Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1038 End

Chapter 1038 End
When, when, when.

The sixteen bells rang together again, announcing the end of the first door of the second round of the middle-level ceremony.

In the twilight, the examinees stopped writing, looked up in embarrassment, hope, or despair, and let out their last breath while looking at the handed-in examination papers.

The teenagers who walked into the examination room full of vigor in the morning, walked out of the examination room with some staggering steps.

The emotions that had been suppressed for a day finally erupted when everyone walked out of the examination room.

"What papers are these? Do you regard each of us as a general who has experienced many battles?"

"Brother Zhou, do you really think the test paper is too difficult?"

"Not only are the questions difficult, but the amount of questions is too large. Besides, isn't this an art of war exam? Why are there so many actual combat questions?"

After taking the exam for a whole day and five hours, each examinee seemed to have peeled off a layer of skin. Everyone walked out of the exam hall with heavy steps, calling friends and friends to complain about the tragedy for comfort.

"The strategy of the last intermediate ceremony was not so difficult!"

"So, Brother Sun didn't finish it either?"

"Who can finish it, I can only rely on Brother Shangguan to help me in the future!"

"Oh, it's even worse for me. I was assigned to the same examination room as that former princess of Qin, and that woman actually slept in the examination room!"

Amidst the discussions among the examinees, news of what happened in No. B Examination Hall quickly spread. When the exam was over, most of the people gathered at the gate of the academy. The crowd became even more noisy because of this news. At that moment, a woman's shrill voice penetrated the sky.

"Sleeping during the art of war exam, the woman's face is really embarrassing to her!"

"Saint," a figure holding a blind stick stopped beside Xu Bingqing, and Tuoba Xun, who finished the test in a special way through dictation and walked out of the examination room, said lightly, "Isn't that a little too much?"

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" Xu Bingqing glanced at him coldly, "Why is a blind man who can't finish writing papers joining in the fun? Do you still remember that you are a disciple of Beihan Pavilion?"

Even though the King of Soochow was kind enough to send a special examiner to record and arrange a separate examination room for him to answer the questions orally, but dictation is not as good as writing. No matter how outstanding Tuoba Xun's military art is, it is absolutely impossible to finish it That test paper.

In order to save energy, Tuoba Xun, who went out today with a blind stick, tightened his grip on the blind stick.

"Although I can't finish writing, there are still some people who can." He paused and said lightly, "I heard from the people in House C that Meng Jizi has finished writing all of it?"

"Don't mention that pariah to me."

Xu Bingqing's face was a little ugly. Although Meng Shi was a man, he was once a lowly slave with no family history. For her, losing to a slave was unbearable.

But Meng Shi was from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and he was the stepson appointed by the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Perhaps because of this status, these days Xu Bingqing found that whenever she and Meng Shi had conflicts, for some reason, her father was actually biased towards Meng Shi most of the time.

Xu Bingqing took a deep breath, this incident made it difficult for her to accept it, and it made a secret from many years ago resurface in her heart.

Just three or four years ago, when Meng Shi returned to the Northern Wei Dynasty from Jixia Academy and became famous, she heard from her mother that her father once had the idea of ​​recruiting Meng Shi as his son-in-law.

When Xu Bingqing heard about this for the first time, her vision went blank. Although it was a prostitution, her father actually wanted her to marry a pariah!
Father clearly knew who her first love was!
After learning about this, Xu Bingqing immediately released the news that the saint of the Northern Wei Dynasty was interested in Chunhuajun of Southern Chu. As expected, she and Ji Jiashu, who were matched in origin, quickly became the golden boy and jade girl that everyone sang in the Shanhai Continent.

Her mother's firm objection to his father's thoughts could not be resolved, and he did not mention it in front of her.

Although this incident has passed, Xu Bingqing's dislike for Meng Shi is growing day by day.

"What's the use of him writing it?" Xu Bingqing curled his lips, "What kind of military art does a pariah know? Did the pariah read books when he was a child?"

Tuoba Xun, who sensed a person's aura, stood still.

"It's a good thing that the former Qin princess is covering for him today," Xu Bingqing sneered, unaware, "Sleeping in the examination room? I guess I handed in a blank paper, and I don't know when Chunhua will be able to see the true face of this stupid woman... "

"To shut up."

However, at this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded beside Xu Bingqing.

Unexpectedly, he only opened his mouth at this time, Tuoba Xun heard the sound raised his head, and quietly called out to the person standing behind Xu Bingqing, "Meng Shi."

Xu Bingqing's shoulders trembled slightly, and he turned his head suddenly, only to see the thin and small boy standing behind her.

"Do you dare to talk to me like that?" She raised her eyebrows. When he was in Nanchu before, Meng Shi always avoided her. No matter what she said, he never opened his mouth once, and she also treated him because of his cowardice. More disdainful.

It was only when he saw Meng Shi again in Soochow, Xu Bingqing discovered that the aura of the silent young man had actually changed. These days, when he was doing some things in Beihan Pavilion, he often contradicted her. Before that, he was on the island When grabbing the token, Meng Shi also took the lead, without any scruples about Beihan Pavilion, and snatched the token before everyone else.

"Are you too courageous to ascend to the Divine Dance Realm?" Xu Bingqing sneered, "Dissatisfied with saying you are a pariah? What did I say wrong?"

"I'm not interested in what you said," Meng Shi said lightly. "The woman you mentioned is also not interested in what you said. Please don't embarrass yourself here."

"You!" Xu Bingqing's eyes widened. Unexpectedly, the originally low-key Meng Shi seemed to be a different person. She was about to speak, but suddenly there was a commotion around her.

The crowded crowd suddenly separated, Tuoba Xun raised his head, felt the breath in the distance and smiled.

No wonder Meng Shi would say that.

He really convinced her.

Walking out of the crowd were Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue who were on the cusp of the storm, two people appeared, but only one person walked.

Ji Jiashu walked out of No. [-] test house with Ying Baoyue on his back, Ying Baoyue was lying on his shoulder, breathing peacefully, still sleeping.

I slept quite soundly.

"This this……"

"Mr. Chunhua, why..."

Hearing the dumbfounded voices of other people around him, Tuoba Xun silently touched the white silk on his eyes.

Although he couldn't see this scene, it is estimated that this scene blinded many people.

No matter how many strange eyes there were around, Ji Jiashu just walked out of the examination room steadily with Ying Baoyue on his back, and walked all the way to the entrance of Hanshan Academy along the path separated by everyone.

Li Ji, Zhao Guang and other people who came out first were waiting here. Seeing this scene, the corners of the teenagers' mouths twitched slightly.

"What's going on?" Chen Zichu covered his eyes that were about to go blind, "She still hasn't woken up after the exam?"

"Well," Ji Jiashu nodded, and looked up at Li Ji behind Zhao Guang.

"What did you feed her last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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