persimmon?" Tao Hua waved her small hand without saying a word.A ray of light directly across the deep sea, as if coming from the far side of the sky, like a sharp light that splits the deep sea, directly rushing towards the middle-aged woman who cut her off for the second time.

The woman dodged frantically, and in the end the ray of light pierced directly through the opponent's shoulder.

"Mind the thunder, you even came with this kind of thing?" The other party's hatred was very crazy, waiting to burn his shoulder directly into a peach blossom with a big hole in the mouth of a bowl.

"What do I bring, what do you care about? Hey, the man who cut off my things just now, why are you running?"

The man who was the first to cut off the two peach blossoms and two things just wanted to run away, but the other two who arrived again to wipe out tears directly pierced the abdomen and thighs. This is because he dodged quickly, and released a treasure, shooting at The thunder light in the heart slightly directed and hit his abdomen.But with such a big hole in his body, he knocked out [-]% of his combat power in one fell swoop.

He never thought that the Patriarch of the Chu family would be so crazy and so shameless.

Could it be that the Chu family wants to make enemies all over the lower realm?

"I'm from the mainland of Yunzhou, how dare you treat me like this?" The man looked at Taohua in disbelief, then frantically poured out bottles of wound medicine, and poured piles of medicine on his wound and his mouth. inside.Shooting him with a battleship floating on the sea is simply appalling.

"So what?" Tao Hua said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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