Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 101 The Great Wall

Chapter 101 The Great Wall
No one thought that the last flaw would come out here.

Although at that time Emperor Ying and his master took away all the top combat power of Daqin in order to give Xi Rong a complete blow, those two were the most amazing and talented men and women in the world, and they were both thoughtful people. I didn't even prepare to empty out my family.

Just like the master laid a net in the Imperial Prayer Province, Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi also strictly guarded the front court and the harem, and arranged everything to ensure the safety of the rear.

As the supervisor of the state, Ying Su had to pass three tests in his dormitory and diet. Under the system formulated by Emperor Ying himself, especially the diet was separated from anyone, no one could intervene, and there were no mistakes.

But no one expected that the black hand behind the scenes would reach out to Ying Su, a pregnant woman who was nine months pregnant.

The palace lady who delivered the soup was an old man brought by the eldest concubine from Southern Chu. She watched her drink the bowl of soup and immediately committed suicide by poisoning herself. There was no proof of her death.

The poison is Miaojiang's highly poisonous, with complex ingredients that cannot be solved, and the medicinal properties are violent, causing people to lose a lot of blood in an instant and die in severe pain.

The poisoner took great pains.

The reason is tragic.

Ying Baoyue looked at the bright red scene in front of her eyes, and at the man barely standing while holding the door, for the first time boundless anger surged in her body.

The person who poisoned was not purely for killing people.

What he did in the beginning was to shake the mind of the Prince Jian Guo of Great Qin Dynasty.

He did not hesitate to sacrifice a wife, a mother, or even an unborn child.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, take care of your health... I... I have really tried my best..."

Looking at the bright red scene, any adult with common sense would know that everything is irreversible.

No pregnant woman, not a single fetus, could survive such a horrific loss of blood.

The imperial physician and the midwife walked to the man in a trance, and kowtowed in the pool of blood.There was a cry outside, and the cry shook the sky.


"Little grandson..."

The breath of death soared into the sky, Ying Baoyue watched the man stand up slowly holding the door frame, turned his head to look at her, and looked at the girl who was about to be ten years old, and everyone's eyes became more desperate.

If there was a glimmer of hope before, it is obviously impossible for a ten-year-old child to give people hope.

The imperial physician beside Ying Su looked at her suspiciously, "Your Highness, this girl is..."


Ying Su said softly.

"Practitioner?" The imperial physician held deep disbelief in his eyes, "His Royal Highness, you said you were looking for her? You can't let such a child get close to the princess, in case..."

But Ying Su interrupted him, looking into her eyes in despair.

"Please help..."

Maybe it was because he felt that this matter was forced, seeing her speechless, but just when he wanted to bow his head to her again, Ying Baoyue walked towards the woman on the bed.


Under the stunned gazes of everyone in the room, she reached out her hand to the woman whose pupils had already slackened.

Human blood, warm and cruel.

"You..." The woman had only her last breath left, she couldn't see her appearance clearly, she only knew that there was a person in front of her, and when she was dying, she looked down with all her strength, and said vaguely, "Help... …my child."

But, I also want to save you.

Countless people once said that she was the practitioner with the strongest talent. She was born with things that others couldn't reach. She even hated this talent that made her almost die countless times, and at that time , she discovered what she really hated.

She hates herself for being weak.

At that time, in fact, her true energy was almost dry.

She grabbed the mother's hand and tried her best to squeeze out all the real energy in her body to lose to her, but within three breaths the signs of complete depletion struck her.

One drop, one drop, another drop.

As if hollowing out her own blood vessels, she tried her best.

But still not enough.

But it doesn't matter, even if she doesn't have real energy, she still has flesh and blood.

At this time, the other immortal officials in the Imperial Prayer Province were also close to drying up, and all the guards around Ying Su had tried them all, and the only one left was her.

Practitioners of different levels have different powers of true essence.

So is the flesh.

After the veins are hollowed out, there will still be some true energy left in the blood of high-level practitioners.

She drew her sword out of its sheath, cut through the meridians and blood vessels at the same time, and passed the blood to the woman. Finally, at this time, the woman regained some consciousness.


A gleam of joy surged in Ying Baoyue's heart, and she stretched out her hand to the hero's mother while lying on the bedside, but the next moment she found that her eyes were getting darker and darker.

After fifteen days in the guard palace, fighting all night, and losing a lot of blood, at that time, she was finally on the verge of exhaustion.

But she didn't take back her hand, desperately lying on the bed and watching the mother and child.

She has never met her own mother.

I don't want this to happen to other kids.

Before completely comatose.

She heard the cry of the baby.



At that time, Ying Su rushed to the Imperial Prayer Province, probably not the person she was looking for.

Ying Baoyue seldom regretted it in her life, and seldom thought about what if.

But countless times after that, she couldn't help but think that if the person in the Imperial Prayer Province at that time was the master, that woman would definitely not die.

If she hadn't chosen to suppress her realm and hone her cultivation desperately, perhaps at that time, her true energy would not have dried up.

But there is no if in this world.

When she woke up again, she was already lying on the bed in the lobby of the Imperial Prayer Department, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Master's worried face.

She didn't know until later.

It was only a quarter of an hour late.

Less than a quarter of an hour after she passed out, Daqin won the border war with Xirong.

And the chief commander Lin Shubai, who could travel thousands of miles a day, returned to the palace immediately.

It was just a short quarter of an hour late.

She failed to save the bleeding mother.

Ying Baoyue woke up lying on the bed, staring blankly at a baby beside her.

According to the master who arrived later, when she arrived, the body of the eldest concubine was already cold.

But it seemed that with the last blood and true energy she had passed through, she gave birth to the child with the last ounce of strength, and there were no dead bodies or two lives.

The mother gave up the hope of birth to the child.

And the first person this baby saw in this world seemed to be her lying next to the eldest concubine.

That baby is Ying Xun.

Ying Xun is Ying Su's eldest son, legitimate son, and only son.

I don't know if he was born without a mother, but the child kept crying, even if Ying Su went to hug him, he would cry hoarsely.And I don't know if it's the baby bird effect that just opened its eyes, and it won't cry so much when it's next to her.

Obviously she couldn't save his mother.

But in short, for this reason, in order to ensure that at least he would not cry to death, Ying Xun grew up beside her before he was two years old.In order to deceive others, Ying Su found a newborn orphan from elsewhere to raise in his own house.

This weird situation continued until Ying Xun was two years old and she was 12 years old.

That year, she was promoted to the fifth rank.

Become a practitioner of the Divine Dance Realm.

She left Efang Palace and went to the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

(End of this chapter)

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