Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1042 Giants

Chapter 1042 Giants
Giants of the North.

The teenagers around Ying Baoyue gasped when they heard this name.

A giant is a real giant, and this name is not so exaggerated. Ying Baoyue looked at the strong man with big arms and round waist walking behind Chunyuye, feeling only absurd in his heart.

She must have gone to the wrong set...

Didn't you say it was wrestling?
She is not participating in sumo wrestling!
However, that northern giant didn't look as chubby as the sumo wrestler she had seen on TV back then, but more muscular and strong, but not mentioning his figure, his height was outrageous.

You must know that in the Shanhai Continent, a height of eight feet is a strong man who can be famous far and near. How much is eight feet?
Converted into meters, Bachi is 1.8 meters four.

"So that's the northern giant..." Zhao Guang looked at the big man in the distance, feeling sorry for him, "It turns out that the ten-foot-tall man really exists..."

As the controller of Soochow's intelligence network, of course he had heard of the existence of this northern giant. It was rumored that he was ten feet tall and extremely powerful.

But he always thought that those Xirong people were bragging. The height of northern practitioners was indeed slightly higher than that of southern practitioners, but generally at most one head taller. It was not until today when he saw it with his own eyes that he realized that the rumors were true.

Very good, ten feet, about two meters three.

Ying Baoyue knew the exact height of this northern giant from Zhao Guang's soliloquy.

She was more surprised by another thing than being surprised by this person's height.

"Why didn't such a tall practitioner appear in the first round of water battle at the Great Court Meeting?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the other teenagers around were a little strange.

This person was as tall as a lighthouse, once he appeared in the crowd, it was hard not to notice him.

But since the beginning of the middle-level ceremony, none of them have discovered that there is such a character in Xirong's team.

"He didn't show up at the Great Court Meeting," Murong Feilan said in a deep voice, "It should be that the people of Xirong didn't let him show up on purpose, but the water battle..."

"He participated in the water battle," a calm male voice suddenly came from outside.

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at Li Ji who spoke, "When?"

"Look at his face," Li Ji said calmly, "During the water battle, he stood in the second row from the outside and the third from the bottom."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback when she heard the words, looking at the face behind Chunyu Ye in the distance, she did feel a little familiar.

"It's the bone shrinking skill," Li Ji said, "the evil skill from Xirong can only last for a quarter of an hour, so it's not too against the law of heaven."

"Only for a quarter of an hour?" Chen Zichu was stunned, "Then how can he..."

"Don't forget what we competed in the first round," Li Ji said, "He only stood outside the water for a quarter of an hour."

Ying Baoyue's pupils narrowed slightly, and she immediately understood all the joints.

The reason why this giant was able to take advantage of this loophole was precisely because the first round was a water battle. In the sea, who can tell how tall he is?

Shrinking his bones on the shore and letting go underwater, most of the time when he arrived on the island, everyone was trapped in an illusion, so it was naturally difficult to find out what was wrong with him.

As for yesterday's art of war exam, like most Xirong people, this person gave up at the beginning.

This is how Xi Rong hid this secret weapon until this moment.

Compared with this northern giant, the other cultivators around him were immediately set off as small chickens.

"Hi! Isn't it the high point!" The atmosphere in the team was a little downcast for a while, but Zhao Guang broke the silence with a dry laugh, "The last thing in wrestling is skill!"

There is some truth to this statement, but Ying Baoyue also knows that this is a forcible pull, after all, it is not a kilogram class at all. If this is really modern wrestling or sumo wrestling, they will not be able to meet such an opponent at all.

"But it seems that Xirong is just such a ruthless person," Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, "The time is coming, let's hurry over, after all..."

After all, the game is a lottery system, and not everyone will meet the northern giant.

Everyone nodded, and walked to the high platform where the examiners were in the distance. The high platform was located between the racecourse and the wrestling field. There was a big clock on the platform, which happened to be rung at this time.

Practitioners from all directions gathered in the audience after checking their identities.

As soon as people gathered, those naked northern practitioners suddenly became more conspicuous, and they were clearly distinguished from the tightly wrapped southern practitioners.

Looking at those people, there was contempt in the eyes of some nobles from aristocratic families, but awe and fear appeared in the eyes of more ordinary practitioners.

"Wait, Xu Bingqing doesn't seem to be here," Chen Zichu looked around before reaching the audience, and suddenly said.

"I don't seem to be here..." Ji Jiashu also noticed that the practitioners of Hou Liao and Xi Rong in the Northern Wei Dynasty were the focus of attention in the field at this time. Among the disciples, there was no sign of the woman.

"Mr. Chunhua doesn't know yet?" At this moment, a practitioner suddenly came over and gave Ying Baoyue a disdainful look, "The saint feels that wrestling with men is detrimental to her boudoir reputation, and she announced yesterday that she will not participate in the wrestling battle." It's all over the city."

Harmful to boudoir reputation?

Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and the others had subtle expressions when they heard this. Wrestling requires physical contact. Whether it is a woman who is out of the court or not, it looks like she is hugging a man. To make a big splash about it always feels like you're targeting someone.

Sure enough, all the practitioners around noticed Ying Baoyue next to Ji Jiashu, and started whispering.

"Isn't it? The former Qin Princess is really here?"

"A woman wants to cuddle with a man in the mud later, tsk, I really don't know how to behave..."

"Sure enough, she doesn't have the icy innocence of a saint, she doesn't even want face in order to win..."

"Mr. Chunhua is right next to him. He actually let his fiancée come to participate in the men's wrestling. How could he bear it? It can't be that everyone is playing their own way..."

Ji Jiashu was furious when he heard that, seeing someone mentioned that he was holding the sword hilt when Ying Baoyue was mentioned, he grabbed her hand first, "Wait, let me..."

Before he could finish his words, screams suddenly rang out from the crowd.

The man who was talking the loudest before suddenly fell to the ground and rolled on the sand, with a dent on his forehead, which looked like he was hit by a sword scabbard.

"You... the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

A short boy passed by him and glanced at the man on the ground with an expression as cold as ice.

"The mouth is so unclean," Meng Shi said lightly, "How about I kill you in the next game?"

"You!" The man suddenly got up and punched Meng Shi, but Meng Shi grabbed his hand and took a step back. The next moment, he turned around and pushed his shoulder up, accompanied by a sound With the creaking sound of dislocated joints, the man was thrown to the ground by her, and fell completely.

The man's screams sounded again from the crowd, but more practitioners around looked at Meng Shi dumbfounded.

It's because this man is two heads taller than Meng Shi, but Meng Shi didn't use any real energy just now.

This is wrestling at its purest.

Ying Baoyue watched this scene.

The wrestling technique of this skinny practitioner is proficient.

 Meng Shi is really becoming more and more queen

(End of this chapter)

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