Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1044 One Throw

Chapter 1044


Ying Baoyue was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with menstruation?"

Meng Shi didn't answer, but just looked at her quietly. In this silence, Ying Baoyue's eyes widened slightly.


"More than half a month ago." Meng Shi smiled.

The menstrual event half a month ago can be said to be just right, no matter how you say it, it will not affect her participation in the middle-level ceremony now, there is no need to specifically mention it, unless...

"You," Ying Baoyue looked at her fixedly, "is this your first time?"

Meng Shi looked down at his flat chest, raised his head and smiled slightly at Ying Baoyue, "Yes."

Ying Baoyue's eyes froze. If she remembered correctly, Meng Shi was 17 years old this year.

Even if the nutritional level is not enough today, women in this world will have menstruation when they are 15 years old at the latest.

Ying Baoyue can probably guess why Meng Shi's menstruation was delayed.

Meng Shi was able to disguise herself as a man so seamlessly because she used drugs to change her sexual characteristics, such as her hoarse voice.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, she should have thought earlier, since this drug can change female characteristics, it is impossible for it to have no effect on the woman's body.

"Are you still taking that medicine?" She stared quietly at Meng Shi, "I told you long ago that medicine hurts your body."

"I've been taking it for many years, and I can't stop at this time," Meng Shi said lightly, "but here lies the problem. I didn't stop taking the medicine, but just half a month ago, I had my period."

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback when she heard the words. That's right, if the drug really has the effect of delaying the development of female characteristics, then it is impossible for Meng Shi to suddenly have menstruation without stopping the drug.

Thinking of Meng Shi's recent abnormality, Ying Baoyue stared into her eyes, "What's wrong?"

Meng Shi took a deep breath and sighed softly, "My body has begun to develop."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, Meng Shi raised his head and looked at her, "I'm still taking the medicine, but I can't control my body anymore."

She even increased the dose, only to find that the drug could no longer suppress her body's development.

"This is because..." Ying Baoyue paused, and asked softly, "Is it because of breaking the realm?"

Meng Shi's eyes deepened, "You are indeed very powerful, I only realized it after thinking about it for three days."


Ying Baoyue stared at the young practitioner of the Divine Dance Realm in front of him.

"When I first took this medicine, Master told me that time is limited," Meng Shi said calmly, as if talking about other people's affairs, "but Master said that as long as you persist in taking the medicine, you can at least last until you are 20 years old."

She can pretend to be a man until she is 20 years old.

"If you really take this medicine until you are 20 years old, you will be infertile for life." Ying Baoyue looked into the girl's eyes and said calmly, "Who prescribed the medicine for you?"

"Don't blame my master, he told me about this result," Meng Shi smiled softly, "I chose this path myself."

Only then can she continue to be a practitioner.

"Did you know?" Meng Shi said, "There were two older sisters who went up the mountain with me to learn the teacher."

Ying Baoyue was slightly suffocated upon hearing this, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Back then, the Juggernaut released the news that he wanted to accept disciples, and said that no distinction is made between high and low, as long as he is above tenth rank, even slaves can be apprentices and become his personal disciples."

This is rare in the practice world of the Northern Wei Dynasty. You must know that even in the Beihan Pavilion, the inner disciples never accept civilians, at best they run errands in the outer sect, let alone become direct disciples who enter the hall.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. Those two sisters and I pooled enough travel expenses together, and entrusted Meng Ge to the mother of one of the sisters. We secretly dressed up as men, and went up the mountain with other male cultivators to find the legend. the Juggernaut,"

Meng Shi narrated calmly, like a bystander.

"But even though we smeared black ash on our faces, we were still discovered when we walked halfway up the mountain."

Practitioners have sharp ears and eyes, and are better at detecting people's aura. Among the young people who want to learn from the sword master, there are many masters, who have noticed the identity of their women and publicized them.

They were hunted down wildly.

"I escaped by relying on my sword skills. I fled all the way to the mountains until I met Master." Meng Shi said quietly.

"What about them?" Ying Baoyue asked firmly.

"Only I escaped," Meng Shi said, "They were taken away."

Pulled away covered in blood.

"Where did it go?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"Ninggu Pagoda." Meng Shi said quietly, looking at her, "You should be familiar with this place."

It is against the law of heaven to kill a practitioner who is not a threat to him, and it is precisely because of this that Ninggu Pagoda exists.

Because of the fear of heaven, female cultivators who were regarded as ominous could not be collectively executed. The royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty commissioned Beihan Pavilion to build Ninggu Pagoda, and imprisoned female cultivators all over the world, waiting for them to die of old age naturally.

"Ning Gu Pagoda." Ying Baoyue paused and chuckled, "I almost went in."

"There are a total of eight heavenly guards in Ninggu Pagoda, and even my master can't save people from them," Meng Shi said, "Depending on the difference in the realm of the female cultivators sent in, the whistleblower and the confiscator can get different amounts of rewards. "

"Oh?" Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Then how much am I worth?"

"You are fine," Meng Shi said lightly, "Mine is more valuable."

Practitioners in the Divine Dance Realm can already be called rare, and it can be regarded as a watershed for rewards.

"If my identity is exposed, it will probably be worth tens of thousands of taels of silver if I send it to Ninggu Pagoda." Meng Shi said lightly, "It doesn't matter whether it is life or death."

There is another advantage for female cultivators at the Divine Dance Realm and above, that is, regardless of life or death, they can receive silver rewards in Ninggu Pagoda. Because the number of rank five is rare, the practice community believes that killing one or two will not affect them. God, after all, ordinary practitioners in the Divine Dance Realm have blood on their hands.

You must know that nowadays silver is scarce and prices are soaring. A slave in the market is no more than ten taels of silver, and ten thousand taels of silver is already more than the silver reward for fugitives wanted by all vicious murderers and fugitives.

If she is exposed, I am afraid that even Tianjie, who is short of money, will plan to hunt her down. Although Tianjie cannot attack Dijie at will, killing people does not have to be done personally.

But now if she is exposed, the first thing she will face is the crime of deceiving the emperor, and rewarding money is a trivial matter.

"It's crazy," Ying Baoyue commented lightly, "But since it's so dangerous, why do you want to advance?"

If she guessed correctly, Meng Shi's physical development has something to do with her ascending to the fifth rank.

Level [-], as a watershed in the realm of practice, would have changed the body structure of the practitioner. I am afraid that because of the increase in Mengshi's realm, Tiandao discovered the unreasonable things in her body, and mere medicine could no longer suppress her body.

"I didn't expect to be able to advance to the fifth level at first," Meng Shi said with a wry smile, "I just wanted to participate in the middle level ceremony."

High-level ceremonies are not common, and middle-level ceremonies are already the grandest stage, and it is the stage where she wants to realize her dream.

"You shouldn't have entered the fifth stage in Soochow." Ying Baoyue looked at her fixedly, "at least you should wait until you return to your master."

Although she didn't know who Meng Shi's master was, the sword master apprentice didn't care about status or gender, and even helped his apprentice commit the crime of deceiving the emperor. He was considered a strange person in this world.

Such a person might be able to protect Meng Shi.

Just like her master, even though the whole practice world hunted her down, her master still protected her at all costs.

"I didn't plan to advance at the beginning," Meng Shi said lightly, "but I heard the news before."

The lottery set up by the mountain ghost has a fatal attraction for her.

"I must get the leader," Meng Shi looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled, "But maybe, after this grand ceremony is over, Meng Shi, a practitioner, will disappear."

But she never regrets it.

 Meng Shi is really too difficult

(End of this chapter)

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