Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1047 Breakdown

Chapter 1047 Breakdown
Tick, tick, tick.

Bits of blood fell into the sand, making small pits one after another, converging into streams, and flowing to the outer red circle little by little.

The straw dyed red on the red circle became more and more bright red.


The cultivators who had been cheering and cheering outside the No. [-] field were silent at this moment, just staring blankly at the Soochow practitioner who was thrown to the ground by the Xirong people on the field.

The first pair of practitioners on the field were from Xirong and Dongwu. Although the Xirong people looked fierce, the unknown person on the stage was only slightly taller than the southern practitioners. The realm is similar, no one thought that this wrestling would end so soon.

And it ended so badly.

"What's going on? It's just that there is so much blood in wrestling?"

"Wait, this person is a disciple of the headmaster of Hanshan Academy!"

"Who is this Xirong man? A noble from Xirong?"

Everyone around couldn't react at this time, including the examiner who was acting as the referee next to him. Amidst the panic, a girl's soft shout sounded.

"Master Examiner, quickly pass the judgment! Let the medical officer save this person, this person's ribs are broken and his spleen is bleeding, and he will die in a quarter of an hour!"

"Oh, oh," the stunned young examiner finally came to his senses, because the No. [-] wrestling field was ranked last, and the experienced examiners all allocated it to the previous wrestling fields. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. With bright red eyes everywhere, he subconsciously thought that standing on the sand had made a foul for the Xirong people.

"Xirong Juqumi! You can't kick or hit in wrestling..."

The examiner was stunned, and kept replaying the scene of the two wrestling just now in his mind, but couldn't find any flaws.

The Xirong man standing shirtless on the sand showed a contemptuous smile and muttered a series of words.

"What do you mean?" Chen Zichu's temples twitched.

"He said he just made one move, and there was no foul at all. It's because the Central Plains people are too weak." Ying Baoyue said flatly.

The six countries in the Great Wall have always preached that they should be prepared for danger in times of peace, and Xirong language is taught in all major academies, but not all practitioners have the patience to learn it. , all the young men can guess what he meant quite well.

Then he was furious.

The only person unable to get angry was the Soochow practitioner lying on the ground dying.

"In the first match, Xirong Juqu won!"

And the examiner standing in the wrestling ring couldn't find out the problem of the wrestling just now, so he swung his hand down and had to announce the result of the competition.

The practitioner who was lying on the ground was carried onto a stretcher by the hurried medical officer.

Ju Qumi gave a smug laugh, and actually stretched out her foot over the Soochow practitioner on the stretcher and walked out of the wrestling ring.

The other practitioners around looked at him with resentment and fear.

"You bastard!" Chen Zichu jumped up suddenly, but was held back by the girl beside him.

"What?" He stared sideways at Ying Baoyue, "You also think he didn't foul?!"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, Chen Zichu's eyes lit up, but she only heard her say quietly, "He took advantage of the loophole in the rules."

Not only Chen Zichu, Jiang Yuanyuan and He Lancheng around were also stunned.

"You are not allowed to grab the opponent below the waist, you are not allowed to pull the opponent's hair or ears, and you are not allowed to twist, hit, kick, or kick the opponent," Ying Baoyue repeated the rules lightly, and at the same time raised his elbow, "Just now Mi grabbed the Soochow man by the waist and knocked him over to the ground, but when he threw the man, he hugged the man with his backhand, and his elbow was between the spleen and ribs of the man."

This is an extremely vicious angle.

"When Ju Qumi was hugging and throwing, he used his elbow to press the two positions of this person at the same time."

The elbow is one of the strongest parts of the human body. In addition, Ju Qumi shot from a sharp angle. He used all his strength to put it on it, which directly broke the opponent's ribs and caused a massive internal bleeding.

If the person just now was not a practitioner of the sixth rank, this injury was enough to kill him on the spot.

Chen Zichu and the others were also experienced in many battles, and they understood what Ying Baoyue said. They were very angry, but they couldn't do anything about the Xirong people. It can also be said that he is just hugging and smashing his opponent.

What's more, none of them expected such a vicious way of wrestling.

"Okay!" Chen Zichu gritted his teeth, "Next time I meet a Xirong person, I will do the same!"

"Are you sure you can do it?" Ying Baoyue said quietly, "I don't remember you falling with your backhand."

If this angle is not strong enough and after enough training, it will only be caught by the opponent because the forehand is not fast enough.

"I didn't take you guys to practice this before," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

This is not something that can be practiced in three days, and the method of hitting the opponent's vulnerable position with the elbow must have a sufficiently vicious heart and skill, this move is too sinister.

Xirong advocates killing and respecting the strong. In times of famine, the young and old will be left to starve to death. Wrestling has to be divided into life and death, so this kind of technique was born.

"Don't panic," Jiang Yuanyuan patted Chen Zichu's shoulder, "This is the first match. Maybe it's because this Soochow cultivator is not strong enough."

There were also voices of other practitioners who lacked confidence around them.

"It's a little unlucky to see blood at the beginning..."

"The lottery is random. Maybe the strong in Xirong met the weak in Soochow? Generally, there won't be such a big gap between the sixth ranks!"

"Yeah, Juqu... This man sounds like a noble from Xirong, maybe he is good at wrestling!"

Many Central Plains cultivators around forced a smile on their face, comforting each other like this at this time.

But reality quickly hit them in the face.

There were screams one after another in the eight wrestling arenas, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

The practitioners who were the first to finish the competition and have already lost miserably also began to hang out with each other.

"Brother Zhou? Why are you here? Judging by your appearance, you haven't fallen yet?"

"Hi! Don't mention it, I was unlucky to be assigned to the No. [-] field, and I also drew the northern giant. I gave up before the game."

"This..." The person who asked the question showed a trace of disdain, "You should compare it anyway."

"Don't stand and talk without pain in your back! The people of Xirong are too ruthless. Just now a man from Nanchu almost broke his neck when he was turned upside down. Deputy examiner Qian invited Dongfang Guoshi to save him!"

"As long as you fight Xirong, there are no bones that don't bleed continuously, and the medical officers are no longer enough!"

There was the crackling sound of bones breaking in the air, and the wrestling field was filled with the bloody smell that could not be blown away by the wind. There were streaks of blood on the body of the naked Xirong cultivator, and even some perverts used their tongues to lick the bloodstains Showing a satisfied smile, all the people in the Central Plains turned pale.

From the Great Court Meeting to the first round of water battles, and then to the second round of military tactics, until this moment, the young practitioners of the six countries in the Central Plains finally realized that behind the smiles of Chunyuye and Helianyan, the reason behind the notoriety of the Xirong people The real origin.

(End of this chapter)

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