Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035
Ying Baoyue woke up to the snorting of horses.

The morning light passed through the paper window, she opened her eyes, turned over and sat up from the low couch on the top floor of the library.

The thin cloth quilt covering her body slipped off, Ying Baoyue sat up and looked out the window, the sky should have just arrived at Chen's hour.

Even though she only slept for more than an hour last night, she felt refreshed when she woke up.

Thanks to the medicinal effect of Qingsi Teng.

Ying Baoyue looked at the clay pot next to the pillow. Qingsi vine is a very rare medicinal material. The soothing soup made from it will not make people fall asleep immediately. It will make people sleepless, but it will allow people to get the best quality sleep in the shortest time.

It's a pity that this kind of medicinal material is extremely rare, and it can't be bought with money.

"you're awake."

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at the man sitting at the table outside the low couch reading.

"When did you wake up?"

Li Ji fell asleep on the roof shortly after she drank Qingsi Teng last night. Looking at his breathing, Ying Baoyue guessed that he had also drank the same tranquilizing medicine. People who drank Qingsi Teng had better be with someone. Watching by the side, she sat on the roof and finished reading the seven military books, and then fell into a deep sleep.

"While you were asleep," Li Ji quietly flipped through the book.

From this point of view, one of them slept the first half of the night and the other the second half of the night?

This division of labor is quite clear.

"I owe you another favor," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "Thank you for the medicine last night."

Although she still has a chance to sleep today, without that bowl of green silk vines, she would have struggled a lot today.

"No need," Li Ji quietly stared at the pages of the book, "if you make too much, you have to throw it away if you don't drink it."

Except for her, no one in this courtyard needed this medicine anymore.

Ji Jiashu, Chen Zichu, and the others were encouraged by their family to study since they were young, and they couldn't be more familiar with the seven books of martial arts. Even Gui Chen had more time than her because he didn't have to prepare for wrestling and riding and shooting.

Only she can only see stitches.

"Thank you for thinking of me," Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and said with a smile, "I owe you a green silk vine. I will find one after the intermediate ceremony is over."

If she can't find it, please ask Chamberfang to find a solution.

Li Ji didn't refuse any more, closed his book and stood up, "We should go."

The military battle lasted for a total of three days. Although the first day of the art of war was a literary test, it took a full five hours to take the test. The test started very early.

Ying Baoyue nodded and stood up, and went downstairs with him to open the door of Zangshu Pavilion, but was almost trampled flat by several dark horses rushing in.

Ying Baoyue had a premonition when she heard the snorting of the horse on the roof, but she never expected that opening the door would be such a chaotic scene.

At the same time, there were also the screams of Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and others.

"Ah! Are these horses crazy?"

"Yishan, hold that horse!"


There was chaos outside, and Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide in the morning light.

She didn't think of anything.

In the seventh year of the Warring States Period, the second round of the Soochow Intermediate Ceremony kicked off in such a frenzy.



On the outskirts of Ruyang City in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, outside the Imperial Prayer Province of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, there is Hanshan Academy.

"It's obviously a literary test, but there are so many people here?" Standing on the familiar mountain road, Chen Zichu's face was ashen, and his face became more decadent when he looked at the dark crowd at the foot of the mountain.

If he had known there were so many people, he must have dressed more delicately, at least change into clothes without horseshoe prints.

"After all, Hanshan Academy is not far from the main city, so it's easier than going to the Sea of ​​the Dead," Chen Zihan stood aside and said quietly. The next moment he glanced at his brother and reminded him softly, "Brother, the right side of your head is still covered with horse mane."

"Ah? Why didn't you remind me earlier?" Chen Zichu quickly patted the back of his head and pulled the strand of horse hair off, his chest heaving with anger, "It's really insulting to gentlemen, why did the horses suddenly go crazy in the morning?"

"It's my fault," Ying Baoyue said with a delicate expression, "I forgot to tell you that I sent the black wind head to a friend's house last night."

"So it's because of this?"

Song Qian supported his forehead when he heard the words.

There has always been a herd of wild horses in the Shi'an Courtyard, which are the same wild horses that helped them run all the way to Ruyang in Weicheng.The group of wild horses followed them to Ruyang City, entered the stables of Shi'an Yuan, and became domestic horses ever since.

Because of the friendship of saving lives on the road, Song Qian, Chen Zi, Chu Ji Jiashu and others have always liked to feed those horses, and they usually like to use those horse-drawn carts when they go out.

The herd of horses has always been very peaceful, but just as everyone set up their carts this morning to go to the location where the first round of the military battle was held, the herd of horses suddenly went berserk, broke free from their ropes and ran all over the yard, Also almost kicked people.

Chen Zi, Chu Ji Jiashu and others were worried that these horses would hurt people, so they went around to catch them, so there was the scene of flying dogs and dogs that Ying Baoyue saw in the morning.

"I'm afraid it's because Heifengtou left, so his descendants began to disobey." Ying Baoyue looked at Song Qian with a wry smile, "Sorry, I should have told you earlier."

But she didn't expect that Heifeng was quite a deterrent to his group of horse sons.

"It's okay, it didn't cause any major incidents anyway, and we weren't late," Song Qian shrugged, "But why did you send Hei Feng away suddenly?"

Song Qian was quite impressed with that old horse. After all, Ying Baoyue would give it at least three large baskets of corn and all kinds of food every day. He couldn't help but be impressed.

"Prepare for a rainy day," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "It's a bit of preparation, although I don't know if it will be useful."

Song Qian looked puzzled and wanted to ask again, when suddenly a bell sounded from the mountain.

After one bell, sixteen bells rang together.

"The time is up," Li Ji stood at the front and looked at the crowd, "The art of war exam is about to begin."

The expressions of the teenagers became serious, and they held the bamboo cards in their hands tightly.

That was the bamboo sign they received from the foot of the mountain, on which was written the test house and seat position of each person.

There are a total of five test rooms in Hanshan Academy, and more than 500 practitioners who entered the second round were randomly assigned to these five test rooms.

"It's started." Ji Jiashu said softly, looking at the gate of the Kaoshe in front of him.

Crowded, all the practitioners flocked to the test house.

"Let's go," Ying Baoyue glanced at the teenagers around him, and strode into the examination room.

The test houses of Hanshan Academy are named in the order of A, B, C, D, E, and Ying Baoyue is in No. B house. When she held a bamboo card and Ji Jiashu met again at the entrance of the test house, both of them were a little surprised.

"What a coincidence," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

In order not to interfere with each other, when they got the number plate at the foot of the mountain, everyone tacitly did not explain where they were assigned. Of course, the probability of a total of five exam rooms being assigned to the same room is not small, but Ying Baoyue did not expect that she and Ji Jiashu was actually in the same room.

"Yeah, what a coincidence," Ji Jiashu looked down at the bamboo card in his hand, but for some reason there was a vague premonition in his heart.

Is this really just a coincidence?

The other candidates saw the two of them standing at the entrance of the test house, and there were faint whispers around them.

"All sit down!"

"Get your pen and paper ready!"

At this time, the examiner's serious voice came from above, and the practitioners' discussions stopped, and they hurriedly found their seats and sat down.

Compared with the bloody fighting, the literary test such as the art of war strategy is relatively relaxed in the ceremonies of the elementary and intermediate levels. Many practitioners pick up the pen with a relaxed and happy expression on their faces.

The thick test papers were quickly handed out, but when the practitioners opened the test papers, their expressions changed.

 Book friend Gray Mimi tipped and added more, Happy New Year!

  Another update in the morning~
(End of this chapter)

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