The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 984 Time is up, little octopus

Chapter 984 Time is up, little octopus
"It's really unruly, insidious and cunning." Tao Hua's figure quickly slid across to touch the afterimage, moving around within a very small range.Then he kept looking at the opportunity, and cut off the opponent's claws one after another with the scissors.

In the end, the attack of the claws disappeared in an instant.

And Taohua's feet also dropped the other four claws.

All five claws are gone.I don't know if the other party has lost his temper.


The octopus in the distance yelled furiously again.The whole body emerged from the rocky depression like a steamroller, and then rushed towards Peach Blossom frantically.The ones who ambushed her were really deformed octopuses, but they didn't know who ordered them.

"Patriarch." Feng Yanyuan shouted out of composure.

The key point is that the huge chapter is too huge.It floats like a moving hill.The hidden guards who are still fighting are too busy to take care of themselves, and there is no way to rescue the Patriarch in time.

"Shoot." Taohua raised her hand calmly, and said softly to the big octopus that was rushing.It's time, little octopus!

Shhhhhhh, hundreds of bolts of lightning flew from a distant place to the body of the big octopus.

The huge body of the big octopus was quickly scorched by the lightning and broke down into big holes, and fell from the seawater to the seabed with a bang.The two big fish eyes showed disbelief.Why, why haven't they been shot by the Annihilation Lightning yet? Didn't it mean that it has been arranged that they will not be fired by the Annihilation Lightning?
If Taohua knew what it was thinking, it would definitely scoff at it.How dare it believe the words of the human race?I really don't know how to live or die.

Besides it, several other hiding places of big octopuses that have not yet appeared were also greeted by Lei Guang.

Puff puff puff, three big octopuses were shot through the body by the lightning, and escaped from the original hiding place in a panic.But they didn't escape very far.Because the resistance of Taohua and the others left enough time for the warships above to aim and reserve lightning-type spiritual energy.So this salvo has already been prepared, waiting for Taohua's order.

After Taohua's order was conveyed, the battleship immediately started to prepare for one, two or three rounds of volleys to annihilate the thunder cannon.

In the face of three rounds of salvo, the four-chapter group of the Transformation Chapter, whose speed was obviously not fast enough, fell to the seabed one by one in disgust.Boom boom boom... Countless deep sea dust fell out.A piece of sea water was stirred up.

"Hurry up, dig out the other party's brain, and then destroy the corpse. Let's go quickly." Taohua immediately called Feng Yanyuan and the others to work.

Feng Yanyuan and the others acted together. After digging out the brain, it was sealed in a jade jar, and then handed over to Taohua.Taohua directly forwarded it to Xiaoyou, "Hurry up and put it away."

The little mouse squeaked happily, and happily took away the pots that were three times its height.

It's cheap to pick up for nothing!

If this is the test God left her, give her that test a hundred times.

"Peach Blossoms, no wonder you said that you can only pick them out of the city." Xiaoyou was very satisfied.

They quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and then quickly evacuated away. Just a few minutes after they left, the old prime minister of the Transformation Chapter landed on the battlefield with the general, some of his own race, and some humans.

"It was cleaned up very quickly. At that time, I saw the three rounds of annihilating lightning in a volley, so I rushed here, but I still didn't have time to rescue." A middle-aged human said with a sigh, "It was only a few minutes away."

"Stop pretending there. If you hadn't promised a lot of money and promises, Nolan and the four of them would not have violated the king's order and ran out to ambush the people of the Chu family." The old prime minister of the Transformation Chapter said angrily.

"I just didn't expect the Chu family to be so powerful, and to be able to send messages to the fleet on the sea so quickly. So this time the ambush was a bit of a mistake." The other party said.

The old prime minister of the Transformation Chapter snorted coldly. "What mistake, you are deliberately using Nolan's death to test the attacking ability of the Chu family. Don't look at they only came with a small team this time, but what can provide them with resources on the sea is a huge fleet. And with the Chu family's With the number of fleets, they can eliminate all kinds of difficulties on the sea and continuously deliver all kinds of support to Patriarch Chu."

"Whether it is really possible to support in such a timely manner, who knows?" The middle-aged man just smiled.

"Hehe, your Hongjun Mountain is also full of good tricks. Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, no amount of tricks is useless. In the lower realms, especially in the waters near the Yun'an Continent, the real overlord of the sea is Chu. Sir." The old prime minister sneered. "If you want to replace the Chu family, you have to come up with real ships and real monks. Any affiliated force will collapse when facing a confrontation with tens of thousands of battleship formations."

The middle-aged man frowned, he wanted to say more.

But the old prime minister raised his hand to stop him, "Don't tell me that we have to let the Chu family be responsible for the death of four of our fellow clansmen. They don't listen to the king's order and they deserve to die. You want to use our transformation chapter as your gun It is absolutely impossible to help you make a knife to attack the Chu family.

The members of the Chu family have already left, so you should leave our city as soon as possible. "

Didn't expect to be expelled in the end?

Middle-aged people feel a little ironic.

"Okay, let's leave now."

When he and his team left, the general from the Metamorphosis chapter joined the old prime minister in confusion, "Prime Minister, we really don't want to pursue the Chu family, and let the people from Hongjun Mountain who caused trouble go away?"

"Let them fight outside." The old prime minister said. "Human forces just like to fight in the nest. It's just the entrance of an ancient relic, and they made it look like a county palace or temple, and they hunted and killed each other.

I just don't know what to say.

If it weren't for the upper realm, there would be more monks at the peak of the ninth realm of their human race than our monster race.Why do we have to give them face and let their human race behave freely in front of us? "

The general nodded in agreement.

"Have you found the little chapter that the king asked me to secretly select?"

"I've found 48, I don't know which one is it?" The general said with a slight frown. "These little chapters are too lively, and the people I send can't stand it."

"Send those little chapters to the king for identification. Don't worry about anything else," said the old prime minister.


"In addition, I am optimistic about a few little princes. There are too many people and monsters gathered in our deep sea area. My king and I can't guarantee that we can get all the same clan asylum. You can say hello to everyone in private, whether it is the little prince or not. , or someone else’s family, don’t leave the city easily.”

"I know."

The two octopuses were talking in a low voice while heading to the city of Octopus.

(End of this chapter)

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