Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017
Unexpectedly, such a building was hidden under the sand. The teenagers were so surprised that they couldn't speak when they saw the huge monster in front of them.

Shaking off the camouflage of sand, the originally messy reef completely changed its appearance.

What appeared in front of everyone was a dilapidated stone temple made of huge stones. Depending on the degree of dilapidation, it would be more accurate to call it a relic.

There is only an empty shell left in the stone temple, and there are broken walls and ruins everywhere. Only the reliefs on the broken stone pillars show the original heritage of the place.

"here it is……"

Ji Jiashu said in a daze, whether in folklore or official records, Xiaoyao Island in the Sea of ​​the Dead is a deserted island, and he did not expect such a small island to have a temple.

"It should be the temple where the Azure Dragon God was originally worshiped at sea," Ying Baoyue looked at the relief on the stone pillar and said, "It is said that the Azure Dragon God can protect those who go out to sea and return safely at sea."

Although this temple can barely be seen as a temple, the construction is relatively simple, and the sculptures inside are also very simple, and it does not seem to be from the hands of the government.

"This should be a temple spontaneously built by passing fishermen," Zhao Guang stepped forward, looking at the statue on the stone pillar with a complicated expression.

He had heard of the primitive Qinglong God belief in the sea before, but he had always regarded it as a lie by the sheriffs of several counties near the sea to curry favor with the imperial court.

Ying Baoyue looked at Zhao Guang's expression and knew why he was surprised as a native of Soochow.

Although the belief in the beast gods has existed since ancient times, it is the imperial court that finally determines the beast gods believed by various countries, so the belief in the eight beast gods is top-down.

In short, the court tells the people which god to believe in, and the people in any country will believe in that god.

After all, unlike practitioners, it is difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with the Eight Beast Gods, and they may not see their existence for the rest of their lives. The country will build temples all over the country, and build official statues in them, telling them that this is the god.

But now the statues in this dilapidated small temple are not the official ones.Although it looks crude and unbearable, you can see the gratitude in the hearts of the people who smashed it a little bit.

"When I was young, I heard from my elders that the Azure Dragon God performed miracles on the sea many times, sheltering passing fishing boats in the wind and waves. Looking at the stone statues outside the temple, they spoke softly.

He thought it was just rumors until he saw these ruins.

Ying Baoyue also heard this rumor in her previous life, but now it seems that it is actually true.

If it is true, then it is really a gentle god.

It is no wonder that there are temples built spontaneously by the people on such a remote desert island.For those who make their living at sea, this is the real patron saint.

It is not difficult to guess why this stone temple was broken down.

That is, since eight years ago, the Azure Dragon God probably never appeared in the sea again.Ying Baoyue looked at the dilapidated temple, his expression became complicated, and he glanced at Gui Chen on the side.

Now she finally understands the meaning of what Gui Chen said after she woke up, that everyone in Soochow is chasing and killing Shao Siming.

In that way, the benevolent god with high prestige among the people would disappear, and the suspected Shao Siming would naturally become the target of public criticism.

Although she doesn't know why she took the blame, but if this matter is really related to her, she has to say that she is really guilty.

Ying Baoyue walked to the side of the stone temple, knelt down and stroked the broken stone statue.

In addition to looking for the wings of the Soaring Snake, she is also planning to find the whereabouts of the Azure Dragon God during her practice.

She was not very impressed with the appearance of Qinglong God, but she also knew that this god almost gave his all in the war of the Taizu Emperor, which was related to the fact that the Taizu Emperor Yingdi was a water mage, but more It should also contain the will of the god longing for the stability of the world.

This is very rare among the gods, because divinity is different from human nature. To the ancient gods, people without realms are like ants, and most of them don't care about their life and death.

Whether it is to wash away her guilt or to find an answer to what happened back then, she must find this god.

But this is not the time to think about these things. Ying Baoyue looked at the temple that had collapsed into a stone palace in front of her. A deep hole was exposed under the broken stone pillars. She walked towards the hole and looked inside.

"Embracing the moon?"

Ji Jiashu's worried voice came from behind, Ying Baoyue smiled and turned around, "No problem, it's all inside."

Everyone was stunned, and followed Ying Baoyue into the cave, and found that there was something strange inside.

Sunlight poured in from the hole above, and rows of wooden green dragon statues were lined up neatly on the altar in the temple. They were the tokens that Dongfang Yi had shown everyone before.

"It's really all here..." Jiang Yuanyuan, who was dragged into the team by Chen Zihan, widened his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Well," Ying Baoyue smiled, picked up one and put it in his arms, and waved his hand proudly towards the stone platform, "One for each person, everyone has one!"

It's true that everyone has it...

Looking at the hundreds of wood carvings, the teenagers who came in with her didn't need to fight at all. They looked at each other and grinned.

Everyone smiled and walked forward, each took a token and put it in their arms.

"The next step is to take this token back, so it counts as passing this level?" Zhao Guang is now very glad that he followed the right person, but looking at the wooden carvings left on the stone platform, he encountered another difficulty.

"But what about the remaining tokens?" He frowned, "I heard that the people of Xirong are following behind, so they can get the tokens soon, too?"

What's more, the disguise of the stone temple has been blown away by Chen Zihan, and it will soon be discovered by practitioners from other countries. Wouldn't Ying Baoyue's efforts make others cheaper?

"How about we set fire to burn all these tokens?" Zhao Guang suggested with a weak smile.

"It's an attractive proposal, but these wood carvings are made of iron wood, so they can't be burned," Ying Baoyue said leisurely.

"Then what should we do?" Zhao Guang was discouraged. It would take too much time to find other places to hide these tokens.

"I have a solution, but it does require fire." Ying Baoyue laughed, and beckoned everyone to walk out of the stone temple with their tokens.

"Really put these tokens here?" Standing outside the stone temple, Li Ji looked at her and asked.

Even if it is not burned, there are other methods such as throwing it into the sea instead of putting it here for others to take away.

Ying Baoyue looked at the silhouettes of Xirong people and practitioners from other countries in the distant forest, with a smile on his lips, "Believe me, there is a better way than hiding them."

"Guichen," she looked at the fire magician beside her, "let's set off a grand fireworks!"

Gui Chen was taken aback, this sentence was a secret signal between him and her, it was a little trick she taught him to tease Gui Lixin before, although he didn't know why she mentioned it at this time, but he immediately followed suit.

The young man drew his sword, and huge sparks rose into the sky. Although it was already early morning, it still attracted the attention of all practitioners on the island like a signal flare.

"Practitioners on the island, listen up!" The girl's laughter spread throughout the island.

"The token of the water battle is in the stone temple to the south, just below the fireworks, everyone come and grab it!"

(End of this chapter)

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