Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1019 Top of the List

Chapter 1019 Top of the List
"Its daybreak."

Chamber Fang stood under the shore and spoke softly.


An old man's voice came from behind, Qian Bofang turned around and looked at Dongfang Yi who was walking over with a surprised expression.

He had already stepped off the altar under the pretense of looking at the situation at sea. He was just the deputy examiner Zhao Muren didn't care much and agreed, but Dongfang Yi was the main examiner, so he shouldn't have left the altar.

Qian Bofang looked at the altar behind him. The torches beside the altar had been burning all night, and now only ashes were left. Although no practitioner came back all night, Zhao Muren sat on the head with a big horse and a sword. staring at the sea.

Thanks to him, all the officials on the altar didn't sleep a wink all night, the younger ones and the higher ones were fine, but the old officials looked a little sluggish at this moment.

Dongfang Yi was the oldest, but the Son of God was the Son of God. The old man looked no different from last night. He walked up to the dazed Qian Bofang, "Did you see anything?"

"Not yet," Qian Bofang quickly turned his head to look back at the sea, "Master, why did you leave the altar?"

Many immortal officials believed that they could maintain their noble status only by staying on the altar. Many people looked at him contemptuously when he just came down.

"Come down and exercise your muscles and bones," Dongfang Yi stretched, "It's quite tiring to stand like this all night, I really am old."

Your Majesty is still sitting on the stage looking at this side, Mr. National Teacher, is it really okay for you to be so casual?

The corners of Qian Bofang's eyes twitched, and he felt that this Soochow Imperial Master was indeed, as the general said, an outlier among the Eight Gods, and was terrifyingly approachable.

"Master Guoshi is not old, Soochow still depends on you to support it," Qian Bofang said with a complicated mood as he glanced at the wrinkles on the face of the old man beside him.

This sentence is not all flattery. According to Emperor Taizu's speculation, the lives of cultivators of the heaven rank and above can surpass that of ordinary people, especially the sons of gods. If there are no accidents, they can at least live to be centenarians.

But Dongfang Yi has retreated, without the support of Qinglong God, no one knows what his lifespan will be. The corners of Qian Bofang's mouth twitched, swallowing some words into his stomach.

"I'm almost seventy, not old yet?" Dongfang Yi laughed, "I think about it, among the practitioners who are older than me, who can walk and swing a sword, I only know Mu You."

Mu You?

One of the three founding generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, Hussar General Mu You?
Qian Bofang's heart skipped a beat, but Dongfang Yi didn't say anything, just looked at the sparkling sea under the rising sun.

"But no matter how old or old we are, the world belongs to you young people," the old man said softly.

"Subordinates are no longer young," said Qian Bofang, who was [-] years old, with a wry smile. He had died once eight years ago, and his face looked older than his peers.

"In my opinion, you are still young," Dongfang Yi said with a smile, "you should be more vigorous, like..."

The old man's voice suddenly stopped and he looked towards the sea, followed by Qian Bofang.

Then, everything on the sea fascinated them.

Under the rising sun, the black sea that roared yesterday has turned into an endless blue, like a huge sapphire, but on this gem, there are brighter stars shining.

It was a group of teenagers hitting the water.

There are a total of more than ten people, lined up, struggling to beat the waves and swam to the shore desperately. Everyone blushed, and looked lively in the morning sun and waves, and their young and vigorous bodies jumped in the blue water. Moving, full of youthful energy.

The laughter and noise of teenagers can still be heard among the waves.

"Chunhua, I'm going to surpass you! Hahaha!"

"Jun Wang, you can't do it. Soochow people swim so slowly, are they a little weak?"

"Don't look at me! Try surpassing my second brother if you have the ability!"

The two examiners standing on the shore opened their eyes wide, looking at the group of teenagers who came all the way through the wind and waves.

Qian Bofang stared blankly at a girl in the waves and couldn't take his eyes off, while Dongfang Yi looked at the smiling teenagers with more complicated emotions in his eyes.

"This is probably the most special water battle this old man has ever seen," he said softly.

He has lived long enough, he has seen the bloody wind, the rain of blood, brothers fighting each other, and friends fighting each other with swords drawn, but he has never seen such bright waves and the smiles of teenagers.

"Yes, it's very special," Chamberfang stared at the young people swimming towards the shore closely following the girl on the sea.

It was special, but he had seen similar images before.

It's just that at that time they were not on the sea, but on a sand field, and what they were under was not sea water, but a horse.

They also followed that figure closely, going forward without fear of anything.

Chamberfang fell into memory, but he soon discovered that he had made a mistake.

That is, the boys at sea didn't spontaneously follow behind that girl, but had to follow behind that girl.

"If I remember correctly, Her Royal Highness jumped into the sea after calling the start, right? The last one to jump into the sea, right?"

From the surface of the sea came the boy's lament, "When did she swim in front of us, I can't catch up with you even after chasing her for a long time!"

Um?Jump into the sea?shout start?
Hearing the sound from the sea in the distance, the two examiners by the sea were a little stunned.

What are these little guys doing?
But the speed at which the youngsters swim on the sea is beyond their control. The youngsters who have been lining up have gradually distanced themselves and can be roughly divided into three echelons. The most advanced echelon consists of two teenagers and one Girls make up.

Qian Bofang opened his eyes wide, and saw clearly that the three people swimming in the front were Chunhuajun from Southern Chu, Zhaohuajun from Eastern Wu, and her.

As the teenagers got closer and closer to the coast, the swimming speed of everyone gradually slowed down. After all, even practitioners have to run out of physical strength.

But when there were still a hundred feet away from the coast, an astonishing scene appeared in the first echelon, which had already distanced itself from the second echelon.

A figure in the first echelon took the lead, and his speed increased instead of decreasing. He distanced himself from Li Ji, Ji Jiashu, and swam towards the shore first!

"That person is..."

There was also a burst of exclamation from the altar behind Qian Bofang and Dongfang Yi.

What happened at sea exceeded everyone's expectations, but under the rising sun, no one could stop that girl's footsteps, even if she didn't step on land.

Ji Jiashu raised his head in the waves, and looked at the fish-like figure in front of him, with a helpless and convinced smile on his lips.

He had done his best, and she swam so fast.

Li Ji also raised his head in the sea water, touched the water-repellent bead in his bosom that he had never moved from the beginning to the end, and stared at the figure of the girl in front of him, she was about to win.

She reached the shore under their watch.

With a splash, a drenched girl broke through the water.

She walked up to Dongfang Yi, took out the wooden carving in her arms and handed it to him.

"My lord," Ying Baoyue smiled under the morning light.

"I got it."

(End of this chapter)

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